The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema: In Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 To 1508. Ludovico di Varthema

The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema: In Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 To 1508 - Ludovico di Varthema

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      Niebuhr have followed, xlvi; abstract of his route, xlvii; returns to Aden, embarks, runs for Africa and visits Zaila and Berbera; truth of his de- scriptions, xlviii; circumstantial evidence of the season at which this voyage was made, xlix; Varthema crosses the Indian ocean to Diu in Guzerat; thence to Gogo; and thence westward to Julfar in the Per- sian Gulf, Maskat, and Hormuz, 1; notices of Hormuz and its his- tory, 1, li.

      Varthema's visit to Eri or Herat, lii; difficulty about his "large and fine

      river;" Shiraz, liii; his meeting with a Persian merchant "Cozazionor," who becomes his travelling companion; advantages of this to Varthema, liv; they start for Samarcand, but are turned back by the Sufi's perse- cution of the Shi'as; confirmation of this from history, lv,lvi; Cozazionor proposes to give Varthema his niece in marriage, lvii; they reach Honnnz and embark for India, arriving at Cheo or Jooah on the Indus; they reach Cambay, lviii; truth of particulars regarding it.

      Political state of "Western India at this period, lviii; accession to the

      throne of Guzerat of Mahmud Shah, surnamed Bigarrah, who reigned during Varthema's visit, lix; Mussulman kingdom of the Deccan, its vicissitudes and subdivision; 'Adil Shah of Bijapur, Varthema's "King of Deccan," lx; the Brahminical kingdom of Bijayanagar; Ramraj of that state, Varthema's" King of Narsinga," lxi; Rajah of Cannanore; kingdom of the Zamuri Rajah or Zamorin, lxii; history of his pre- eminence as given by the Portuguese; Quilon, lxiii; Chayl; kingdom of Bengal under the Purbi sultans.

      Varthema's account of the Jains and the Joghis, lxiv; his description of

      Sultan Mahmud's mustachioes confirmed by the Mussulman historians. Varthema's journey along the coast, inland to Bijapur and back to the coast, and so to Cannanore, lxv; his abstinence from communication with the Portuguese already established there; visit to Bijayanagar, and remarks on his notices of the coinage; return to the coast and journey along it to Calicut, lxvi; fullness, truth, and originality of his descriptions of manners and peculiarities here, of the distinctions of castes and singular marriage customs, lxvii; remarks upon these.

      Varthema and his companion quit Calicut by the Backwaters, for Kayan-

      Kulam and Colon or Quilon, lxix; thence to Chayl; position of the latter; city of Cioromandel, lxx, probably Negapatam; their visit to Ceylon; they proceed to Paleachet or Pulicat, lxxi; remarks suggested by the narrative as to the freedom of trade, and protection of foreign traders in India in those days, lxxi; many subordinate ports then fre- quented even by foreign vessels are now abandoned and have disap- peared from the maps, lxxii; causes of the greater commercial centraliza- tion of the present day, and doubts whether the improvement of access to the old intermediate ports would not have been attended by better results ; general prosperity which seems to have prevailed, and for which a much less equal distribution of property has now been substituted; impartial administration of justice in old India; the comparative costli- ness and tardiness of our system; humorous story in illustration related by an Arab merchant, lxxiv.

      Sketch of the political geography of the Transgangetic Peninsula, lxxvi;

      Pegu, Siam, Ava, and Toungoo; the various kingdoms of Sumatra; "Moors" and "Pagans;" Java, lxxvii; sovereigns of the farther islands visited by Varthema.

      The travellers sail from Pulicat to Tarnassari or Tenasserim, lxxviii;

      truthful features of the description; Varthema's notice of the Hornbill, lxxix; of extraordinary marriage usages; voyage to the "city of Ban- ghella," lxxx; discussion as to the whereabouts of the city so indicated, with various quotations; wealth and abundance of products, lxxxii; meeting with Christians from the city of Sarnan, and probable identifi- cation of that place, from passage in Odorico; remarks on the interest- ing character of Fra Odorico's narrative, lxxxiii; these Christians advised


      Varthema's companion to visit Pegu with them, lxxxiv; description of Pegu, Lxxxv; Varthema's statement about the existence of Christians there, Lxxxv; interview with the King of Pegu, lxxxvi.

      Departure for Malacca, lxxxvii; "Great River," viz. Straits of Malacca,

      lxxxvii; character of the place and people, and corroboration of Var- thema's narrative; Sumatra, lxxxviii; questions raised by the text regarding coins and silk in that island; voyage to the Spice Islands undertaken, xc; this part of the route never previously recorded by any European, but it would be rash to say never travelled, xci; the Nutmeg or Banda Islands; Monoch or the Moluccas; which of the latter did Varthema visit? xcii; visit to Borneo, the part not determined, xciii ; curious particulars as to appliances for navigation, xciv; the Southern Cross, xcv; and stories heard of apparently antarctic regions, xcv; curiosity of the Sarnau Christians about Western Christendom; this may have awakened Varthema's desires for home and the abandonment of his false profession, xcvi; arrival at Java; a plea for the account of it given by Varthema against Mr. Crawfurd's condemnation; mutilated children, xcvii.

      Return to Malacca and thence to Negapatam, and Calicut, xcviii; the

      two Milanese gun-founders; Varthema's appearance as a physician, and as Imam ; his journey to Cannanore and escape into the Portuguese garrison, xcix.

      Varthema present at the sea fight off Cannanore, c; employed as factor

      at Cochin; in the attack on Ponani; his knighthood; remarks on the fanaticism and violence of the Portuguese.

      Varthema finally quits India, ci; remarks on the rapid growth of the

      Portuguese power in the East, and its rapid decay, cii ; their religious conquests have survived their temporal sovereignty, ciii; success of Roman Catholic mission in India greater than that of the Reformed churches, civ; remarks of Heber quoted.

      Mozambique, cvi; summary of history of the Muhammedan settlements

      on the coast of Eastern Africa from Krapf, cvii; the Portuguese ride and its fall, cviii; inscription over the gateway of Mombasa; rise of the 'Amman Seyyeds of Maskat and Zanzibar, ex; Varthema's inland excur- sion at Mozambique, and the illustration it affords of the dealings of the civilized with the uncivilized, cxi.

      Varthema's arrival in Europe, and conclusion of his narrative, cxii.

      The Editor's acknowledgments to various gentlemen, cxiii.

      Postscript. On the site of the ancient city of Bengala.

      Further evidence as to the existence of Bengala as a city and port distinct

      from Satgong and Chittagong, cxiv; some authors, however, mention the two latter and not Bengala, cxvii; abstract of the data as to these three cities afforded by the principal old maps in the British Museum, cxix; Bengala appears for the last time in 1740 ; the site of Bengala, and its probable destruction by the river as supposed by Rennell, cxx.

      Advantages of Travel, from the Arabic.



      (The headings in the larger type are those of the original text.)

      Privilege of printing granted to Varthema by Raphael Bishop of Portueri

       and Cardinal of St. George, the Pope's Chamberlain.

      Dedication to Countess of Albi and Duchess of Tagliacozzo, 1-4.

      First Chapter concerning Alexandria, 5.

       a 2


      Chapter concerning Cairo, 5, 6.

      Size of the city, 5 ; Sultan, Mamelukes, and Moors, 6.

      Chapter concerning Baruti, Tripoli, and Aleppo, 6, 7.

      Sails to Baruti (Beyroot), 6; St. George and the Dragon, 7; goes to Tripoli, ib.; to Aleppo, ib.


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