The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema: In Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 To 1508. Ludovico di Varthema

The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema: In Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 To 1508 - Ludovico di Varthema

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really travelling with Varthema, and sharing with him in all his adventures. His work at once attracted attention. It was, as stated above, immediately translated into Latin, shortly afterwards into Ger- man, then into Spanish and French, again into

      PREFACE. iii

      German, then into Dutch and English, a third time into German, and again into Dutch in the middle of the 17th century.

      All the early editions, as well of the original Ita- lian as of the translations of this work, are extremely rare and costly. The consequence is, that there is, perhaps, no work which has been so frequently re- produced, of which the lists given by bibliographers are so inaccurate and imperfect. They have been obliged to copy one from another without the means of testing the accuracy of their statements. The translator has had the advantage of seeing most of the editions of which he gives the titles, and has described them somewhat fully for the benefit of those to whom the originals may not be conveniently accessible.

      The following is a list of the most important editions of this work: —


      1. Itineraries de Ludouico de Varthema Bolognesc nello Egypto, nella Surria, nella Arabia deserta & felice; nella Persia, nella India & nella Ethiopa. La fede, el uiuere, & costumi de tutte le prefate Prouincie con Gratia & Pri- vilegio infra notato.

      Colophon.—Stampato in Roma per maestro Stephano guil- lireti de Loreno & maestro Hercule de Nani Bolognese, ad instatia de maestro Lodouico de Henricis da Corneto Vicetino. Nel Anno M.D.X. a di • vi. de Decembrio. 4°.

      This edition contains 102 leaves, besides the title, 100 of which are numbered, and the two leaves con- taining the last page of the privilege, and the first

       b 2

      iv PREFACE.

      three pages of the table being unnumbered. This is the first Italian edition, and is of excessive rarity. Until recently, very few bibliographers were aware of its existence. A copy is in the Grenville Library in the British Museum.

      2. Itinerario de Ludouico de Varthema Bolognese nello egypto nella Suria; nella Arabia deserta et felice nella Persia nella India et nella Ethiopia Le fede, el viuere et costumi de tutte le pfate prouincie. Cu Priuilegio.

      Colophon.—Impresso in Rome per Mastro Stephano Guil- lireti De Loreno Nel anno M.D.XVIJ adi. xvi de Junio Cum gratia et Privilegio del S. Signore N. S. Leone, p. p. X. in suo anno quinto. 8°.

      This edition contains title, seven leaves of prelimi- nary matter (viz. the privilege and table of contents), and 123 leaves of text not numbered. Signatures A ij to Q vj.

      The Privilege is dated 10th of June 1517. In this Privilege it is stated that licence is given to Stephanus Guillereti de Lothoringia to print the book, "Ludo- vico defuncto, neminem ex heredibus superesse qui ex nova impressione vel jactura vel injuria afficiatur." It is also stated that all the copies of the former im- pression were sold.

      The only known copy of this edition is in the Grenville Library.

      Mr. Grenville, in a note upon this copy, speaking of some of the editions of the book, says: —

      "It was a third time printed in Italian, at Venice in 1518, and this third Italian edition is by Haym, and most of the books of bibliography, described as the first. In truth, the

      PREFACE. v

      two first Italian editions of 1510 and 1517 are so rare, that I find no notice whatever of either of them, except in Croft's Catalogue, No. 8045—8046, and quoted by Brunet from Croft's. This copy [of the edition of 1517] comes from the Blandford sale; it had been bought at Croft's sale. I have seen no copy but this of this edition. It is unknown to Panzer, Maittaire, Haym, &c."

      3. Itinerario De Ludouico De Varthema Bolognese ne lo Egypto, ne la Suria, ne la Arabia Deserta & Felice ne la Persia ne la India ne la Ethiopia. La fede el viuere & costumi de tutte le pfate puicie, Nouamete impsso.

      Colophon.—Stampata in Venetia per Zorzi di Rusconi Milanese: Regnando linclito Principe Miser Leonardo Loredano: Nella incarnatioe del nro signore Jesu xpo M.D.XVII. adi vi del Mese de Marzo. 8°.

      This edition is printed in double columns, and con- tains ninety-two unnumbered leaves. Signatures A ii to M. The table of contents occupies four pages, and commences on the verso of sig. M.

      This edition was printed in 1518, new style, the year then commencing on the 25th of March. A copy is in the Banksian Library in the British Museum.

      4. Itinerario De Ludouico De Verthema Bolognese ne lo Egypto ne la Suria ne la Arabia Deserta e Felice ne la Persia ne la India: e ne la Ethiopia. La fede el uiuere e costumi de tutte le p'refate prouincie. Nouamente impresso.

      Colophon.—Stampata in Milano per Ioanne Angelo Scin- zenzeler Nel Anno del signor M.CCCCCXIX. Adi vltimo de Mazo. 4°.

      This copy contains fifty-eight unnumbered leaves. Signatures a ii. to g iii. The colophon is printed on

      vi PREFACE.

      a separate leaf, and is followed by two leaves of the table of contents.

      A copy of this edition is in the Royal library in the British Museum.

      5. Itinerario De Ludouico De Verthema Bolognese ne lo Egypto ne la Suria ne la Arabia Deserta & Felice ne la Persia ne la India: & ne la Ethiopia La fede el uiuere & costumi de tutte le prefate prouincie. Nouamente im- presso.

      The type in the colophon has got shifted. It reads: —


      M.CCC mpata in Milano per Johanne Angelo

      Scinzenzeler nel Anno del Signor

      CCXXIII. adi. xxx. de Aprile. 4°.

      This edition contains title, forty-one leaves num- bered ii to xlii, and two leaves of table of contents not numbered. Signatures A ii to F ii.

      A copy of this edition of 1523 is in the Grenville Library.

      6. Itinerario de Ludouico De Varthema Bolognese nello Egitto, nella Soria nella Arabia deserta, & felice, nella Persia, nella India, & nela Ethyopia. Le fede el viuere, & costumi delle prefate Prouincie. Et al psente agiontoui alcune Isole nouamete ritrouate.

      Colophon.—Stampato in Vinegia per Francesco di Ales- sandro Bindone, & Mapheo Pasini compani, a santo Moyse al segno de Langelo Raphael, nel M.D.XXXV. del mese d' Aprile. 8°.

      The Itinerary of Varthema terminates on the recto of page 89, with the following words:—

      PREFACE. vii

      "Qui Finisse lo Itinerario de Ludovico de Varthema Bolognese, de li paesi et Isole la Fede el vivere et costumi loro. Nuovamente per lui visto in piu parte."

      Followed by —

      "Qui comencia lo Itinerario de Lisola de Iuchatan noua- mente retrouata per il Signor Joan de Grisalue Capitan Generale de Larmata del Re de Spagna e p il suo Capellano coposta."

      This edition consists of 103 leaves, of which 99 are numbered; the title-page, and table of contents, and device at the end, are not numbered. The colophon is printed at the end of the table ; the device occupies a separate leaf, and represents the " Archangelus Raphael" leading with his right hand " Tobiodo," (who is represented as a little child with a large fish in his hand), and having on his left Tobit's dog.

      The Itinerary of the Island of Yucatan is printed in this edition of Varthema for the first time.

      A copy of this edition is in the Grenville Library.

      7. Itinerario de Ludovico De Varthema Bolognese nello Egitto, nella Soria, nella Arabia

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