Почему у женщин при социализме секс лучше. Аргументы в пользу экономической независимости. Кристен Годси
американского феминизма, создательница и президент Национальной организации женщин США. – Здесь и далее примечания переводчика, если не указано иное.
Фридан Б. Загадка женственности. – М.: Прогресс, 1993.
Norton T. Dodge, Women in the Soviet Economy: Their Role in Economic, Scientific, and Technical Development (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1966).
Кундера М. Невыносимая легкость бытия. – СПб.: Азбука-классика, 2002.
Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being (New York: Harper Perennial, 2009), 254.
International Labor Organization, “Women in Economic Activity: A Global Statistical Survey (1950–2000),” A Joint Publication of the International Labor Organization and INSTRAW, 1985.
Слова Инессы Арманд цит. в: Barbara Evans Clements, Bolshevik Feminist: The Life of Aleksandra Kollontai (Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1979), 155; Fatos Tarifa, “Disappearing from Politics (Albania),” in Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe, edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1998), 269.
Katherine Verdery, What Was Communism and What Comes Next (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996); Josie McLellan, Love in the Time of Communism: Intimacy and Sexuality in the GDR (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011). Другие источники рассматриваются в следующих главах.
Susan Gal and Gail Kligman, The Politics of Gender After Socialism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000).
Janine R. Wedel, Collision and Collusion: The Strange Case of Western Aid to Eastern Europe, 1989–1998 (New York: St. Martin’s, 1998); цит. по: Dagmar Herzog. “Post Coitum Triste Est…? Sexual Politics and Culture in Postunification Germany,” German Politics and Society 94, no. 28 (2010): 111–140; цитату о Советском Союзе приводит Даг Хенвуд в личной электронной переписке с автором от 18 августа 2017 г.
Kristen Ghodsee, “Fires,” in Red Hangover: Legacies of Twentieth-Century Communism (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2017).
Slavenka Drakulić, How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed (New York: Harper Perennial, 1993), 132; Peter Pomerantsev, Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia (New York: PublicAffairs, 2014); Justyna Pawlak, “Sex Slavery Plagues Romania and Bulgaria,” Reuters, Jan. 21, 2007, www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-candidates-trafficking/sex-slavery-plagues-romania-and-bulgaria-idUSEIC87273820061228; Krista Georgieva, “I Was Kidnapped by a Bulgarian Human Trafficking Ring,” Vice, Apr. 28, 2013, www.vice.com/en_us/article/avnb8g/human-trafficking-bulgaria-south-italy; Ana Maria Touma and Maria Cheresheva, “Modern Slavery Risk Highlighted in Bulgaria, Romania,” BalkanInsight.com, Aug. 17, 2017, www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/romania-bulgarians-at-great-risk-of-modern-slavery-experts-warn-08-16-2017.
INSCOP Research, “Barometrul,” Nov. 2013, на румынском языке: www.inscop.ro/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/INSCOP-noiembrie-ISTORIE.pdf; результаты для Польши см.: Janusz Czapiński and Tomasz Panek, editors, “Special Issue: Social Diagnosis 2011 Objective and Subjective Quality of Life in Poland Report,” Contemporary Economics: Quarterly of University of Finance and Management in Warsaw, 5, no. 3 (2011): 182, ce.vizja.pl/en/issues/volume/5/issue/3#art254; Pew Research Center, “End of Communism Cheered but Now with More Reservations,” Nov. 9, 2011, www.pewglobal.org/2009/11/02/end-of-communism-cheered-but-now-with-more-reservations; John Feffer, Aftershock: A Journey into Eastern Europe’s Broken Dreams (London: Zed, 2017).
Great Society – набор программ, предлагавшихся или принятых в США по инициативе президента Линдона Джонсона в целях построения «Великого общества», в котором не будет бедности. – Прим. ред.
Kristen Ghodsee, “A Tale of Two Totalitarianisms: The Crisis of Capitalism and the Historical Memory of Communism,” History of the Present: A Journal of Critical History 4, no. 2 (2014): 115–142; Bulgarian woman in audience, личная переписка с автором по электронной почте, 2011.
Costi Rogozanu, “Condamnarea ritualică a comunismului şi de unde începe reformarea stîngii,” December 18, 2014, voxpublica.realitatea.net/politica-societate/condamnarea-ritualica-a-comunismului-si-reformarea-reala-a-stingii-110586.html, пер. и цит.: Liviu Chelcea and Oana Druţă, “Zombie Socialism and the Rise of Neoliberalism in Post-Socialist Central and Eastern Europe,” Eurasian Geography and Economics 57, nos. 4–5 (2016): 521–544, 521.