Never Give You Up. Shady Grace
Of all the ways to try and kill him in this day and age, being poisoned would be his last guess. And he didn’t drink that much.
He lifted his heavy head to find Gabe and Sammy Hayes sitting opposite him. If not for Sam—who knew pretty much every way to kill a person—Terry might not be alive right now. Barely alive, but still breathing at least.
“Hey, Sam,” he mumbled, completely baffled and ill to the bone. He wanted to die and get it over with. “What are you doing here?” Every word he uttered sounded like drunken gibberish.
Sam chuckled. “What, no thank you?”
“Thanks,” Terry muttered. “How did this happen? How did you know?” Saying the words took great difficulty.
“Well, you were disoriented, mumbling shit that didn’t make sense. You were burning up, and drooling and twitching. Top signs for poisoning, and most likely arsenic.”
“Why the hell—”
“You just lie there and be quiet, boy.”
Terry tensed at the sound of his father’s voice through the speakerphone. Of all the people he wanted to chat with, Colton would be the last. He sighed and shook his head, prepared to have his ass handed to him, even though this wasn’t his fault. “Hello, Father. Nice of you to check in.”
“Shut up and do as you’re told. You’re not invincible, you know. Time to watch your ass and quit fucking around. Now, what are we looking at here?”
Gabe sat forward in his chair and spoke loud enough to be clear to Colton. “Good thing Sam knows his stuff, sir.” He directed his attention to Terry. “Once you finish puking you’ll need to eat something and drink lots of water. You’ll be sitting on the toilet more than puking. I truly feel sorry for you.” Yet his grin totally belied that, the snarky bastard.
Ugh. Eating was seriously the last thing on Terry’s mind. I just want some fucking vodka.
“Well, it’s obvious this person didn’t know what they were doing. This is not the work of a professional.”
Terry watched in silence as Gabe closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Hard to say, Boss. Could be this person was interrupted and had to compromise, or poison isn’t their usual method. There’s no easy answer. Terry took your place at the meeting today. There were several new faces in the mix. They should all be questioned.”
“Well, it’s clear to me my son needs a little vacation and we’ll figure this out, quietly, without him. God knows he needs to sober up anyway. You know what to do.”
Terry glared at the phone as Colton hung up.
At least it was the three of them now, and he could speak his mind. Terry, Gabe, and Sam were like brothers, although Sam wasn’t always around. His missions usually consisted of eliminating unsavory characters in all corners of the world. Right now Sammy was on the home front, and nobody knew why.
Either way, he was a smartass like Gabe. Terry had the pleasure of constant mockery at his hip.
“Colton’s right. We can’t risk your health when he’s already under the weather. You’re all he has left.” Gabe leaned forward, his expression hard. “And you’re my only brother. Don’t fuck this up.”
Terry wasn’t afraid to die; to take a number and wait for it. Death was the one sure thing in life. But he understood his father and Gabe didn’t want to lose him. But why did his father have to speak as if Terry was at fault? All he ever did was try to be the best he could be, yet it wasn’t good enough. He knew his father loved him, but sometimes it felt as if his father had no choice. He didn’t want to love him, he had to because Terry was his son.
Sam on the other hand seemed bored by the heartfelt exchange.
“He talks to me like I’m a fucking kid and all I do is disappoint him.”
Sam chuckled. “Awww. Chin up, bud.”
Terry glared at Sam and flipped him the bird. He loved Sam like a brother but he could be a jackass at times. Maybe living his life through the eye of a scope made him God or something, like doctors and their “live or let die” mentality.
“Not long ago you were shot by Ben and now this,” Gabe tossed in.
Adolfo’s last words repeated in Terry’s hazy mind. When he felt strong enough not to puke, he pushed up to a sitting position and stared at the two men. His guts turned and the need for food became stronger by the second.
“Do you think Ben’s wife hired someone to poison me?”
Sam shrugged. “It’s possible, but I doubt it. She had the hots for Gabe and was only with Ben out of necessity. I doubt her heart is broken. I could probably unzip my pants right now and she’d fall to her knees.”
“Then Adolfo’s family or his contacts must be behind this. Someone must have poisoned my food either at the hotel or at the house today. I haven’t been anywhere else.”
Sam glanced at Gabe, who nodded in agreement.
“Well, you need to go somewhere and you’ll need to be watched at all times.”
Terry settled back against the couch and took a deep breath. “I don’t want to hide out like some rat.” The queasiness in his stomach died down a bit but the hunger was like a living thing raging within. Either that or Gabe was right about the toilet. He forced his mind away from the ugly thought. “A vacay would be nice. How long is this going to take?”
Gabe shrugged. “Hard to say. Maybe a couple of weeks, or longer. Don’t worry, someone will watch the old man, too. What about spending some time with the trapper?”
The power of a woman.
Terry closed his eyes and sighed. “We haven’t talked in a while. She’ll probably tell me to fuck off, or shoot me right there on her doorstep. I have to admit I would deserve it.”
Gabe chuckled. “I think you might be surprised what she does to you.”
Terry frowned but his nerves jumped to life. “What do you mean?”
His best friend shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. “I paid her a visit the other day and sort of mentioned you needed a vacation.”
Terry sat up straighter. If he had the strength he’d fly through the air and take Gabe down right through the fucking couch. “Why the fuck would you ask her without even asking me first?” His chest tightened and his stomach turned to knots. He couldn’t believe Gabe took it upon himself to talk to Mary. Yet his curiosity screamed to know the answer. “What did she say?”
“First of all, you’re a stubborn idiot, that’s why I didn’t ask you first. If anybody needs time off around here, it’s you. And after this disaster, I guess I did the right thing.”
Terry glared at him. “Or you poisoned me as some sick joke, and you’re trying to play matchmaker.”
“Shut up for a second,” Sam said, and sat forward, suddenly interested in the conversation. His crooked smile was wide enough to show a hint of a gold tooth. “Who’s this trapper woman?”
“Just some broad,” Terry answered, avoiding Gabe’s intent stare.
“Bullshit,” Sam interjected, and folded his arms over his chest. “Some broad is a bimbo you find on a dance floor with fake tits and a fake onion bum. This woman sounds like a lot more to me.”
“Anyway, she said yes,” Gabe finished, his smile teasing.
“What?” Terry’s heart pounded. His upset stomach turned to a twisting ball of barely suppressed excitement. She actually wants me there?
“On another note, I asked Mima to marry me, and she accepted,” Gabe added nonchalantly. “It’ll be a fall wedding, I guess.”