CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub]. Common English Bible

CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub] - Common English Bible

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the emission rode will be unclean. 10Anyone who touches anything that has been under such a person will be unclean until evening. Anyone who carries such items must wash their clothes, bathe in water, and will be unclean until evening. 11If the one with the emission touches someone without first rinsing his hands with water, that person must wash their clothes, bathe in water, and will be unclean until evening. 12Any pottery jar that the one with the emission touches must be broken, and any wooden tool must be rinsed with water.

      13When the man with the emission is cleansed of his emission, he will count off seven days for his purification. He must wash his clothes and bathe his body in running water; then he will be clean again. 14On the eighth day he will take two turtledoves or two pigeons and come before the LORD to the meeting tent's entrance and give these to the priest. 15The priest will offer them, one as a purification offering and the other as an entirely burned offering. In this way, the priest will make reconciliation for him before the LORD because of his emission.

      16If it is an emission of semen, the man must bathe his whole body in water and will be unclean until evening. 17Any clothing or skin on which there is an emission of semen must be washed in water and will be unclean until evening. 18If a man lies with a woman and has an emission of semen, both of them must bathe in water and will be unclean until evening.

      Female genital emissions

      19Whenever a woman has a discharge of blood that is her normal bodily discharge, she will be unclean due to her menstruation for seven days. Anyone who touches her will be unclean until evening. 20Anything on which she lies or sits during her menstruation will be unclean. 21Anyone who touches her bed must wash their clothes, bathe in water, and will be unclean until evening. 22Anyone who touches anything on which she has sat must wash their clothes, bathe in water, and will be unclean until evening. 23Whenever anyone touches something--whether it was on the bed or where she has been sitting--they will be unclean until evening. 24If a man has sexual intercourse with her and her menstruation gets on him, he will be unclean for seven days. Any bed he lies on will be unclean.

      25Whenever a woman has a bloody discharge for a long time, which is not during her menstrual period, or whenever she has a discharge beyond her menstrual period, the duration of her unclean discharge will be like the period of her menstruation; she will be unclean.

      26Any bed she lies on during the discharge should be treated like the bed she uses during her menstruation; and any object she sits on will be unclean, as during her menstruation. 27Anyone who touches these things will be unclean. They must wash their clothes, bathe in water, and will be unclean until evening.

      28When the woman is cleansed of her discharge, she will count off seven days; after that, she will be clean again. 29On the eighth day she will take two turtledoves or two pigeons and bring them to the priest at the meeting tent's entrance. 30The priest will perform a purification offering with one and an entirely burned offering with the other. In this way, the priest will make reconciliation for her before the LORD because of her unclean discharge.

      31You must separate the Israelites from their uncleanness so that they don't die on account of it, by making my dwellingg unclean, which is in their midst.

      32This concludes the Instruction concerning those with discharges: men with emissions of semen that make them unclean, 33women during their menstruation, men or women with discharges, and men who have had sexual intercourse with an unclean woman.

      Leviticus 16After the death of Aaron's two sons, which happened when they approached the LORD and died, the LORD spoke to Moses: 2Tell your brother Aaron that he cannot come whenever he wants into the holy area inside the inner curtain, to the front of the coverh that is on the chest, or else he will die, because I am presenti in the cloud above the cover. 3No, but Aaron must enter the holy area as follows: with a bull from the herd as a purification offering and a ram as an entirely burned offering. 4Aaron must dress in a holy linen tunic and wear linen undergarments on his body. He must tie a linen sash around himself and wrap a linen turban around his head. These are holy clothes--Aaron will first bathe his body in water and then put them on. 5He will take from the Israelite community two male goats for a purification offering and one ram for an entirely burned offering.

      6Aaron will offer the bull as a purification offering to make reconciliation for himself and his household. 7He will take the two male goats and place them before the LORD at the meeting tent's entrance. 8Aaron will cast lots over the two goats: one lot labeled "the LORD's" and the other lot labeled "Azazel's."j 9Aaron will present the goat selected by the LORD's lot and perform a purification offering with it. 10But the goat selected by Azazel's lot will be left standing alive before the LORD in order to make reconciliation upon itk by sending it away into the wilderness to Azazel.

      11Aaron will offer the bull for his purification offering to make reconciliation for himself and his household. He will slaughter the bull for his purification offering. 12Then he will take an incense pan full of burning coals from the altar, from before the LORD, and two handfuls of finely ground perfumed incense and bring them inside the inner curtain. 13He will put the incense on the fire before the LORD so that the cloud of incense conceals the cover that is on top of the covenant document, or else he will die. 14He will take some of the bull's blood and sprinkle it with his finger on the cover from the east side. He will then sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times in front of the cover. 15Then he will slaughter the goat for the people's purification offering, bring the blood inside the inner curtain, and do with it as he did with the bull's blood: he will sprinkle it on the cover and in front of the cover. 16In this way, he will make reconciliation for the inner holy area because of the pollution of the Israelites and because of their rebellious sins, as well as for all their other sins.

      Aaron must do the same for the meeting tent, which is with them among their pollution. 17No one can be in the meeting tent from the time Aaron enters to make reconciliation in the inner holy area until the time he comes out. He will make reconciliation for himself, for his household, and for the whole assembly of Israel.

      18Aaron will then go to the altar that is before the LORD and make reconciliation for it: He will take some of the bull's blood and some of the goat's blood and put it on each of the altar's horns. 19He will sprinkle some of the blood on the altar with his finger seven times. In this way, he will purify it and make it holy again from the Israelites' pollution.

      20When Aaron has finished reconciling the inner holy area, the rest of the meeting tent, and the altar, he will bring forward the live goat. 21Aaron will press both his hands on its head and confess over it all the Israelites' offenses and all their rebellious sins, as well as all their other sins, putting all these on the goat's head. Then he will send it away into the wilderness with someone designated for the job.l 22The goat will carry on itself all their offenses to a desolate region, then the goat will be released into the wild.

      23After this, Aaron will enter the meeting tent, take off the linen clothes he was wearing when he entered the inner holy area, and will leave them there. 24He will bathe his body in water in a holy place and dress in his priestly clothing. Then he will go out and perform the entirely burned offerings for himself and for the people. In this way, he will make reconciliation for himself and for the people. 25He will completely burn the fat of the purification offering on the altar. 26The one who set the goat free for Azazel must wash their clothes and bathe their body in water; after that they can return to the camp. 27The bull and the goat for the purification offerings, whose blood was brought in to make reconciliation in the inner holy area, will be taken outside the camp. Their hides, flesh, and dung will be burned with fire. 28The person who burns them must wash their clothes and bathe their body in

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