CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub]. Common English Bible
his; MT my
rSam, LXX, DSS (8QMez); Heb, Vulg, Syr, Tg, and several DSS I, in which case the text shifts to direct divine discourse.
sSam, LXX, two DSS; Heb, four DSS, Syr, Tg I, in which case the text shifts to direct divine discourse.
tHeb uncertain; cf Exod 13:16; Syr sign or mark; Tg phylacteries
uHeb asherim, perhaps objects devoted to the goddess Asherah
vOr the contribution of your hands; also in 12:11, 17
w13:1 in Heb
x13:2 in Heb
yOr burn
zSee note at 2:34.
aThe species of many of the birds in 14:12-18 is uncertain.
bMarch-April; called Nisan in post-exilic period
cIt, the Passover sacrifice
dHeb asherah, perhaps an object devoted to the goddess Asherah
eOr burn
fOr burn
gHeb uncertain
hHeb uncertain
iOr them
jOr bothered by it (the prophecy)
kHeb uncertain and lacks to them.
lHeb lacks to one of these cities.
mOr burn
nOr burn
oSee note at Deut 2:34.
pOr burn
qOr burn
rLXX, Vulg, Tg Neofiti God's curse is on those who are hanged; Syr, Tg Onqelos those who curse God are to be hanged; Heb uncertain
sOr sanctified
tOr burn; so also 22:22, 24
uSee 19:11.
v23:1 in Heb
wOr so that he doesn't uncover his father's skirt
x23:2 in Heb
yHeb uncertain
zLXX, Syr, Vulg place of the hand (a euphemism); MT has only hand.
aTraditionally cultic prostitute
bTraditionally cultic prostitute
cOr a dog's
dOr burn
eHeb uncertain; traditionally leprosy--a term used for several different skin diseases
fLXX; MT and most versions read your.
gLXX, Vulg; MT lacks my.
hHeb uncertain
iOr in order that you might enter; Heb uncertain
jHeb Amen; also in the following verses
kOr because that uncovers his father's skirt
lOr me, in which case the text shifts to direct divine discourse.
mHeb uncertain
nOr blight and mildew
oQere; Kethib tumors
pHeb uncertain
qOr resting place for the sole of your foot
r28:69 in Heb
s29:1 in Heb
tOr that I, the LORD, am your God.
uLXX, Syr; MT your leaders, your tribes
vHeb uncertain; perhaps the agricultural imagery of 29:18 is continued here or the terms are metaphors for human states.
wOr after they see
xLXX; MT lacks if you obey the LORD your God's commandments.
yLXX, DSS (1QDeutb) When Moses had finished speaking
zSam, Vulg, Syr; MT, Tg accompany
aHeb lacks for their enemies.
bHeb uncertain
cLXX, Vulg; Heb uncertain
dDSS (4QDeutj), LXX; MT the Israelites
eVulg, Syr, and others; Sam, LXX, Tg Onkelos sustained him
fOr he
gOr him
hSam, Syr, LXX, Tg; MT he ate
iDSS (4QPhyln), Sam, LXX; MT lacks Jacob ate until he was stuffed.
jA poetic name for Israel; see also 33:5, 26.
kOr kicked
lHeb uncertain
mOr he
nOr him
oHeb uncertain
pLXX, Vulg; Heb uncertain
qOr, following LXX, DSS (4QPhyln), and correcting the LORD saw this and was jealous; he spurned his sons and daughters.
rHeb Sheol
tHeb uncertain; LXX scattered them
uLXX; Heb uncertain
vHeb uncertain
wHeb uncertain
xDSS (4QDeutq), LXX; MT nations
yDSS (4QDeutq), LXX; MT his people
zThis line is missing in Heb; it is found in DSS (4QDeutq); LXX him for the Lord.
aDSS (4QDeutq), LXX; MT his servants'
bDSS (4QDeutq), LXX; MT lacks this line.
cSam, DSS (4QDeutq), LXX, Vulg; MT his land his people or his land for his people; or, correcting, he will wipe away his people's tears.
dSam, Syr, Tg Neofiti; MT Hoshea
eOr word
fHeb lacks of the river.
gLXX; MT, Sam, Vulg, Syr, Tg add to the land that I am giving to the Israelites
hCorrecting with LXX, Vulg, Syr, Tg Onkelos (see 33:4); MT and Sam on them
iCorrection; cf LXX, Sam, Syr, Vulg; MT he came from Ribeboth-kodesh
jLXX angels; Heb uncertain
kCorrection; MT lover of
lOr with his hands he contended
mDSS (4QDeuth, 4QTest) and LXX; MT lacks Give to Levi.
nOr from the dew
oOr moons or months
pOr lives in a bush
qSam, LXX, Vulg; DSS (4QDeuth) and Heb the oldest offspring of his bull
rOr they; also in the next line
sOr the one who makes Gad large
tCf LXX; MT there the commander's portion was reserved; he came at the front of the people or there was the portion of the respected commander; the people's leaders came.
uHeb uncertain
vHeb uncertain
wOr He humiliates the oldest gods.
xOr He shatters the most ancient forces.
yOr fountain
zOr their shrines