Ami Hendrickson, Trafalgar Square Publishing, and their associates will not assume any liability for your activities.
This book provides general information, instructions, and techniques that may not be suitable for everyone. No warranty is given regarding the suitability of this information, the instructions, and techniques to you or other individuals acting under your directions. Qualified personal instruction is suggested to best understand the ideas presented in this volume.
To Mike Kelly for showing me the path And to my parents, George and Eleanore Teall, for allowing me to follow it
1 An Introduction to Balanced Riding
A Definition of Terms
2 Why Ride? Motivators and Philosophy
The Classic Approach
Focus on Causes Rather than Symptoms
Assembling Your Riding Team
Private Lessons versus Group Instruction
Ride with Purpose
Choosing a Show
Hunt Seat Equitation: Perfect Position
Making the Most of Your Classes
Winning Defined
Know What You Need
Choosing Your Tack
9 Perfect Position: Understanding and Developing the Physical Aids
Fundamentals of Position
The Four Fundamental Parts of the Rider
The Leg: Building a Solid Foundation
The Base: The Seat of Good Riding