Give Me A Texas Ranger. Jodi Thomas

Give Me A Texas Ranger - Jodi Thomas

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      “Relax, Anna, I’m not going to attack you.”

      “I know,” she said without relaxing.

      “How do you know?”

      “You had to do that to plan our escape. I shouldn’t have taken offense.” She leaned into him just a little. “I’m surprised it worked. I’m not the kind of woman men lose their heads over. You’d think one of those three would have noticed.”

      It took his tired brain awhile to figure out what she was saying. She didn’t think of herself as attractive.

      He wanted to argue, but he had a feeling she wouldn’t believe him. Slowly she warmed in his arms, and he felt the moment she relaxed into sleep. Her body seemed to melt against him.

      “Sleep, Anna,” he said against her hair. “I’ll watch over you.” He tightened his arms and she cuddled closer.

      After holding her for a long while, he tilted her head up. It was time they moved on.

      McCord looked down, wondering how to wake a woman who’d spent the night resting next to him.

      He didn’t even think of resisting the urge to taste her. He pulled her against him and nibbled her bottom lip.

      One taste was not enough…

      Collections by Jodi Thomas, Linda Broday,

       Phyliss Miranda, and DeWanna Pace




      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Give Me A Texas Ranger









      “The Ranger’s Angel”

      Jodi Thomas

      Chapter 1

      Chapter 2

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 4

      Chapter 5

      Chapter 6

      Chapter 7

      Chapter 8

      Chapter 9

      Chapter 10

      Chapter 11


      “Undertaking Texas”

      Linda Broday

      Chapter 1

      Chapter 2

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 4

      Chapter 5

      Chapter 6

      Chapter 7

      Chapter 8

      Chapter 9

      Chapter 10

      Chapter 11

      Chapter 12

      Chapter 13

      Chapter 14

      Chapter 15

      “One Woman One Ranger”

      Phyliss Miranda

      Chapter 1

      Chapter 2

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 4

      Chapter 5

      Chapter 6

      Chapter 7

      Chapter 8

      Chapter 9

      Chapter 10

      Chapter 11

      Chapter 12

      Chapter 13

      Chapter 14

      “The Perfect Match”

      DeWanna Pace

      Chapter 1: In His Corner

      Chapter 2: Backed in a Corner

      Chapter 3: Thrown Punch

      Chapter 4: The Main Attraction

      Chapter 5: Sizing Up the Opponent

      Chapter 6: The Better Man

      Chapter 7: Getting In the Licks

      Chapter 8: Come Out Fighting

      Chapter 9: Fancy Footwork

      Chapter 10: The Gloves Come Off

      Chapter 11: Sidestepping

      Chapter 12: Hitting Below the Belt

      Chapter 13: Going the Distance

      Chapter 14: Sucker Punched

      Chapter 15: To the Finish

      Chapter 16: The Perfect Match

      Chapter 17: Undisputed Champion

      The Ranger’s Angel


      Chapter 1


       April 1870

      Annalane Barkley pulled her knees to her chin and lowered her head. Her ruined navy blue hat flopped forward like a gaudy curtain hiding her from the world.

      She would give anything if she could go backward in time three weeks to the moment she decided to make the trip to Texas. She should have ripped her brother’s letter into tiny pieces and stomped on it. Since the day Devin realized he’d never be as tall as his sister, he’d hated her. Why had Annalane thought two years apart would have changed anything? If he wanted her with him at Camp Supply it was for his benefit, not hers.

      She vowed that if she lived through tonight, she’d demand he send her back to Washington, D.C. If she had to, she’d live with their great aunt Fretta, who dripped snuff from the left side of her mouth and had eleven cats, but she’d never come west again.

      However, from the looks of things her brother, Devin, wouldn’t have to pay for the ticket back. Her chances of surviving the night were growing slimmer by the hour.

      Rain pounded on the roof of the one-room hut these Texans called a stagecoach station. Normally she loved the rain, but not this hard, fast downpour that thundered in rage. It shook the dust from the rafters, causing tiny bits of dirt to filter down through the damp air and turn into almost invisible mud balls on her skin.

      Annalane raised her head enough to watch the four men trapped inside like her.

      The driver of the coach was a little old man with nervous movements and a half-empty bottle sitting next to him for comfort. His bloodshot gaze darted around now and then like a rat waiting for a secret tunnel of escape to open up.

      The station manager moved around in the corner that served as a kitchen. He was a beefy German who appeared to be multilingual only when he swore, which had been a constant rumble since their stage pulled in at full speed with outlaws in close pursuit.

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