CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub]. Common English Bible

CEB Common English Bible with Apocrypha - eBook [ePub] - Common English Bible

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what was in your heart: whether you would keep his commandments or not. 3He humbled you by making you hungry and then feeding you the manna that neither you nor your ancestors had ever experienced, so he could teach you that people don't live on bread alone. No, they live based on whatever the LORD says.j 4During these forty years, your clothes didn't wear out and your feet didn't swell up. 5Know then in your heart that the LORD your God has been disciplining you just as a father disciplines his children. 6Keep the commandments of the LORD your God by walking in his ways and by fearing him, 7because the LORD your God is bringing you to a wonderful land, a land with streams of water, springs, and wells that gush up in the valleys and on the hills; 8a land of wheat and barley, vines, fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of olive oil and honey; 9a land where you will eat food without any shortage--you won't lack a thing there--a land where stone is hard as iron and where you will mine copper from the hills. 10You will eat, you will be satisfied, and you will bless the LORD your God in the wonderful land that he's given you.

      Against wealth and overconfidence

      11But watch yourself! Don't forget the LORD your God by not keeping his commands or his case laws or his regulations that I am commanding you right now. 12When you eat, get full, build nice houses, and settle down, 13and when your herds and your flocks are growing large, your silver and gold are multiplying, and everything you have is thriving, 14don't become arrogant, forgetting the LORD your God:

      the one who rescued you from Egypt, from the house of slavery;

      15the one who led you through this vast and terrifying desert of poisonous snakes and scorpions, of cracked ground with no water;

      the one who made water flow for you out of a hard rock;

      16the one who fed you manna in the wilderness, which your ancestors had never experienced, in order to humble and test you, but in order to do good to you in the end.

      17Don't think to yourself, My own strength and abilities have produced all this prosperity for me. 18Remember the LORD your God! He's the one who gives you the strength to be prosperous in order to establish the covenant he made with your ancestors--and that's how things stand right now. 19But if you do, in fact, forget the LORD your God and follow other gods, serving and bowing down to them, I swear to you right now that you will be completely destroyed. 20Just like the nations that the LORD is destroying before you, that's exactly how you will be destroyed--all because you didn't obey the LORD your God's voice.

      Deuteronomy 9Listen, Israel! Today you will cross the Jordan River to enter and take possession of nations larger and more powerful than you, along with huge cities with fortifications that reach to the sky. 2These people are large and tall--they are the Anakim. You know and have heard what people say: "Who can stand up to the Anakim?"3Know right now that the LORD your God, who is crossing over before you, is an all-consuming fire! He will wipe them out! He will subdue them before you! Then you will take possession of their land, eliminating them quickly, exactly as the LORD told you.

      4Once the LORD your God has driven them out before you, don't think to yourself, It's because I'm righteous that the LORD brought me in to possess this land. It is instead because of these nations' wickedness that the LORD is removing them before you. 5You aren't entering and taking possession of their land because you are righteous or because your heart is especially virtuous; rather, it is because these nations are wicked--that's why the LORD your God is removing them before you, and because he wishes to establish the promise he made to your ancestors: to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

      Gold calf

      6Know then that the LORD your God isn't giving you this excellent land for you to possess on account of your righteousness--because you are a stubborn people! 7Remember--don't ever forget!--how you made the LORD your God furious in the wilderness. From the very first day you stepped out of Egypt until you arrived at this place, you have been rebels against the LORD. 8Even at Horeb you angered the LORD! He was so enraged by you that he threatened to wipe you out. 9When I went up on the mountain to get the stone tablets, the covenant tablets that the LORD made with you, I was up there forty days and forty nights. I ate no bread, drank no water. 10The LORD gave me the two stone tablets, written by God's finger, and on them were all the words that the LORD had said to you on the mountain, out of the very fire itself, on the day we assembled. 11At the end of those forty days and nights, the LORD gave me the two stone tablets--the covenant tablets. 12Then the LORD said to me, "Get going! Get down from here quickly because your people, whom you brought out of Egypt, have ruined everything! They couldn't wait to turn from the path I commanded them! They've made themselves an idol out of cast metal."

      13The LORD said more to me: "I have seen this people. Look! What a stubborn people they are!14Now stand back. I am going to wipe them out. I will erase their name from under heaven, then I will make a nation out of you--one stronger and larger than they were."

      15So I went down the mountain while it was blazing with fire. The two covenant tablets were in my two hands. 16It was then that I saw how you sinned against the LORD your God: you made yourselves a calf, an idol made of cast metal! You couldn't wait to turn from the path the LORD commanded you! 17I grabbed the two tablets and threw them down with my own hands, shattering them while you watched. 18Then I fell before the LORD as I had done the previous forty days and forty nights. I ate no bread and drank no water, all because of the sin that you had committed by doing such evil in the LORD's sight, infuriating him. 19I was afraid of the massive anger and rage the LORD had for you--he was going to wipe you out! However, the LORD listened to me again in that moment.

      20But the LORD was furious with Aaron--he was going to wipe him out! So I also prayed hard for Aaron at that time. 21And as for that sinful thing you made, that calf, I took it and I burned it with fire. Then I smashed it, grinding it thoroughly until it was as fine as dust. Then I dumped the dust into the stream that ran down the mountain.

      22Also at Taberah, again at Massah, and then again at Kibroth-hattaavah, you have been the kind of people who make the LORD angry. 23And then, when the LORD sent you from Kadesh-barnea, telling you: "Go up and take possession of the land that I'm giving you," you disobeyed the LORD your God's command. You didn't trust him. You didn't obey God's voice. 24You've been rebellious toward the LORD from the day Ik met you.

      Moses' intercessory prayer

      25But I fell on my knees in the LORD's presence forty days and forty nights, lying flat out, because the LORD planned on wiping you out. 26But I prayed to the LORD! I said: LORD, my Lord! Don't destroy your people, your own possession, whom you saved by your own power, whom you brought out of Egypt with a strong hand! 27Remember your servants: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! Don't focus on this people's stubbornness, wickedness, and sin. 28Otherwise, that land out of which you brought us will say: The LORD wasn't strong enough to bring them into the land he'd promised them. Because he didn't care for them in the least, he brought them out to die in the desert. 29But these are your people! Your own possession! The people you brought out by your great power and by your outstretched arm!

      Deuteronomy 10At that time the LORD told me: Carve two stone tablets, just like the first ones, and hike up the mountain to me. Construct a wooden chest as well. 2I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets--the ones you smashed--then you will place them in the chest.

      3So I built a chest out of acacia wood and carved two stone tablets just like the first ones. Then I hiked up the mountain holding the two tablets in my hands. 4God wrote on the new tablets what had been written on the first set: the Ten Commandments that the LORD spoke to you

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