101 Inclusive and SEN Art, Design Technology and Music Lessons. Kate Bradley
Set this activity up in the outside space with the pictures of butterflies available and encourage the children to be as independent as possible in creating similar effects with the resources.
4. Roll-a-Mark
Learning Objective
Pupils begin to carry out simple processes.
Additional Skills
Gross motor: handling different sized balls.
Tactile: experiencing different textures and sensory media.
Visual: watching the consequences of actions.
Large white paper
Builder’s tray
Different coloured paints
Paint trays
Different textured balls (e.g. bobbly balls, spiky balls, etc.)
Pen or pencil
• To set up this activity tape the large white paper to the bottom of the builder’s tray. Pour the different coloured paints onto separate trays and place them next to the builder’s tray. Place the textured balls into the box and place the box next to the builder’s tray.
• Support the child to come over to the builder’s tray. Model finding a ball in the box, feeling it and labelling the texture, e.g. ‘bumpy’, ‘smooth’, etc.
• Model rolling the ball in paint and then pushing the ball around the white paper on the builder’s tray to make marks.
• Support the child to complete the process as independently as possible: pulling a ball out of the box, exploring the ball, placing it in paint and then pushing it around to make marks.
• Repeat this using different coloured paints until the child has explored all the balls.
Support the child to look at the artwork they have created and to use a pen or pencil to ‘sign’ their work. Then support the child to find a place in the classroom to pin up their artwork for display.
Repeat this activity and process with different sensory items in the box, e.g. different textured materials such as dishcloth, sponge, etc., fruit and vegetables such as potato, avocado, etc.
5. Creative Carousel
Learning Objective
Pupils choose tools and materials appropriate to the activity.
Additional Skills
Attention: transitioning from one activity to another when directed.
Fine motor: using a palmer grip to use different mark making tools.
Visual: watching the marks made by different sensory media.
Different coloured chalks
Different coloured whiteboard pens
Different coloured paints
White paper
Symbols for ‘chalk’, ‘pen’, ‘paintbrush’
• To set up this activity place the coloured chalks and chalkboards on one table, the whiteboard pens and whiteboards on a second table and the paintbrushes, paints and paper on a third table. Place the relevant symbol with each material.
• Support a small group of children to sit at each table and encourage them to explore the tools and materials using simple language to label the tools and materials, e.g. ‘You are using chalk on the chalkboard.’
• After a few minutes of exploring and using the tools and materials at one table, count down ‘5, 4, 3, 2, 1, time to move to next table.’
• Support the children to move to the next table to explore the tools and materials there.
• Repeat this until all the children have explored the three tables.
Support the children to come and sit in a semicircle and place a chalkboard, whiteboard and paper with a pot of paint on the floor in front of the group. Choose a child and give them an art material, e.g. pen, chalk or paintbrush, and ask them to match it to the correct item on the floor. Allow every child to take a turn.
Repeat the creative carousel across several weeks and slowly introduce different materials and tools, e.g. clay and sculpting tools, play dough and play dough tools, etc. Each time conclude the lesson with the children matching the tools to the correct activity.
6. And Again
Learning Objective
Pupils repeat an activity to make the same or similar effect.
Additional Skills
Visual: making marks on the page.
Fine motor: using tools to make marks.
Social interaction: working alongside others.
Different coloured paints
Paint trays
Little mop
• Place out three colours of paint and add a paintbrush, roller, little mop and sponge in each colour.
• Place strips of paper at each child’s place.
• When the children arrive for the lesson, support them to put on an apron. Model choosing two different tools from the paint trays and make alternate marks on the paper, naming as they go, e.g. ‘blue paintbrush, yellow sponge, blue paintbrush, yellow sponge’.
• Encourage children to repeat the activity; they may want to use a range of colours and tools and this is fine. Encourage the children to be creative.
When the children have finished, support them to put their work to dry and to go and wash the paint and tools. Count down ‘5, 4, 3, 2, 1, finished’ and end the session.
On an easel in the room, place strips of paper vertically and offer one colour of paint with two painting tools to encourage the children to repeat actions or make patterns.
7. Bringing the World Inside
Learning Objective
Pupils explore materials systematically.
Additional Skills
Tactile: choosing materials that have similar properties.
Fine motor: using tools appropriately.
Social interaction: working alongside others.
Bag for each child
Tree outline on paper