Masked Possession. Alana Delacroix
with no Eric. Her eyes widened as she took stock of her new surroundings. It wasn’t a room, but a cavern, filled with silent, ghostly people who twirled and twitched in place. Despite the frantic movement an eerie stillness lay over the entire scene, giving the impression of intense loneliness within the crowd pressing around her.
What. The. Hell. Caro scrambled to her feet, almost ready to call out, but the words died in her throat. Hesitantly, she approached the dancing ghost nearest her. He looked to be the oldest, a man who was almost Eric’s twin, wearing exquisite leather clothing and high moccasins. Beside him whirled a tall, slender blond man dressed in a faded, blue Civil War uniform. A black woman, her dress filthy and worn. Then a pale red-haired woman in a plain tunic. Dark men in light suits. Young men in knickerbockers and fedoras. Older women in bustles and corsets. A child in a nightgown. Behind them were row upon endless row of moving, jerking figures. A sense of urgency filled Caro and she moved quickly, uncertain of what she would find but knowing that she had to find it soon.
At the back of the long cavern she found Eric lying on a leather skin with his eyes closed. A white sheet covered his still body to the neck, like a shroud.
“Eric!” Caro ran over and put her hand on his face. He was warm, at least, and breathing lightly. “Eric, wake up.” She shook him gently.
His eyes flickered open. “Caro?”
“Where are we?”
In response, he pulled her down and she gasped to feel the heat of him against her entire length. He was naked and already fully aroused. Instantly, she raised her face to his, seeking his mouth. The kiss was deep and full of a need that matched hers. His lips were soft and she sighed as his hands roamed over her body, scorching her. Caro slid her hands up, lightly running the palms against the sculpted muscles of his chest.
Eric flipped them over so that he knelt asride her and started nibbling her throat. She didn’t even think. She didn’t question what was happening. She couldn’t. Whatever weird fantasy-dream thing she had wandered into, she didn’t care. Caro was overwhelmed with desire and she wanted this man more than anything she had wanted in her life—it was as easy as that. There was no hesitation. He must have felt the same way because he pulled away and started undressing her, pausing every few moments to kiss her so hard her head spun.
When she finally lay naked on the leather, he knelt beside her, simply looking. It barely even crossed Caro’s mind that she hadn’t been to the gym in so many months that her running shoes were dusty. The look of complete lust on his face was enough to make her feel like the most desirable woman who’d ever lived.
No man had ever looked at her like that. She hadn’t even imagined that a man could.
“Gorgeous,” he murmured. He reached out his fingertip and traced a wandering line from her right collarbone, between her breasts and down to the dip of her navel, his gaze following the path. The sense of his touch lingered on her flesh, as though it was seared into her skin.
Her scars! Caro rose slightly onto her elbows as he slid lower.
The scars were gone.
Before she could wonder at this, his hand dipped down between her legs. He stopped and gazed into her eyes, asking a wordless question.
“Yes,” Caro whispered. “More.”
Instead, he moved his hand back up to stroke her breast, then bent over her to follow the same trail down her body with his tongue. Caro choked back a whimper. This time, he lingered at her nipples, flicking one at a time and giving her a tender bite that made her jump and moan. He traveled lower.
“Let me taste you.” His voice was raw as he put a hand on each of her thighs and spread them gently apart. “God, you’re wet.”
Keeping his hands on her, he leaned down to paint small circles on her inner thigh with his tongue. Incredible. There were no other words for it. As the circles slowly widened, the anticipation made her entire body tense with need.
As she was about to tangle her hands in his hair and move him to where she needed him most, he slid his mouth onto her core. He started slowly and gently, teasing licks combined with the tip of his finger stroking lightly against her slick entrance. Caro arched her back and writhed on the skin, panting. She wasn’t sure if it was Eric, or the fact it had been over two years since she’d last had sex, or the combination of both, but what he was doing was the most amazing thing that had ever happened to her. He tormented her mercilessly, bringing her to the brink, then again before slipping a finger inside as he lashed her with his tongue. Her hips bucked and she screamed out loud as she came.
As she lay breathless, Eric moved up beside her and began to nibble her ear. Leaning against him, Caro reached down to take him in her hands. Now it was her turn to enjoy him. The sound of his growl close to her ear almost brought her to the edge again. To be able to arouse this man intensely was mind-blowing.
She pushed Eric down and licked her upper lip as she knelt over him, straddling him to rub against his hard cock. Letting go of his wrists, Caro spread her hands wide over his chest. Eric was stunning, built like a statue—hard steel under warm, supple flesh. She ran her hands over his arms and down the muscles. Leaning down, she slid her tongue across his nipples, feeling them harden under her touch.
“Caro. I want you. Now.” His voice sounded labored and rough, and suddenly she couldn’t wait either. But she would. Instead of coming down on him, she slipped off and took him in her mouth, running her tongue up and down the smooth shaft as she grasped him with both hands.
It didn’t last long. With a groan of desire, Eric reached down and pulled Caro up, then over onto her back. Before she could react, he was between her thighs, pressing them down with his hands.
Then he stopped. Waited.
“Please.” It was more of a whimper than a word.
He slid in easily, his entry causing her to moan as she bucked her hips up to get him even deeper. They moved as one, each knowing exactly what would bring the other to the edge. Caro wrapped her legs around his back, wordlessly demanding more, and began coming in endless waves. As she reached her peak, she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down against her, their bodies slippery with sweat. She cried out and he echoed her a moment later, pushing into her with one last hard, shuddering thrust.
Then blackness again.
Chapter 8
When Eric opened his eyes, he saw Caro hovering over him, dark hair now loose around her shoulders and eyes wide with shock and confusion. She reached her hand out to touch his face softly and shivered when he kissed her palm, her gaze never leaving his. The door banged open and Stephan ran in, Tom right behind him with his gun drawn.
“What happened?” Stephan demanded sharply. “I heard you call.”
“I don’t know.” Caro sounded dazed. “He collapsed and said it was convergence and I tried CPR, then there was a room but it was a cave, not a room, with dancing people and it was black and now I’m here but I was there and I don’t know what happened.”
She was rambling. “Stephan, give Caro a drink. Brandy.” Eric sat up and experienced a dizzying wave of nausea. “Better make that two.”
“I’m ordering the medics.” Stephan already had his phone out.
“No!” Eric’s voice sounded harsher than he intended and he softened it. “No. I’m fine. We’ll talk about it later.” He shot his lieutenant a look that stilled Stephan’s hand. Tom was on alert, checking the room while keeping his laser attention focused on Caro.
Eric would deal with Tom’s suspicions later. Despite his horror at what had happened, his concern was for Caro. What she had done should have been impossible. Completely impossible. Somehow she had managed to get into his mind, to see the dark cavern where he kept the memories of his past masques. Only Hierarchs and the best healers had the power and ability to do that. He replayed what had happened while she was there, but began to get hard almost immediately. Now was not the time to think about the way her soft, strong legs had