Heartsong. Sara Walter Ellwood

Heartsong - Sara Walter Ellwood

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back into the living room, he dropped into the supple leather of his couch and let out a deep breath. “I don’t know, but I’ll think of something. I’ve got to fly out in the morning for Cheyenne, but I’ll try to swing by Bluebonnet Creek before I’m due in Dallas. I’ll call Tom and set up an appointment for us. I also know a lawyer who might help, too. The more legal muscle we have, the better.”

      “Good. Rumor is Lemont put a bid in on the ranch.” The fear and worry ripped at his heart. He hated that she was caught up in the middle of all this.

      Closing his eyes, he leaned his head against the back of the couch. The thought of Lemont getting his hands on the Lazy M bothered him as much as the man gaining custody of Jesse. He gripped his phone until his hand hurt. “Damn. I won’t let you go homeless, Micki.”

      “And I told you I don’t want or need your help. We’re working together for Jesse and that’s all. I’ll take care of him and Momma.”

      Sighing, he agreed only because he was too tired to argue with her. “Okay.”

      Before he had a chance to say more, she said a quick “Goodbye” and hung up.

      He dialed Tom Fleming’s number. After finding out nothing more than what Micki had told him, he called his good friend and the best family law lawyer in Tennessee. Lucky for Gabe, he also had an office in Dallas. Maybe Reese could help them get Jesse back.

      * * * *

      Two hours later, Gabe entered the office of his friend and shook the man’s hand. Reese Goodwin smiled and led Gabe to the tan suede couches facing each other next to a refreshment bar. Everything about Goodwin oozed success, from the large executive office to his charcoal Armani suit and red and gray silk power tie. Gabe sat on the couch facing the bright midday skyline of Nashville while Reese went to the bar.

      “Coffee? Or would you like something stronger?” Reese lifted a carafe into the air.

      “Coffee’s fine. Black. Thanks.”

      Reese poured two mugs full, then added cream and sugar to his own. He handed Gabe a mug and sat on the couch facing him. They’d met six years ago when he’d hired Reese as his divorce lawyer. He’d managed to save Gabe from owing Andrea more than a year and a half of his life, which he’d paid in spades while married to the witch.

      The lawyer studied him for a moment over his cup as he sipped. “Okay, tell me what’s on your mind.”

      Gabe looked into his mug contemplating where to start. He pulled the letter from the judge in Texas out of the back pocket of his Levis and handed it to his friend.

      Reese read it, then refolded it and handed it back. “That’s tough. I’ve heard of Lemont Finn. But I don’t know him.”

      Gabe glanced at the letter in his hand. “He’s a hard man. My father wasn’t a saint. Far from it, but Lemont is the devil. His family made a fortune in cattle and oil, and he’s expanded it at the expense of anyone who stands in his way. His first wife was killed in a car accident, which has always been suspected of being a suicide. He divorced his second wife after she discovered she had MS. Then he disowned his daughters when they decided to stay with Loretta rather than him after they were old enough to decide. I may not have liked Frankie, but I know she wouldn’t have wanted Lemont to have Jesse. And I damn well know my father didn’t. Not after Lemont stole most of my family’s fortune when he swindled Dad out of his partnership in Finn Energy. Michaela Finn is good with Jesse, and it’s logical she should raise him. She and Frankie were close, and if she’d made a will, that’s who she would’ve wanted him to live with.”

      Reese sat forward. “What about Miss Finn? Is there anything you haven’t told me about her?”

      Gabe ran his free hand through his hair. “She and I were engaged seven years ago. A couple of days before our wedding, I played a honky-tonk gig in Brownwood. I had no idea Andrea Rose was in the audience.” He signed and leaned his head back on the couch, suddenly exhausted. “Michaela broke my heart when she handed my ring back and telling me if I left we were done. All I wanted was to go to Nashville and see if Andrea was as good as her word. If she made me as famous as she promised, Michaela and I could start a new life away from all the shit we had to live with on the ranch.” With a shake of his head, he rid himself of the painful memories. He sipped more of his coffee. “Michaela didn’t believe in my dreams. I refused to be stuck punching cattle in Bluebonnet Creek, Texas, for the rest of my life.”

      “She sounds a little unreasonable.” Reese leaned over his legs. “You really believe she’ll be a better parent for Jesse than you?”

      “I love that boy, but of the two of us, she’s the stable one. She was unreasonable when she left me, but that was a long time ago. She loves Jesse and can give him what he needs.” He stood and moved to look out over the city he called home. “My life is no place for a kid.”

      Reese stood and headed for the coffee pot. After offering more of the strong brew to Gabe, who shook his head, Reese refilled his cup. “She lives on the ranch, correct? Isn’t it to be sold?”

      Gabe sighed and set his empty mug on the windowsill. “Yeah, on both accounts. Lemont supposedly wants to put a bid on the place.”

      “Emm... interesting...”

      Looking over his shoulder, Gabe frowned. “You know I hate when you do that.”

      “Most people do.” Reese retook his seat on the couch. “Think about it. If Finn buys the ranch, the funds would go to Jesse, correct?”

      “Yes. In a trust fund.” Gabe rubbed the back of his neck as he paced in front of the windows. He’d no doubt find a way to steal Jesse’s trust fund, especially if the boy ever broke away from him as his daughters had. “Damn. Lemont won’t just get the ranch and Jesse, but his money, too. He’ll get my family’s ranch for nothing.”

      “That’s what I’m thinking. I’m assuming the money can’t be touched until Jesse’s adopted?”

      “That’s how I understand it.” Gabe fisted his hands by his sides as another thought came to him. “Goddamn it. Finn has wanted to put the screws to my dad for over thirty years for various reasons. Lemont’s been biding his time until he can destroy everything my family’s worked for. And what better revenge than to turn my father’s young son against his family.”

      Reese watched him for a few passes. “But aren’t you afraid Miss Finn would take Jesse’s money? I mean, from what you’ve told me, it sounds like she doesn’t have much.”

      With a scowl, Gabe stopped and faced the lawyer. “No. I’ll provide for Jesse. But I doubt she’ll take my money. She hates my guts and believes I somehow cheated on her.”

      Reese stood next to him at the window with a skeptical expression. “All the more reason for her to take Jesse’s.”

      Gabe sighed and looked back out over music city. “She would never touch the money. She’s too proud to. But life would be hard, even with any survivor benefits he would receive.” He tapped the plate glass with his knuckles and turned to Reese. “Thing is, Michaela will be homeless after the sale of the ranch. She will also be out of a job since she manages it. Her mother’s MS is bad, and Michaela takes care of her, too.”

      “A court will never grant her custody of a child. Why don’t you sue for him yourself?” Reese sipped his coffee and pinned Gabe with a probing gaze.

      “I already told you why.” He stared out the window at the city without really seeing it and shifted his feet. His chuckle was short-lived and without mirth. “I’m a rock star in cowboy boots and a Stetson. I can’t take on a ten-year-old.”

      The lawyer shrugged. “Then your options are pretty clear. Lemont Finn will adopt him. You send an occasional birthday gift and life goes on.” He set his cup on a low table. “No need for you to feel guilty.”

      “He’s my brother, Reese.” A hard lump formed in his chest. Was he out of options?

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