A Dollar and A Dream
Carl Weber
La Jill Hunt
Angel Hunter
Dwayne S. Joseph
Carl Weber and La Jill Hunt
1. Katrice
2. Paul
3. Kerri
4. Rodney
5. Katrice
6. Paul
7. Kerri
8. Paul
9. Kerri
10. Rodney
11. Katrice
12. Paul
13. Katrice
14. Kerri
15. Paul
Angel Hunter
1. The Present
2. Six Months Ago
3. My Babies’ Daddies
4. It’s Party Time
5. The Past Will Catch Up to You
6. The Winner
7. The Good and the Bad
8. In Need of a Break
9. A New Life
10. The Present
Dwayne S. Joseph
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Easy Street
Carl Weber and La Jill Hunt
First off I have to thank the Creator. Without Him none of this would be possible.
To Karen Thomas, my editor, my friend, and the only person in the industry I can lean on when times are hard. Thanks. Without your belief I’d be nowhere in this industry.
To Walter Zacharius, Steven Zacharius, Laurie Parkin and the entire Kensington staff, you’ve been better than a publishing house. You’ve been a second family. Drinks and dinner are on me at BEA in Chicago. Thanks for the opportunity.
To my three protegees: Angel, La Jill and Dwayne. You guys have all the talent in the world. I have no doubt that the students will someday surpass the teacher, and I will truly welcome that. Best of luck to you all.
Thanks to all the book clubs and fans who have read my books. It’s you who make this whole thing worth-while.
Last but not least, I’d like to thank all the black book stores that helped to make Baby Momma Drama the number one Essence bestseller. I may not have gotten a chance to visit each of your stores this past winter, but I’m going to try to visit every one of them in the near future.
Well, until Player Haters hits the stores, thanks for the ride. It’s been great.
Oh, and if you get a chance, holler at your boy.
Carl Weber
First of all I would like to thank God who has given more abundantly than I have ever deserved. I give all the honor and glory to you.
To my parents, Charles and Martha Smith, and my grandmother Minnie L. Hunt, I thank you for your undoubting faith, love and encouragement. I could never have made it this far without you.
To my husband, Corey Williams, and my beautiful daughters for your patience and presence throughout this entire process. See, dreams really can come true.
To my brother, Chaz, and my sister, Latoya (and Pie), thanks for hooking me up by baby-sitting, even when you didn’t want to. I told you I had something important to do!
To Karis and Braxton and the entire Hunt, Smith, Williams, and Peck families! Thanks.
To Bishop R. L. Lewis and New Light Full Gospel Baptist Church, and Dr. K. W. Brown and the Mt. Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church. Thank God for the double portion!!!
To Yvette, you are more than a friend, you are an angel! To my friends for life—Joy, Shan, Saundra, Roxanne and Tonya. Troy, thanks for all you’ve done. I luv you all.
To my VZ family—there were too many to name. Robilyn, here’s to the start of something great!!! Dwayne Joseph, you have the greatest listening ear and I thank you. See you on the best-seller list!!!
And last but not least to my newfound friend, advisor, confidante, and mentor—Carl Weber. Words cannot express my gratitude for taking me under your wing and guiding me along the way. You are the big brother I always wanted and never had. Through you I have learned so much and you have given more. I love you for that and will forever be indebted. And I am sure you’re gonna make me pay you back, anyway!!
To anyone I forgot, I am sorry and I will catch you in Drama Queen.
La Jill Hunt
I barely made it into the house carrying an armload of groceries, my purse, and a handful of mail. I struggled into the kitchen and dropped the bags on the table. Clicking on the light, I saw an open forty-ounce bottle sitting on the counter, the top right next to it. He didn’t even have the common sense to cover the damn thing up. Dishes were piled up in the sink and a pot of spaghetti was sitting on the stove. I just shook my head at the mess and began putting the groceries away. I stopped long enough to go through the junky living room into my bedroom and take off my uniform. I didn’t bother to hang it up. Jordan doesn’t feel the need to hang his shit up. Why should I?
I sat on my side of the bed and saw the light flashing on the answering machine. I pushed the button and listened to the