Virginia Woolf and Music. Adriana L. Varga

Virginia Woolf and Music - Adriana L. Varga

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“Waldweben” (“forest murmurs”) section of act 2 of Siegfried: “The loudspeaker is pouring forth Wagner from Paris. His rhythm destroys my rhythm [ . . . ]. All writing is nothing but putting words on the backs of rhythm” (L4: 303). In The Years, Siegfried is called Kitty’s “favorite opera” (Y 196). The suggestion that in this case act 1of the “Zweiter Tag” of Wagner’s tetralogy is used “to illustrate dictatorship and aggression” (HL 242) suggests that sometimes textual (and intermedial) evidence is being distorted to fit an ideological preconception. Although the reader of the Covent Garden scene of Virginia’s longest novel may not refute the argument that in presenting a performance the focus is on the audience rather than on the music, since observations “on the latter outnumber appreciations of music and performers” (Jacobs 241), in a more general sense music may have helped her realize that a “sense of rhythm,” a quality the significance of which she pointed out in her early essay “Street Music,” published in 1905 (E1: 30), was a sine qua non of prose writing. Insofar as Leslie Stephen, “one of the great pioneers of Victorian unbelief,” professed the “ideal of disengaged, instrumental reason,” music in general and Wagner’s Romantic “expressivism” (Taylor 402, 413) in particular may have helped Virginia Woolf in her protest against the scientific rationality of her father’s generation. The only possible conclusion is that it was at least partly thanks to the inspiration drawn from music that she was able to become a major artist.


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      Jacobs, Peter. “‘The Second Violin Tuning in the Ante-Room’: Virginia Woolf and Music.” The Multiple Muses of Virginia Woolf. Ed. Diane F. Gillespie. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1993. 227–60. Print.

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      ———. Beginning Again: An Autobiography of the Years 1911–1918. London: Hogarth, 1964. Print.

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      Woolf, Virginia. Carlyle’s House and Other Sketches. Ed. David Bradshaw. London: Hesperus, 2003.

      ———. A Chance of Perspective: The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Vol. 3: 1923–1928. Ed. Nigel Nicolson. London: Hogarth, 1977. Print.

      ———. The Complete Shorter Fiction. Ed. Susan Dick. 2nd ed. San Diego: Harcourt, 1989. Print.

      ———. The Diary. Vol. 1: 1915–1919. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. Intro. Quentin Bell. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979. Print.

      ———. The Diary. Vol. 2: 1920–24. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981. Print.

      ———. The Diary. Vol. 3: 1925–30. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982. Print.

      ———. The Diary. Vol. 4: 1931–35. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983. Print.

      ———. The Diary. Vol. 5: 1936–1941. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985. Print.

      ———. The Essays. Vol. 1: 1904–1912. Ed. Andrew McNeillie. San Diego: Harcourt, 1986. Print.

      ———. The Essays. Vol. 2: 1912–1918. Ed. Andrew McNeillie. San Diego: Harcourt, 1987. Print.

      ———. The Essays. Vol. 3: 1919–1924. Ed. Andrew McNeillie. San Diego: Harcourt, 1988. Print.

      ———. The

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