Passion. P.F. Kozak
the demonstration required she put her hand on my upper thigh to feel the muscles move. After all, I told her, when the rider feels how the horse is reacting, it becomes a seamless motion to send muscle-controlled signals to the animal about how to move and when. With time, the human and the horse learn to anticipate the movements of the other.
Nutmeg sauntered along a shady dirt road that runs through the farm. We were quite alone. When she put her hand on my thigh, my cock let me know how much I needed some.
Her breasts rested on my forearm. I allowed myself to rock with the horse so the soft flesh pressed into my arm with every step. I thought about touching her up while on the horse, but didn’t want to risk scaring her off.
So, I had actually managed to sound totally professional through the whole lesson, while nursing a stonker!
I had to get this bit of totty in the sack before she drove me barking mad!
By the time Ivan lifted me down off the saddle, I had steam coming out of my ears. To be so close to him for so long gave me heart palpitations. He had such control and confidence on that horse, I never wanted that ride to end. When it did, I figured that was that! I had my peek at being up close and personal with him. Now I had to leave my lessons, and my fantasy about him. I only hoped I could manage it without tears.
Just as I meant to recite my quitting speech, the impossible happened: he asked me out to dinner. I could hardly believe my ears. I heard myself say, “Yes!” then wondered if I had shouted it at him; it sounded so loud to me. I repeated my answer—“Yes, indeed, I would be delighted”—hoping I sounded more natural.
He smiled and said, “Splendid.” We agreed to meet in town the next day and decide where to go. Then he offered to walk me to my car.
With the riding lesson near completion, I noted Pash seemed to have no qualms whatsoever about having me so close to her for so long. In fact, I think she rather enjoyed the extra attention.
I hadn’t deliberately meant to, but I came damn close to getting off with her on that horse. It took all the control I could manage to be professional while riding with her. Everything in me wanted to slide my hand under her shirt and feel her up.
She gave me no indication one way or another about how she felt about what happened. So, hoping for a bit of luck, I took a chance.
As she gathered herself together to leave, I asked if she would like to have dinner with me. I think I startled her with my question because she jumped and blurted out, “Yes,” rather like I had poked her with a pin and she meant to say, “Ouch!” Then she more calmly said, “Yes, indeed, I would be delighted.” So, we set ourselves a date for the next night, agreeing to meet in town.
I walked her to her car and opened the door for her. Before she could get inside, I pulled her close and whispered in her ear, “I’m looking forward to tomorrow.” Then I kissed her, a simple good-bye kiss, but enough to give her something to think about. Reluctantly, I let her get into her car and leave.
The next day I remembered I had public library books overdue. I went to return them early that afternoon. When I did, I saw Ivan sitting alone at a table in the corner. It would be difficult to miss him, considering how striking he is.
Standing there watching him, I thought about our riding together and about the way he kissed me good-bye. He had pressed himself into me as he held me, enough that I knew his arousal had not gone away. My imagination had not invented that erection!
I suddenly realized I had been staring directly at him, hugging my books to myself like a silly schoolgirl. I returned my books, paid my overdue fine and looked in his direction again. He still seemed engrossed in whatever book he had, so I decided I would take the initiative to say hello.
As I came closer to his table, I noticed he had been taking notes. I wondered what in the world he could be doing. When I saw him intently reading a book of Yeats poetry, with several other poetry books stacked in front of him, I felt more than a little bit confounded. He picked just that moment to look up, I guess sensing someone standing beside him. He gave me that turn me into melted butter smile and said, “Well, hello there!”
Just when I needed them, my language skills failed me. All I could get out was a thin “Hi.” I felt flustered and more than a little confused. I know Ivan noticed the bewildered look on my face, because before I could say anything else, he volunteered an explanation.
“I teach English literature at University of Northampton and have to update my lesson plans for the fall semester. I come back here to work with Steve at the stable for a break during the summer.” He held up one of the poetry books as he said, “But I still have to keep up with my real job. Otherwise it will get away from me and I will be swamped with work at the end of the summer.”
If I had found Ivan attractive before, the meter had just shot through the roof! I could see his amusement at my reaction, but I couldn’t help being surprised. He paused, waiting for me to say something. I put my hand on the back of the chair next to him to steady myself, and said the only thought that came to me. “I had no idea!”
Thankfully he asked me a question that helped me to focus my thoughts. “What do you do when you aren’t taking riding lessons?”
“I am a writer.” Given my tongue-tied disposition around him, I wasn’t sure he believed me. “I have been doing some research for my next book and forgot to return some materials I borrowed.” At least now he knew I hadn’t followed him to the library!
The way he looked at me, I thought I had lipstick on my teeth. I ran my tongue over my front teeth, just in case. Then he asked, “Do you like to dance?”
“I truly do,” I told him. I knew something had changed because instead of meeting in town, he asked for my address to pick me up. We were going someplace posh. And, much to my surprise, he gave me another kiss as he left to do some errands.
The day of our date was in fact my day off. I decided to go to the library and work on lesson plans for the fall. But I also had another reason for going. I intended to do a little digging. I wanted to know what my latest student wrote.
I checked Miss Passion’s registration form to get a last name. She signed it P.F. Platonov. She had two books in print under her name, The Search: Finding Soul in the Postmodern Age, and another called Sagacity.
Well, she sounded heady, but could she give good head? I almost laughed out loud at that as I looked for her books. The library had them, but they were both checked out. Seemed I took that about as far as I could. I wrote down the titles and on my way to the poetry section, I asked the librarian to reserve them for me when they came back in.
While debating about what poetry books to take out, I saw Pash come in. I smiled, thinking, Kismet! I waited to see if she spotted me. She returned some books and then came over to where I sat. She seemed surprised to see me and even more surprised to see the stack of poetry books sitting in front of me. I offered an unsolicited answer to her obvious question.
I couldn’t help but be a bit slighted by her reaction; she was evidently amazed I could even read, let alone teach. It had been a long while since anyone had seen me as anything less than a professor. I reminded myself she could well have an inaccurate first impression, having met me in a frigging barn!
So, I asked, “What do you do when you aren’t taking riding lessons?” Just to see what she would say. She told me that she earned her living writing. I winked at her and said, “It seems we have more in common than what we first knew.” As I enjoyed the flustered blush I saw creeping up her neck, an idea came to me.
“Do you like to dance?”
She said, “I truly do.”
“Good, because the place we are going for dinner also has dancing. Oh, yes, and dress up—it’s posh.”
Of course, I had just decided to up the ante, but she didn’t know that. Steve had told me about a place close by, a very romantic restaurant in an inn. They offered an atmospheric candlelight dinner and dancing, with the maître d’