Mysteries of the Supernatural. Darrin W. Owens

Mysteries of the Supernatural - Darrin W. Owens

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the temperature drop in the room. Suddenly, a chilly breeze encircled everyone, and I gave the nod for Carol to close the circle. She did, and we had him.

      As some of you know from my last work, I don’t encourage mediumship or spirit contact. Let me clarify this statement. Picture an ordinary man walking into a mental hospital and trying to diagnose and treat mental cases. It’s the same thing in this situation. If you are trained, well versed in the supernatural, and have a high psychic clarity of discernment, then you can work this kind of ritual, but in most cases it is not advisable. Most people see mediumship and spirit contact butchered and commercialized on television shows, and there is no respect as a result. If you don’t have any respect for the spirit world and the supernatural, you are going to be burned.

      When I go into trance, it’s as though my consciousness of Darrin sits off in a corner of my mind and watches everything that’s happening. I told the Creator that if I were to do this work, I wanted to be conscious of everything. I did not want any part of blacking out or not remembering who started chatting through my vocal cords. I also chose to relay the messages I receive from a spirit without having my body taken over by that spirit. Yeah, I have my boundaries, even with the spirits!

      I began to feel myself go under, and I stepped through the veil into the realm in which this vengeful spirit was residing. It was dark, it was creepy, and he was very angry! In my mind, I saw the two of us in a room. It was the living room where the circle was gathered, but only he and I were present. The spirit was a young man in his early twenties. He wore jeans and a red and black checkered shirt.

      “Why are you here?” The spirit shouted. (I made sure to vocalize everything for the team on the other side.)

      “I’m here to help you,” I said calmly.

      “He took her from me!”

      “Who?” I said.

      “Roger, the (bleep) son of a (bleep) took her away. I want him dead. I want him dead!” (Roger was my client.)

      “First of all, who are you?” I asked. Still calm.

      “Bobbie, my name is Bobbie, and why am I here?” He began to cry uncontrollably.

      When I repeated the name Bobbie, I could hear the couple gasp from the other side.

      “I trusted him, and he took her away from me.”

      “Okay, let’s talk about you,” I said. “What happened; do you remember anything? What’s the last thing you remember?”

      The first thing to do with any lost souls is to try to bring back some awareness by pulling them out of their fog. Bobbie stopped crying and became very still, just staring into the darkness.

      “I remember a loud noise; it hurt my ear.” Bobbie pointed to the right side of his head.

      He turned to look at me, and suddenly I began to feel the right side of my face become numb. Carol reported later from the other side that my face actually looked as if I had had a stroke. My face began to droop, and even though it freaked her out, she knew to keep the energy moving without doing anything until I gave a signal.

      From the other side of the veil, I could feel my head pounding and I could not talk.

      I saw Bobbie coming closer and closer to me, and he started trying to take me over. Hell, no! The vengeful spirit was trying to merge with my energy. I managed to give a finger signal, and Carol began a prayer of protection and exorcism. Bobbie was not going to cooperate, and within the darkness of the other side, I saw a wolf jumping from that darkness toward Bobbie. The spirit freaked and fell to his knees. The wolf stood between the spirit and me. This was an odd occurrence even for me, but it was all happening.

      The wolf turned to me as if to say, “Go back to the other side; I got this.”

      Then, immediately, I popped out of the trance in a cold sweat. I opened my eyes to a very blurry vision of the couple holding each other and crying. Carol was frozen, still repeating the prayer.

      “Okay, okay,” I said, “enough of the dramatics. It’s all good.” I stood up and went outside, or I tried to. I was wiped. I motioned for the gang to follow me, and I sat on the steps of the porch. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Don’t judge me here, dear reader; they are organic, and I enjoy smoking.

      “Okay, kids,” I said. “So Bobbie shoots himself and has a vendetta against you, Roger. And you, the little woman, used to be Bobbie’s girlfriend.”

      All were in agreement, and the entire story came out. Roger and Bobbie had been childhood pals. The previous year after breaking up with his girlfriend, Bobbie, who had some significant emotional problems, killed himself. He shot himself on the right side of the head. Sadly, it did not kill him. He was still conscious. He tried to walk out of the house but unfortunately tripped and fell down the ravine behind his home into the creek below. He died face down in the water—a very tragic death. A few months afterward, Roger and Bobbie’s girlfriend began a strong friendship, which later turned into marriage. It was not long after their wedding that the couple moved into their own cabin, which was a few miles away from where the tragedy had happened. They began to notice a few incidents like cold spots and the oil lamps dimming more than usual. It was not until a few of their friends came over for a Halloween party that things grew a bit more active. A guest brought over a spirit board. Messing with a spirit board will manifest two actions, spirit contact and spirit release. The damned boards are so unpredictable that I tell folks to burn them. Unfortunately for the couple, a spirit release occurred. The board opened the door between realms even wider to permit Bobbie’s enraged soul to come through and wreak his vengeance.

      After hearing the story, of course I scolded the couple and reminded them that this entire night was about having respect for the dead and not “playing in the fields of the Lord” when you don’t know the rules. When I told them about the wolf appearing, Roger was amazed. He clarified that once when they were kids playing in the woods, a wolf had appeared and chased them. They were not harmed as they made it back to their own property and safely into Bobbie’s home, but it freaked the kid out. Bobbie never really conquered his fear of wolves or even dogs. I knew in my heart that a protector and guardian manifested as a wolf in order to restrain Bobbie’s spirit. The spiritual support that we have within our grasp is incredible. The guardian relayed that Bobbie’s spirit was bound and taken to a place called “sanctuary” in the spirit realm. You will learn about this particular subject later in the book.

      After I recovered my wits and found my footing, I re-entered to check the house thoroughly. It was free and clear. The couple has never had a problem since that night. With any soul that I’m trying to help, at times there is success, and at other times, the situation has to be surrendered to the Creator. Some spirits choose to remain in their chaos and misery. No matter what, they will always be given a chance to recover and heal in the fullness of time.

      Demonic spirits are another ball game compared to vengeful spirits. Demonic spirits are concentrated evil, void of all awareness of light or the Creator’s grace. Dark souls are human spirits that have become demonized. A human soul can mutate close to a demonic spirit if it chooses to do so. Serial killers and souls that have lived very evil lives can leave their bodies and become demonic. Demons are spirits that have been around since the early days of creation. Through the years, many stories have filtered through civilizations about just exactly what a demon is. Some scholars state that demons are Satan’s angels who left heaven with him to become a legion of chaos and tempters. With the purpose to drive a wedge between God and man, they are a legion of rebellion. They are considered to be fallen angels, unclean spirits, or lesser gods, although the word demon currently connotes an attachment to evil. Originally, it was a neutral term for any spirit who ranked below a deity.

      Demons have opposed a number of significant spiritual masters from world religions such as the Hindu gods, Buddha, Jesus, and even the Source—the Creator. It is believed universally that only faith in divine love can overcome these creatures. I have found that belief to be true in my own work with exorcism and banishing rituals.

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