CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub]. Common English Bible
present a flawless specimen before the LORD. 2You must press your hand on the head of the offering and slaughter it at the meeting tent's entrance. Aaron's sons the priests will toss the blood against every side of the altar. 3Then you can offer a food gift to the LORD from the communal sacrifice of well-being: the fat that covers and surrounds the insides; 4the two kidneys and the fat around them at the loins; and the lobe on the liver, which should be removed with the kidneys. 5Aaron's sons will completely burn all of this on the altar--along with the entirely burned offering on the wood that is on the altar fire--as a food gift of soothing smell to the LORD.
6If the offering for a communal sacrifice of well-being for the LORD is from the flock--whether it is male or female--you must present a flawless specimen. 7If you present a sheep as the offering, you must present it before the LORD. 8You must press your hand on the head of the offering and slaughter it before the meeting tent. Aaron's sons will toss the blood against every side of the altar. 9Then you may offer the fat from the communal sacrifice of well-being as a food gift for the LORD: the whole fat tail, which should be removed close to the tailbone; the fat that covers and surrounds the insides; 10the two kidneys and the fat around them at the loins; and the lobe on the liver, which should be removed with the kidneys. 11The priest will then completely burn all of this on the altar as food--as a food gift for the LORD.
12If the offering is a goat, you must present it before the LORD. 13You must press your hand on its head and slaughter it before the meeting tent. Aaron's sons will toss its blood against every side of the altar. 14Then you may present as your offering--a food gift for the LORD--the fat that covers and surrounds the insides; 15the two kidneys and the fat around them at the loins; and the lobe on the liver, which should be removed with the kidneys. 16The priest will then completely burn all of this on the altar as food--as a food gift for a soothing smell.
All fat belongs to the LORD. 17This is a permanent rule for your future generations, wherever you live: you must not eat any fat or blood.
The purification offering
Leviticus 4The LORD said to Moses, 2Say to the Israelites: Do the following whenever someone sins unintentionally against any of the LORD's commands, doing something that shouldn't be done:
3If it is the anointed priest who has sinned, making the people guilty of sin, he must present to the LORD a flawless bull from the herd as a purification offeringe for the sin he has committed. 4He will bring the bull before the LORD at the entrance to the meeting tent and press his hand on the bull's head. Then he will slaughter the bull before the LORD. 5The anointed priest will take some of the bull's blood and take it into the meeting tent. 6The priest will dip his finger into the blood and sprinkle some of it seven times before the LORD, toward the sanctuary's inner curtain. 7Then the priest will put some of the blood on the horns of the altar of perfumed incense, which is in the meeting tent before the LORD. But he will pour out all the rest of the bull's blood at the base of the altar of entirely burned offerings, which is at the meeting tent's entrance. 8Then he will remove all the fat from the bull for the purification offering: the fat that covers and surrounds the insides; 9the two kidneys and the fat around them at the loins; and the lobe on the liver, which he will remove with the kidneys, 10just as this is removed from the ox for the communal sacrifice of well-being. Then the priest will completely burn these on the altar of entirely burned offerings. 11But the bull's hide and all of its flesh, along with its head, lower legs, entrails, and dung--12all that remains of the bull--will be taken to a clean location outside the camp, to the ash heap. It should be burned there at the ash heap on a wood fire.
13If it is the entire Israelite community that has done something wrong unintentionally and the deed escapes the assembly's notice--but they've done something that shouldn't be done in violation of the LORD's commands, becoming guilty of sin--14once the sin that they committed becomes known, the assembly must present a bull from the herd as a purification offering. They will bring it before the meeting tent. 15The community elders will press their hands on the bull's head before the LORD and then slaughter it before the LORD. 16The anointed priest will take some of the bull's blood into the meeting tent. 17The priest will dip his finger into the blood and sprinkle it seven times before the LORD toward the inner curtain. 18Then he will put some of the blood on the horns of the altar that is before the LORD in the meeting tent. But he will pour all the rest of the blood out at the base of the altar of entirely burned offerings that is at the meeting tent's entrance. 19Then he will remove all the fat from it and completely burn it on the altar. 20He will do the same with this bull as he did with the other bull for the purification offering; that is exactly what he must do. In this way, the priest will make reconciliation for them, and they will be forgiven. 21Then the priest will take the bull outside the camp and burn it, just as the first bull was burned. It is the purification offering for the assembly.
22If a leader sins by unintentionally breaking any of the commands of the LORD his God, doing something that shouldn't be done, and becomes guilty of sin--23once the sin that he committed is made known to him--he must bring as his offering a flawless male goat. 24He will press his hand on the goat's head. It will be slaughteredf at the place where an entirely burned offering would be slaughtered before the LORD. It is a purification offering. 25The priest will take some of the blood from the purification offering and, using his finger, will put it on the horns of the altar of entirely burned offerings. But he will pour the rest of the blood out at the base of the altar of entirely burned offerings. 26He will completely burn all of its fat on the altar just as the fat of the communal sacrifice of well-being is burned. In this way the priest will make reconciliation for the leader to remove his sin, and he will be forgiven.
27If any ordinary persong sins unintentionally by breaking one of the LORD's commands, doing something that shouldn't be done, and becomes guilty of sin--28once the sin they committed is made known to them--they must bring as their offering a flawless female goat because of the sin that was committed. 29They will press their hand on the head of the purification offering. It will be slaughteredh at the place for the entirely burned offerings. 30The priest will take some of its blood and, using his finger, will put it on the horns of the altar of entirely burned offerings. But he will pour all the rest of the blood out at the base of the altar. 31He will remove all of its fat, just as the fat from a communal sacrifice of well-being is removed. Then the priest will completely burn it on the altar as a soothing smell to the LORD. In this way, the priest will make reconciliation for them, and they will be forgiven.
32If you offer a sheep as a purification offering, it must be a flawless female. 33You must press your hand on the head of the purification offering. It will be slaughteredi as a purification offering in the place where the entirely burned offering is slaughtered. 34Then the priest will take some of the blood from the purification offering and, using his finger, will put it on the horns of the altar of entirely burned offerings. But he will pour all the rest of the blood out at the base of the altar. 35He will remove all of its fat, just as the fat of a sheep would be removed from the communal sacrifice of well-being. Then the priest will completely burn it on the altar along with the LORD's food gifts. In this way, the priest will make reconciliation for you for the sin you committed, and you will be forgiven.
Unintentional sin
Leviticus 5If you sin:
by not providing information after hearing a public solemn pledge even though you are a witness, knowing something, or having seen something so that you become liable to punishment;
2or by touching some unclean thing--the dead body of an unclean wild animal, unclean livestock, or unclean swarming creature--but the fact goes unknown so that you become unclean and guilty of sin;