CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub]. Common English Bible
with you. Whoever has a legal dispute may go to them."
15Then Moses went up the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain. 16The LORD's glorious presence settled on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days. On the seventh day the LORD called to Moses from the cloud. 17To the Israelites, the LORD's glorious presence looked like a blazing fire on top of the mountain. 18Moses entered the cloud and went up the mountain. Moses stayed on the mountain for forty days and forty nights.
Gifts offered for the dwelling
Exodus 25The LORD said to Moses: 2Tell the Israelites to collect gift offerings for me. Receive my gift offerings from everyone who freely wants to give. 3These are the gift offerings that you should receive from them: gold, silver, and copper; 4blue, purple, and deep red yarns; fine linen; goats' hair; 5rams' skins dyed red; beaded leather;q acacia wood; 6oil for the lamps; spices for the anointing oil and for the sweet-smelling incense; 7gemstones; and gems for setting in the priest's vestr and chest piece. 8They should make me a sanctuary so I can be present among them. 9You should follow the blueprints that I will show you for the dwelling and for all its equipment.
Instructions for building the chest containing the covenant
10Have them make an acacia-wood chest. It should be forty-five inches long, twenty-seven inches wide, and twenty-seven inches high. 11Cover it with pure gold, inside and out, and make a gold molding all around it. 12Cast four gold rings for it and put them on its four feet, two rings on one side and two rings on the other. 13Make acacia-wood poles and cover them with gold. 14Then put the poles into the rings on the chest's sides and use them to carry the chest. 15The poles should stay in the chest's rings. They shouldn't be taken out of them. 16Put the covenant document that I will give you into the chest.
17Then make a cover of pure gold, forty-five inches long and twenty-seven inches wide. 18Make two winged heavenly creatures of hammered gold, one for each end of the cover. 19Put one winged heavenly creature at one end and one winged heavenly creature at the other. Place the winged heavenly creatures at the cover's two ends. 20The heavenly creatures should have their wings spread out above, shielding the cover with their wings. The winged heavenly creatures should face each other toward the cover's center. 21Put the gold cover on top of the chest and put the covenant document that I will give you inside the chest. 22There I will meet with you. From there above the cover, from between the two winged heavenly creatures that are on top of the chest containing the covenant, I will deliver to you all that I command you concerning the Israelites.
Instructions for the table
23Make an acacia-wood table, three feet long, eighteen inches wide, and twenty-seven inches high. 24Cover it with pure gold and make a gold molding all around it. 25Make a frame around it that is four inches wide and a gold molding around the frame. 26Make four gold rings for the table. Fasten the rings to the four corners at its four legs. 27The rings that house the poles used for carrying the table should be close to the frame. 28Make the poles from acacia wood and cover them with gold. The table should be carried with these poles. 29Make its plates, dishes, jars, and bowls for pouring drink offerings. Make them of pure gold. 30Set the bread of the presence on the table so it is always in front of me.
Instructions for the lampstand
31Make a lampstand of pure hammered gold. The lampstand's base, branches, cups, flowers, and petals should all be attached to it. 32It should have six branches growing out from its sides, three branches on one side of the lampstand and three branches on the other side of the lampstand. 33One branch will have three cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with a flower and petals, and the next branch will also have three cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with a flower and petals. So it will be for the six branches that grow out of the lampstand. 34In addition, on the lampstand itself there will be four cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with its flower and petals. 35There will be a flower attached under the first pair of branches, a flower attached under the next pair of branches, and a flower attached under the last pair of branches. So it will be for the six branches that grow out of the lampstand. 36Their flowers and their branches will be permanently attached to it. The whole lampstand should be one piece of pure hammered gold. 37Make its seven lamps and set up its lamps so that they direct their light in front of the lampstand. 38You should also make its tongs and fire pans out of pure gold. 39All these items should be made from pure gold weighing one kikkar. 40See to it that you make them according to the blueprint for them that you were shown on the mountain.
Instructions for building the dwelling
Exodus 26Make the dwelling with ten curtains of fine twisted linen and blue, purple, and deep red yarns. Work figures of winged heavenly creatures into their design. 2Each curtain should be forty-two feet long and each curtain six feet wide. All the curtains should be the same size. 3Five curtains will be joined to each other as one set, while the other five curtains will be joined together as a second set. 4Make loops of blue thread on the edge of the outer curtain in the first set. Do the same on the edge of the outer curtain in the second set. 5Make fifty loops on the one curtain in the first set and fifty loops on the edge of the curtain that is in the second set. The loops should be opposite each other. 6Then make fifty gold clasps. Join the curtains to each other with the clasps so that the dwelling becomes one whole structure.
7You should also make curtains of goats' hair for a tent over the dwelling. Make eleven curtains. 8Each curtain should be forty-five feet long and each curtain six feet wide. The eleven curtains should all be the same size. 9Join five of the curtains together, and join the six other curtains together. Double over the sixth curtain at the front of the tent. 10Make fifty loops on the edge of the outer curtain in one set and fifty loops on the edge of the outer curtain in the second set.
11Make fifty copper clasps. Put the clasps into the loops and join the tent together so that it becomes one whole structure. 12The extra cloth that is left over from the tent curtains, that is, the half curtain that remains, should hang over the back of the dwelling. 13Eighteen inches on one side and eighteen inches on the other side of the leftover length of the tent's curtains will hang over the two sides of the dwelling to cover it. 14Then for the tent, make a covering of rams' skins dyed red and an outer covering of beaded leather.s
15Make acacia-wood boards to stand upright as a frame for the dwelling. 16Each board will be fifteen feet long and twenty-seven inches wide. 17Put two pegs on each board for joining them to each other. Do this for all the dwelling's boards. 18Make twenty boards for the dwelling's southern side. 19Then make forty silver bases to go under the twenty boards. There will be two bases under the first board for its two pegs, two bases under the next board for its two pegs, and so on. 20For the dwelling's other side on the north, make twenty boards 21and their forty silver bases, two bases under the first board, two bases under the next board, and so on. 22For the back of the dwelling on the west, make six boards. 23Make two additional boards for the dwelling's rear corners. 24They should be spread out at the bottom but joined together at the top with one ring. In this way, these two boards will form the two corners. 25And so there will be eight boards with their sixteen silver bases, two bases under the first board, two bases under the next board, and so on.
26You should also make acacia-wood bars: five for the boards on one side of the dwelling, 27five bars for the boards on the other side of the dwelling, and five bars for the boards on the back wall of the dwelling on the west. 28The middle bar, halfway up the boards, should run from one end to the other. 29Cover the boards with gold. Make gold