Five-star seduction. Louise Make
he could kiss her if he just lowered his head.
You’re doing yourself no favours by staring at his lips again!
She quickly snapped her eyes away from the man’s sensual mouth and met his eyes. But it was too late. He must have noticed her look because his gaze had now lowered to her lips. In the next moment his face lowered to hers.
The touch of his kiss seared her from the moment they connected. He was tender at first, as if gauging her reaction. Then her soft sigh stole away his control and he groaned as he deepened the kiss to an intimacy Langa wasn’t expecting.
He pulled her tightly against his chest. His tongue came out to caress her lips and she found herself responding instinctively. Her mouth opened and her own tongue met his so that she could taste him.
His arms tightened around her and she felt large hands splay out possessively against her back. One hand trailed forward and up her throat and she remembered a song she’d once heard about slow hands. She moaned in sudden understanding.
He held her just below her jaw and tilted her head in order to give himself better access to her elegant neck. When his lips touched her there warmth rose all over her skin. His tongue stroked at the pulse racing beneath his lips and she held onto his broad shoulders as she was hit by an ecstatic vertigo.
She felt his hand lazily trailing down her chest, exploring the flesh her dress left bare. He slipped his hand easily under the silk and lightly tickled across her ribcage before cupping her breast demandingly. Langa gasped involuntarily.
She caressed his muscular chest, his shoulders, his jaw. Their kiss made her want things she’d never given much thought to in all her years of dating. She wanted to undress him and get to know his body. She wanted him to wrap her in his protective arms and hold her until the sun rose. She wanted to kiss him forever.
A small cry escaped her when he roughly swept her dress aside and exposed her breast to the night air. The chill of the breeze didn’t set in though, because he lowered his hot mouth and tasted her tight peak.
The blinding inferno was too much. Langa lost herself. Her world spun and all she could do was cling to this man who seemed to know her body better than she did. In a matter of moments he had revealed to her a passion she had never known herself to possess. She cried out again as his tongue stroked her.
“Hush, honey. Unless having an audience is your thing. Though I don’t imagine the other guests are prepared for this sort of show.”
It wasn’t so much his words that were the splash of cold water to her fervour. It was the amusement in his tone. And the realisation that he had been in control the entire time, the whole time that she had let herself go to the point of forgetting where they were. His kisses and his touch had been all that mattered to her.
Langa pulled away in horror. How could she have allowed this?
“No, don’t stop now, honey. I need to be with you.”
The depths that those simple words touched within her frightened Langa more than anything else ever had. Without a second thought she wrenched free from his embrace and righted her dress. His surprised expression was the last thing she saw before running inside to tell Ben to take her home.
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