Wellspring. Karen Moore

Wellspring - Karen  Moore

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it's the special things, the holidays, the moments that are rare and treasured. Other times, it's simply being able to do the everyday, mundane things with ease. Drawing a glass of water from the well, more than likely your kitchen sink, may not seem like a reason to be happy, unless you have been without water for a few days.

      Sometimes we forget how happy we are about the little things that life brings. When we do remember, though, Isaiah offers us a way to let God know how pleased we really are. First of all, he tells us to thank God. Thank God for each and every moment that stirs our hearts with joy. Call him.

      God's phone is never unplugged or too busy. You can call him any time even when you're not in need. You can call him just to share your love. Now that's a good reason to be happy.

      In the Flow

       Lord, thank you for the things that make my life happy and secure. Thank you for loving me just as I am. Help me give all the credit to you for the things that are so good in my life. Amen.

      January 1 9

      Clinging to the Vine

       Now choose life—so that you and your descendants will live—by loving the LORD your God, by obeying his voice, and by clinging to him.

      —Deuteronomy 30:19-20

      Life is full of amusement to those who observe it philosophically. It is a reason to laugh out loud. For those who filter everything through the lens of the heart, through the things that touch every nerve in their being, it can be overwhelming, even tragic. Life is not easy for the sensitive of heart. Yet, for those who seek God first, who cling to the Vinedresser and press forward, it is indeed a victory.

      The Vinedresser presents you with daily choices, designed to help you experience more of what he has for you. He offers you an abundant journey as you listen to him and to voices that resonate with you and stay steadily on the path. Every day, perhaps even every hour, you are asked to choose. What will you cling to?

      Believers in Christ may differ in the degree, the practice, or the intensity of their system of belief, but they all have one thing in common. As believers, they all have the victory through Jesus. This is your day to proclaim the victory and to let others know your choice. Live today in the joy of the Lord.

      In the Flow

       Lord, you have opened your arms to me, ready to guide me on to the victory that comes from knowing you. Help me keep making the choices that will bring me safely home. Amen.

      January 20

      Your Inner Beauty

       You are the one who created my innermost parts; you knit me together while I was still in my mother's womb. I give thanks to you that I was marvelously set apart. Your works are wonderful—I know that very well.

      —Psalm 139:13-14

      You are wonderful! You are the divine craftsmanship of an expert. You are the best version of you that there could be. How is that possible? Because you were divinely inspired and God knew you before you were ever born.

      You're God's masterpiece and nothing can change that. You were and are marvelously set apart.

      What does that mean to you? It means turn up your light and let your inner self, your beautiful self, lead the way and live for him as though living is the only mission you have on earth. Live as though what you do is important to God because it is. What you do matters. What you think and believe and dream matters. God sees you and he loves you from the inside out.

      In the Flow

       Dear Father, I know you formed me and loved me before I was even a light in my mother's eyes. Help me take that in and realize how important I am to you. Help me shine from the place of my innermost being and bring your light to those around me. Amen.

      January 21

      We Are Family

       Keep loving each other like family. Don't neglect to open up your homes to guests, because by doing this some have been hosts to angels without knowing it.

      —Hebrews 13:1-2

      You may not have the same last name or the same address, but the writer of Hebrews encourages you to treat everyone who comes to visit or stay the night as family. Opening your heart and home to honored guests changes the dynamic of your relationship instantly. You create an atmosphere where everyone under your roof is your family.

      What's so good about that? For one thing, you get to have authentic experience. You get to be yourself and your guest does too. You get to share your personal stories, your faith stories, and other matters in ways that resonate with truth and create opportunities for further discussion. You talk about things in a family that you can't begin to discuss with strangers.

      You may not find yourself in the presence of angels, or then again, you may, but the point is to treat everyone like family. In fact, if you treat people with love, you'll be serving them as an angel of friendship, fellowship, and joy. Nothing could make your Father happier than to see you treat his other children so well.

      In the Flow

       Lord, help me always be a warm and generous host to anyone who finds their way to my door. As you have so lovingly welcomed me into your family, let me return the favor by the way I embrace those who spend time in my home. Amen.

      January 22

      Still Calling His Followers

       As Jesus walked alongside the Galilee Sea, he saw two brothers . . . throwing fishing nets into the sea. . . . "Come, follow me," he said, "and I'll show you how to fish for people."

      —Matthew 4:18-19

      If Jesus stopped by any of our towns today to call his followers, would he venture into the heart of commerce? Would he go to Wall Street and look for the biggest investment gurus or set his sights on a physician from the local hospital? It's interesting to try to imagine who he might deem to be worthy disciples, and yet one thing is clear: You would be on his list. He would call you to follow him. Today, more than anything else he wants to help you cast a bigger vision for your life, fill your nets to overflowing with the good things of God, and help to heal your wounds in any possible way. Jesus is still calling.

      If you're already following him, think for a moment how that affects your daily decisions, your daily purpose. How do you align yourself with his will for your life? How often do you truly allow him to lead?

      The trouble with followers sometimes is that they try to scoot ahead of their leaders, sometimes taking a wrong trail. Wherever you are today, pause a moment and reflect on who is leading your life. Are you following Jesus even now?

      In the Flow

       Lord, as I go about my business today, help me seek your guidance and direction. Help me be a wise and loving follower. Amen.

      January 23

      Waiting for Forever!

       With the Lord a single day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a single day. The Lord isn't slow to keep his promise, as some think of slowness, but he is patient toward you.

      —2 Peter 3:8-9

      When you were a kid, it seemed time went so slowly. You waited for Christmas and your birthday and

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