Angels, Fairies, Demons, and the Elementals. John Van Auken
the choice really a Divine one caused the existence of states of consciousness, that would indeed tax the free will of a soul; thus light and darkness. Truly, only those tried so as by fire can enter in.
A: The only variation that we would make is that all souls in the beginning were one with the Father. The separation, or turning away, brought evil. Then there became the necessity of the awareness of self’s being out of accord with, or out of the realm of blessedness; and, as given of the Son, “yet learned he obedience through the things which he suffered.”
COME, my children! Ye no doubt have gained from the comment this day, a new initiate has spoken in or through this channel; Halaliel [?], that was with those in the beginning who warred with those that separated themselves and became as naught.
The closing line is referring to the legendary battle between the angels of rebellion, led by Lucifer, and the angels of light, led by Michael. Apparently, Halaliel was among those angels of light that warred with the separating angels, who later became known as the Fallen Angels.
The next time Halaliel is mentioned by the sleeping Cayce is on October 24, 1933, at the morning reading. This time the reading is a “research reading” dealing with the subjects of psychic phenomena, spirit-ism, and spiritualism. The reading ends very strangely again, giving a list of entities who can be of help in gaining a better understanding of these concepts, instructing the conductor (Gertrude Cayce, Edgar’s wife) to call upon these “forces” to be present for the next reading.
The forces gathered here may be used in gaining this concept. As ye seek, ask first if all these are present: Lamech, Confucius, Tamah, Halaliel, Hebe, Ra, Ra-Ta, John.
That very afternoon, at the 3 p.m. reading, Gertrude began the reading in accord with the morning suggestion.
GC (Gertrude Cayce): If the “forces” Lamech, Confucius, Tamah, Halaliel, Hebe, Ra, Ra-Ta, John are present, we seek the answer to the following question.
Gladys’ notes at the end of this reading include this statement: “Edgar Cayce said on waking that he would like to always feel surrounded by as helpful influences as he did this time.”
On January 7, 1934, the fifty-seventh Study Group reading was given, and one of those in attendance asked, “Who is Halaliel?” Here’s the answer:
One in and with whose courts Ariel fought when there was the rebellion in heaven. Now, where is heaven? Where is Ariel, and who was he? A companion of Lucifer or Satan, and one that made for the disputing of the influences in the experiences of Adam in the Garden.
Clearly, we are dealing with the legendary war of the angels. All of the angels were originally created in the image of the Creator, but through the misuse of free will, some rebelled against the cooperative spirit of Oneness. This rebellion would not be allowed; it was like a cancer in the Universal Consciousness. So, they were driven from heaven until such time that they repented of their self-seeking ways and re-attuned themselves to the Creator’s harmonious spirit of oneness. Notice that the literal meanings of their names are quite beautiful and powerful, as they were originally intended to be: Ariel means “lion of God” and Lucifer means “light giver.” The name Satan is actually from a Hebrew word that simply means “adversary.” This is why the Messiah is often called the “advocate”; he is our counter influence to the adversary.
At the end of this reading, Gladys noted that Edgar Cayce had a slightly different experience during the reading. Normally, he would go to the Hall of Records to receive the Book of Life (the records) of the individual for whom the reading was being given. This time, however, he felt that a “group activity” took place in the back of the building where he received the records. Could this have been the group of Lamech, Confucius, Tamah, Halaliel, Hebe, Ra, Ra-Ta, and John?
The very next time Halaliel is mentioned is on the 8th of January, 1934, in a reading for a female society leader and Theosophist (443). She had been asking a series of very involved questions about mysticism and spiritual truth, then she asked:
Q: How high is this source that this information is being given from?
A: From the universal forces, and as emanated through the teacher that gives same—as one that has been given—Halaliel.
A few days later, on the 19th of January, we get the first earth changes material delivered by Halaliel, or at least some portion of the reading was from Halaliel, because he says so in the midst of the reading. This whole reading is unusual. For the first time, they are using a recording instrument to record the reading. Instead of Gertrude conducting, their eldest son, Hugh Lynn Cayce was the conductor; and in his opening suggestion to Edgar, he instructs Edgar to stop every fifteen minutes so the recording device can be reloaded. Amazingly, the sleeping Edgar stops exactly every fifteen minutes throughout the reading, even if he is in mid-sentence. Here is Hugh Lynn’s opening suggestion and the sleeping Edgar’s response:
HLC (Hugh Lynn Cayce): We seek at this time such information as will be of value and interest to those present . . . regarding the spiritual, mental and physical changes which are coming to the earth. You will tell us what part we may play in meeting and helping others to understand these changes. At the end of each fifteen minute period you will pause, until I tell you to continue, while the recording instrument is being arranged. You will speak distinctly at a normal rate of speech, and you will answer the questions which we ask.
EC (Edgar Cayce): Yes; as each of you gathered here have your own individual development, yet as each seeks to be a channel of blessings to the fellow man, each attunes self to the Throne of universal information. And, there may be accorded you that which may be beneficial, not only in thine own experience, but that which will prove helpful, hopeful, in the experience of others.
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