Karma Kameleon. Stephanie Haefner
Karma, Book Two
To my girls: Amy, Ang, Cara, Jaime, Joleene, Krissy, and Nicole…I love you all and love what we have. Thank you for being the best friends a girl could ever ask for. GNI Forever!
I would not be where I am today without the love and support of my husband, Keith. Thank you for helping me follow my dreams. I know that someday we’ll get where we want to be.
Thank you to the moms who shared their stories and helped me accurately portray such a heart-breaking experience.
Never-ending thanks to my editor, Piper, and her plethora of knowledge and advice. I would never have become the writer I am without you. One of these days we’ll be in the same state and I can buy you a few drinks!
Huge thanks to the Buffalo Writers Meetup Group, for enduring scene after scene and offering your advice for making them better.
Chapter 1
“Rich, I’m pregnant.”
The last time I’d said those exact words to him, it had led to our breakup and my entrance to a dark and dreary pit of misery. This time, instead of a dumbfounded, confused expression, a huge grin formed on Rich’s face and he kissed me. We laughed and he told me how happy he was and how much he loved me.
“This is perfect.” He lay next to me on our bed and combed his hand through my hair. He found his way to the edge of my t-shirt–one of his I wore as a night gown. He lifted it and rubbed his hand across my stomach, then leaned down and kissed it. “Only one thing would make it better.”
“Yeah? What’s that?”
“You saying ‘yes’. Marry me, Lexi.”
My heart leapt into my throat and a chaotic flutter of butterflies on speed swirled through my stomach. I stared at Rich, his adoring eyes staring back at me. Was this for real? I’d never been proposed to before.
“Really? Are you sure? You don’t have to marry me just ’cause you knocked me up.”
His brow furrowed as his lips bowed in a half smile. “You’re kinda ruining this moment.” He reached into the nightstand drawer next to him. The black velvet box opened with a pop and inside sat a princess cut diamond ring–not a small one, either. “I’ve been trying to find the perfect time for weeks now.”
My eyes immediately teared. How could I have doubted his sincerity?
“Will you marry me?” he asked again.
My body shook and I nodded.
“Is that a ‘yes’?”
“Yes,” I screamed and tackled him, covering his face with kisses.
“Wait,” he managed between smooches. “I want to make it official.”
“Didn’t we just do that?”
“Not yet.” Rich plucked the sparkly gem from its box. He slid it onto my left ring finger and I did what all newly engaged women do. I flexed my wrist and held my arm straight, admiring my hand and its brilliant adornment.
“Do you like it?” he asked.
“I love it!” And truly meant it. The square stone appeared flawless, at least a carat and a half, maybe more. I couldn’t have picked a more perfect setting myself–simple and elegant platinum, nothing fru-fru about it.
“I know it’s not as big as Abby’s.”
“Uh, there’s no need for it to be.” I didn’t care one bit what my sister had. “And besides, I’m sure your penis is way bigger than Daniel’s anyway.”
“Everybody knows big fat diamond rings are to make up for tiny dicks. Trust me–you have no need whatsoever to buy me a big diamond.”
I placed my lips back on his and my hands made their way to his boxers. Rich slipped a hand under my shirt in preparation of removing it.
Thud. Followed by high-pitched wailing.
Rich and I pulled apart. What the heck was that? Before my feet hit the hardwood, Marcus’s voice was on the other side of the door.
“Sorry guys. Preston got away from me.”
“It’s okay. Bring him in,” I yelled, still hearing my little man’s cries.
Marcus pushed the door open slowly and as soon as Preston’s teary eyes met mine, he smiled and reached his arms to me.
“He’s getting fast,” Marcus said. “I turned around to pick up some toys and he crawled off down the hallway. I think he crashed head first into your door.”
Marcus placed my pajama-clad baby in my arms, though I couldn’t call him a baby anymore. It had been almost a year since his birth and it seemed like he grew an inch a day. I’d always heard people go on about how fast time flies, but had never realized how true it was until I had my own child.
“Should we tell him?” Rich asked, gazing at Preston. I nodded.
“Guess what, my precious boy? Daddy Rich is gonna make an honest woman of me. See?” I wiggled my fingers at him.
He pointed at the diamond and giggled. He had no clue what it meant or how huge a deal it was, but I liked to pretend he did and was happy.
“Wow. Congrats.” Marcus smiled and shook Rich’s hand, then gave me a hug. “I’m really happy for you.”
“There’s more.”
“Yeah,” I said and turned back to my son. “Preston, you’re gonna be a big brother.”
“What was that I heard?” Kevin barged in.
“Yep, I’m pregnant.”
“Oh my God,” Kevin shrieked and skipped over to us. “This is the best news ever!” He plopped onto the bed and pulled Rich, Preston and me into a hug.
“We’re getting married, too,” Rich added, and Kevin dove in for another hug, shooting me with wedding questions.
“Come on.” Marcus playfully yanked Kevin toward the door. “You want us to get Preston out of here so you can, you know, celebrate?”
I looked to Rich, his blue eyes telling me exactly what I wanted to hear. We’d do our celebrating later. I turned back the other half of my new-age family–Marcus in his striped cotton pants and t-shirt, Kevin in silky red pj’s. “No. Let’s get dressed and celebrate together.”
* * * *
I checked my cell after having it off an entire day–a family brunch with Marcus, Kevin and Preston, then a romantic night with Rich, including a stay at the Luxury Inn and Suites for nostalgia’s sake. Rich no longer worked for his Uncle Walt full-time, but filled in when he needed someone. He’d worked there even after graduating from NYU, his administrative assistant’s job at Big Apple Records not quite paying enough to survive on. But with the step up to promoter, he’d been able to leave the hotel clerk job.
“You have fifteen new messages.” A robotic female voice spoke into my ear as we climbed into a cab.