CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub]. Common English Bible
brought him from Egypt,
is like a magnificent wild bull for him.
He will devour enemy nations
and break their bones;
he will strike with his arrows.
9He crouched and lay down like a lion;
like a lioness, who can make her rise?
The one blessing you will be blessed,
and the one cursing you will be cursed."
10Balak was angry with Balaam. He pounded his fists. Balak said to Balaam, "I summoned you to curse my enemies, but now you've given a blessing these three times. 11Now get out of here and go home. I told you I'd greatly honor you, but the LORD has denied you any honor."
Balaam predicts Moab's destruction
12Balaam said to Balak, "Didn't I tell your messengers, whom you sent to me,13'If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I wouldn't be able to break the LORD's command for good or ill by my own will. I'll say whatever the LORD says'?14So now I'm going to my people. Let me advise you what this people will do to your people in the days to come."15He raised his voice and made his address:
"The oracle of Balaam, Beor's son,
the oracle of a man whose eye is open.
16The oracle of one who hears God's speech,
and understands the Most High'sm knowledge,
who perceives the Almighty'sn visions,
who falls down with eyes uncovered.
17I see him, but not now;
I look at him, but not nearby.
A star comes from Jacob;
a scepter arises from Israel,
smashing Moab's forehead,
the head of all the Sethites.
18Edom will become a possession,
Seir a possession of its enemies.
But Israel acts powerfully.
19Someone from Jacob will rule
and destroy the survivors from Ir."
20He looked at Amalek
and raised his voice
and gave his address:
"Amalek is foremost among the nations,
but its end is to perish forever."
21He looked at the Kenites
and raised his voice
and gave his address:
"Your dwelling is secure;
your nest is set in the rock.
22Yet Kain will burn
when Asshur takes you away captive."
23He raised his voice
and made his address:
"How terrible!
Who will live when God does this?
24Ships from Kittim will attack Asshur;
they will attack Eber,
and even he will perish forever."
25Then Balaam arose, set out, and returned home. Balak also went on his way.
Israelites and Moabites intermarry
Numbers 25When the Israelites lived at Shittim, the people made themselves impure by having illicit sex with Moabite women. 2The Moabite women invited the people to the sacrifices for their god. So the people ate a meal, and they worshipped their god. 3Israel became attached to the Baal of Peor, and the LORD was angry at the Israelites. 4The LORD said to Moses: Take all the leaders of the people and kill them on behalf of the LORD in broad daylight, so that the LORD's anger turns away from Israel.
5Then Moses said to Israel's officials, "Each of you: kill your men who are attached to the Baal of Peor."
Israelites and Midianites intermarry
6An Israelite man brought a Midianite woman to his brothers in the sight of Moses and the entire Israelite community, who were weeping at the entrance of the meeting tent. 7When Phinehas (Eleazar's son and Aaron the priest's grandson) saw this, he arose in the middle of the community, took a spear in his hand, 8went after the Israelite man into the chamber, and stabbed the two of them, the Israelite man and the woman, through the stomach. Then the plague stopped spreading among the Israelites. 9Yet those who died by the plague numbered twenty-four thousand.
10The LORD spoke to Moses: 11Phinehas (Eleazar's son and Aaron the priest's grandson) has turned back my rage toward the Israelites. Because he was jealous for me among you, I didn't consume the Israelites due to my jealousy. 12Therefore, say: I'm now giving him my covenant of well-being. 13It will be for him and his descendants a covenant of permanent priesthood, because he was jealous for his God and sought reconciliation for the Israelites.
14The name of the slain Israelite man who was killed with the Midianite woman was Zimri the son of Salu, chief of Simeon's household. 15The name of the slain Midianite woman was Cozbi the daughter of Zur, a tribal leader of a Midianite household. 16The LORD spoke to Moses: 17Go after the Midianites and destroy them 18because they went after you by the deception they devised for you at Peor with Cozbi, the Midianite chief's daughter and their sister, who was killed on the same day as the plague during the events at Peor.
Second census of the Israelite tribes
Numbers 26o After the plague p the LORD said to Moses and Eleazar, Aaron the priest's son: 2Take a census of the entire Israelite community, from 20 years old and above by their households, to determine everyone in Israel who is eligible for military service.
3Moses and Eleazar the priest spoke to the people on the plains of Moab by the Jordan opposite Jericho: 4"Take a census of those 20 years old and above as the LORD commanded Moses." The Israelites who left the land of Egypt were:
5Reuben, Israel's oldest son.
Reuben's descendants: from Hanoch, the Hanochite clan; from Pallu, the Palluite clan; 6from Hezron, the Hezronite clan; from Carmi, the Carmite clan. 7These are the Reubenite clans. Their enrollment was 43,730.
8Pallu's descendants: Eliab.
9Eliab's descendants: Nemuel, Dathan, and Abiram. These are the Dathan and Abiram chosen by the community who fought against Moses and Aaron with the community of Korah, when they fought against the LORD. 10The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them, along with Korah, when the community died and fire devoured 250 persons. They became a warning sign. 11But Korah's descendants didn't die.
12Simeon's descendants according to their clans: from Nemuel, the Nemuelite clan; from Jamin, the Jaminite clan; from Jachin, the Jachinite clan; 13from Zerah, the Zerahite clan; from Shaul, the Shaulite clan. 14These are the Simeonite clans, 22,200.
15Gad's descendants according to their clans: from Zephon, the Zephonite clan; from Haggi, the Haggite clan; from Shuni, the Shunite clan; 16from Ozni, the Oznite clan; from Eri, the Erite clan; 17from Arod, the Arodite clan; from Areli, the Arelite clan. 18These are the Gadite clans. Their enrollment was 40,500.