CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub]. Common English Bible

CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub] - Common English Bible

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A man cannot marry his father's former wife so that his father's private matters are not exposed.w

      The LORD's assembly

      7Don't detest Edomites, because they are your relatives. Don't detest Egyptians because you were immigrants in their land. 8Children born to them are permitted to belong to the LORD's assembly starting with the third generation.

      Rules for the war camp

      9When you are camped in battle against your enemies, guard yourself from every possible evil. 10If an individual in the camp becomes polluted due to a nighttime emission, he must exit the camp area and not reenter. 11When the next evening arrives, he must wash with water; and when the sun sets, he can come back to the camp.

      12The latrinesz must be outside the camp. You will use them there, outside the camp. 13Carry a shovel with the rest of your gear; once you have relieved yourself, use it to dig a hole, then refill it, covering your excrement.

      14Do these things because the LORD your God travels with you, right in the middle of your camp, ready to save you and to hand your enemies over to you. For this reason your camp must be holy. The LORD must not see anything indecent among you, or he will turn away from you.

      Escaped slaves

      15Don't return slaves to owners if they've escaped and come to you. 16They can stay with you: in your own community or in any place they select from one of your cities, whatever seems good to them. Don't oppress them.

      Consecrated workers

      17No Israelite daughter is allowed to be a consecrated worker.a Neither is any Israelite son allowed to be a consecrated worker.b 18Don't bring a female prostitute's fee or a male prostitute'sc payment to the LORD your God's temple to pay a solemn promise because both of these things are detestable to the LORD your God.

      Charging interest

      19Don't charge your fellow Israelites interest--whether on money, provisions, or anything one might loan. 20You can charge foreigners interest, but not your fellow Israelite. Do this so that the LORD your God blesses you in all your work on the land you are entering to possess.

      Solemn promise

      21When you make a promise to the LORD your God, don't put off making good on it, because the LORD your God will certainly be expecting it from you; delaying would make you guilty. 22Now if you simply don't make any promises, you won't be guilty of anything. 23But whatever you say, you should be sure to make good on, exactly according to the promise you freely made to the LORD your God because you promised it with your own mouth.

      Neighbor's goods

      24If you go into your neighbor's vineyard, you can eat as many grapes as you like, until full, but don't carry any away in a basket. 25If you go into your neighbor's grain field, you can pluck ears by hand, but you aren't allowed to cut off any of your neighbor's grain with a sickle.

      Deuteronomy 24Let's say a man marries a woman, but she isn't pleasing to him because he's discovered something inappropriate about her. So he writes up divorce papers, hands them to her, and sends her out of his house. 2She leaves his house and ends up marrying someone else. 3But this new husband also dislikes her, writes up divorce papers, hands them to her, and sends her out of his house (or suppose the second husband dies). 4In this case, the first husband who originally divorced this woman is not allowed to take her back and marry her again after she has been polluted in this way because the LORD detests that. Don't pollute the land the LORD your God is giving to you as an inheritance.

      5A newly married man doesn't have to march in battle. Neither should any related duties be placed on him. He is to live free of such responsibilities for one year, so he can bring joy to his new wife.


      6Millstones or even just the upper millstone must not be pawned, because that would be pawning someone's livelihood.


      7If someone is caught kidnapping their fellow Israelites, intending to enslave the Israelite or sell them, that kidnapper must die. Removed such evil from your community!

      Skin disease

      8Be on guard against outbreaks of skin diseasee by being very careful about what you do. You must carefully do everything the levitical priests teach you, just as I have commanded them. 9Remember, after all, what the LORD your God did to Miriam on your departure from Egypt!


      10When you make any type of loan to your neighbor, don't enter their house to receive the collateral. 11You must wait outside. The person to whom you are lending will bring the collateral to you out there. 12Moreover, if the person is poor, you are not allowed to sleep in their pawned coat. 13Instead, be certain to give the pawned coat back by sunset so they can sleep in their own coat. They will bless you, and you will be considered righteous before the LORD your God.

      Payment for workers

      14Don't take advantage of poor or needy workers, whether they are fellow Israelites or immigrants who live in your land or your cities. 15Pay them their salary the same day, before the sun sets, because they are poor, and their very life depends on that pay, and so they don't cry out against you to the LORD. That would make you guilty.

      Generational punishment

      16Parents shouldn't be executed because of what their children have done; neither should children be executed because of what their parents have done. Each person should be executed for their own guilty acts.

      Rights of widows, orphans, and immigrants

      17Don't obstruct the legal rights of an immigrant or orphan. Don't take a widow's coat as pledge for a loan. 18Remember how you were a slave in Egypt but how the LORD your God saved you from that. That's why I'm commanding you to do this thing.

      19Whenever you are reaping the harvest of your field and you leave some grain in the field, don't go back and get it. Let it go to the immigrants, the orphans, and the widows so that the LORD your God blesses you in all that you do. 20Similarly, when you beat the olives off your olive trees, don't go back over them twice. Let the leftovers go to the immigrants, the orphans, and the widows. 21Again, when you pick the grapes of your vineyard, don't pick them over twice. Let the leftovers go to the immigrants, the orphans, and the widows. 22Remember how you were a slave in Egypt. That's why I am commanding you to do this thing.

      Deuteronomy 25Now two people have a disagreement and they enter into litigation and their case is decided, with the judges declaring one person legally right and the other legally liable. 2If

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