Transforming Kolkata. Neeta Pokhrel
Neeta Pokhrel
MAY 2019
© 2019 Asian Development Bank
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ISBN 978-92-9261-400-3 (print), 978-92-9261-401-0 (electronic)
Publication Stock No. TCS189628-2
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In this publication, “$” refers to United States dollars.
ADB recognizes “Calcutta” as Kolkata.
Cover photo: A woman holds her ownership title of an apartment in one of the residential buildings (in background) built by the Kolkata Municipal Corporation through the Asian Development Bank project. (This photo and all others are by Amit Verma, unless otherwise specified.)
This publication was led, edited, and cowritten by Neeta Pokhrel, principal urban development specialist of the South Asia Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The other cowriters and contributors of this book are many, including the past project officers of ADB who were involved in implementing the first and second phases of ADB’s partnership with the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) in 2000–2013 before Neeta became the project officer. The KMC officials from the project management unit of the Kolkata Environmental Improvement Investment Program (KEIIP) guided, contributed, and helped structure the report, with support from their consultants and contractors. Project beneficiaries shared their stories generously.
We sincerely appreciate the present and past mayors of Kolkata City whose leadership and vision has made this partnership and its success possible. We also thank KMC Commissioner Khalil Ahmed for his valuable contribution to the publication.
ADB’s South Asia Department Director General Hun Kim, former Director Sekhar Bonu of South Asia Urban and Water, and Country Director Kenichi Yokoyama of the India Resident Mission provided constant guidance, directives, and support.
This publication would not have taken shape without the effort of the following writers, editors, photographers, and designers: Phillip Day, Melissa Howell Alipalo, Kate Pigott, Usha Tankha, Amit Verma, Cleone Baradas, Gino Pascua, and Judy Yñiguez. We extend our sincere appreciation to them.
Neeta Pokhrel, Principal Urban Development Specialist and team leader, Kolkata Environmental Improvement Investment Program
South Asia Urban Development and Water Division (SAUW), Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Sourav Majumder, Senior Project Officer (Urban), and co-team leader, India Resident Mission, ADB
Luca Di Mario, Urban Development Specialist, SAUW, ADB
Pramod Kumar, Project Analyst, India Resident Mission, ADB
Bebedel Fabe, Project Officer, SAUW, ADB
Cielo Añon, Operations Assistant, SAUW, ADB
Elvie Jane Fernandez, Operations Assistant, SAUW, ADB
Phillip Day
Melissa Howell Alipalo
Usha Tankha
Phillip Day
Kate Pigott
Tomoo Ueda, Principal Evaluation Specialist,
Independent Evaluation Department, ADB
Amit Verma (unless otherwise cited)
Cleone Baradas
Gino Pascua
Judy Yñiguez
Covering over 5 million permanent residents and another 6 million estimated floating population, the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) has continued to serve the citizens of Kolkata. Even though it has done a commendable job in the past, there is a lot of scope for improvement and perfection. It’s time that we start dreaming big for the city. A