The Philo Vance Megapack. S.S. Van Dine

The Philo Vance Megapack - S.S. Van Dine

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hand—a regular soiree, y’ know.… Then again, checking up on all these people will supply the desolate sergeant with something to take his mind off his sorrows.”

      Markham knew, as well as I, that Vance would not have made a suggestion of this kind unless actuated by some serious motive; and for several moments he studied the other’s face intently, as if trying to read his reason for this unexpected request.

      “Who, specifically,” he asked, “is included in your ‘everyone’?” He took up his pencil and held it poised above a sheet of paper.

      “No one is to be left out,” replied Vance. “Put down Miss St. Clair—Captain Leacock—the Major—Pfyfe—Miss Hoffman—”

      “Miss Hoffman!”

      “Everyone!… Have you Miss Hoffman? Now jot down Colonel Ostrander—”

      “Look here!” cut in Markham.

      “—and I may have one or two others for you later. But that will do nicely for a beginning.”

      Before Markham could protest further, Swacker came in to say that Heath was waiting outside.

      “What about our friend Leacock, sir?” was the sergeant’s first question.

      “I’m holding that up for a day or so,” explained Markham. “I want to have another talk with Pfyfe before I do anything definite.” And he told Heath about the visit of Major Benson and Miss Hoffman.

      Heath inspected the envelope and its enclosures and then handed them back.

      “I don’t see anything in that,” he said. “It looks to me like a private deal between Benson and this fellow Pfyfe. Leacock’s our man; and the sooner I get him locked up, the better I’ll feel.”

      “That may be tomorrow,” Markham encouraged him. “So don’t feel downcast over this little delay.… You’re keeping the captain under surveillance, aren’t you?”

      “I’ll say so,” grinned Heath.

      Vance turned to Markham. “What about that list of names you made out for the sergeant?” he asked ingenuously. “I understood you to say something about alibis.”

      Markham hesitated, frowning. Then he handed Heath the paper containing the names Vance had called off to him. “As a matter of caution, Sergeant,” he said morosely, “I wish you’d get me the alibis of all these people on the night of the murder. It may bring something contributory to light. Verify those you already know, such as Pfyfe’s; and let me have the reports as soon as you can.”

      When Heath had gone, Markham turned a look of angry exasperation upon Vance.

      “Of all the confounded troublemakers—” he began.

      But Vance interrupted him blandly.

      “Such ingratitude! If only you knew it, Markham, I’m your tutelary genius, your deus ex machina, your fairy godmother.”

      CHAPTER 16


      (Tuesday, June 18; afternoon.)

      An hour later Phelps, the operative Markham had sent to 94 Riverside Drive, came in radiating satisfaction.

      “I think I’ve got what you want, Chief.” His raucous voice was covertly triumphant. “I went up to the St. Clair woman’s apartment and rang the bell. She came to the door herself, and I stepped into the hall and put my questions to her. She sure refused to answer. When I let on I knew the package contained the gun Benson was shot with, she just laughed and jerked the door open. ‘Leave this apartment, you vile creature,’ she says to me.”

      He grinned.

      “I hurried downstairs, and I hadn’t any more than got to the switchboard when her signal flashed. I let the boy get the number and then I stood him to one side and listened in.… She was talking to Leacock, and her first words were: ‘They know you took the pistol from here yesterday and threw it in the river.’ That must’ve knocked him out, for he didn’t say anything for a long time. Then he answered, perfectly calm and kinda sweet: ‘Don’t worry, Muriel; and don’t say a word to anybody for the rest of the day. I’ll fix everything in the morning.’ He made her promise to keep quiet until tomorrow, and then he said good-bye.”

      Markham sat awhile digesting the story.

      “What impression did you get from the conversation?”

      “If you ask me, Chief,” said the detective, “I’d lay ten to one that Leacock’s guilty and the girl knows it.”

      Markham thanked him and let him go.

      “This sub-Potomac chivalry,” commented Vance, “is a frightful nuisance.… But aren’t we about due to hold polite converse with the genteel Leander?”

      Almost as he spoke the man was announced. He entered the room with his habitual urbanity of manner, but for all his suavity, he could not wholly disguise his uneasiness of mind.

      “Sit down, Mr. Pfyfe,” directed Markham brusquely. “It seems you have a little more explaining to do.”

      Taking out the manilla envelope, he laid its contents on the desk where the other could see them.

      “Will you be so good as to tell me about these?”

      “With the greatest pleasure,” said Pfyfe; but his voice had lost its assurance. Some of his poise, too, had deserted him, and as he paused to light a cigarette I detected a slight nervousness in the way he manipulated his gold match safe.

      “I really should have mentioned these before,” he confessed, indicating the papers with a delicately inconsequential wave of the hand.

      He leaned forward on one elbow, taking a confidential attitude, and as he talked, the cigarette bobbed up and down between his lips.

      “It pains me deeply to go into this matter,” he began; “but since it is in the interests of truth, I shall not complain.… My—ah—domestic arrangements are not all that one could desire. My wife’s father has, curiously enough, taken a most unreasonable dislike to me; and it pleases him to deprive me of all but the meagerest financial assistance, although it is really my wife’s money that he refuses to give me. A few months ago I made use of certain funds—ten thousand dollars, to be exact—which, I learned later, had not been intended for me. When my father-in-law discovered my error, it was necessary for me to return the full amount to avoid a misunderstanding between Mrs. Pfyfe and myself—a misunderstanding which might have caused my wife great unhappiness. I regret to say, I used Alvin’s name on a check. But I explained it to him at once, you understand, offering him the note and this little confession as evidence of my good faith.… And that is all, Mr. Markham.”

      “Was that what your quarrel with him last week was about?”

      Pfyfe gave him a look of querulous surprise. “Ah, you heard of our little contretemps?… Yes—we had a slight disagreement as to the—shall I say terms of the transaction?”

      “Did Benson insist that the note be paid when due?”

      “No—not exactly.” Pfyfe’s manner became unctuous. “I beg of you, sir, not to press me as to my little chat with Alvin. It was, I assure you, quite irrelevant to the present situation. Indeed, it was of a most personal and private nature.” He smiled confidingly. “I will admit, however, that I went to Alvin’s house the night he was shot, intending to speak to him about the check; but, as you already know, I found the house dark and spent the night in a Turkish bath.”

      “Parden me, Mr. Pfyfe”—it was Vance who spoke—“but did Mr. Benson take your note without security?”

      “Of course!” Pfyfe’s tone was a rebuke. “Alvin and I, as I have explained, were the closest friends.”

      “But even a friend, don’t y’ know,” Vance submitted, “might ask for security on such a large

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