Don't Even Go There. Brenda Hampton

Don't Even Go There - Brenda Hampton

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like that, but I knew when to turn it off, and how to turn it on. There was a place and time for everything. My professionalism was on display at work, but I could turn into the real me at home. I considered myself to be a very nice person, but just don’t rub me the wrong way. Drake got a piece of that action last night, and even though I knew it was him ringing my phone at work, I ignored it.

      I headed into our meeting, and when I got to the boardroom, at least ten—people from some of the other departments, too—surrounded the round mahogany table with black leather chairs. Everyone was talking, making the room noisy as ever, but when Liz walked in, the noises calmed down. Liz was a black woman in her late forties, but looked good enough to pass for thirty-something. She was slim, very classy, and wore her hair almost cut bald. It was always trimmed to perfection and everyone knew she was definitely about business. She scooted her chair up to the table, and when she flipped open her notes, we knew it was time to be quiet and tune in. She did a quick head count, noticing that Claudette’s seat was empty.

      “Claudette will be joining us in a minute,” she said. “I’m going to wrap this up as quickly as I can, as I know some of you haven’t had your lunch.” She turned to me. “Chase, if you wouldn’t mind going to get all of us some sodas and cups, I’d appreciate it. Also, I forgot my blue folder on my desk. Stop in my office and get it for me, please.”

      I left the room to retrieve the folder for Liz and grab some sodas from our break room. It was difficult trying to carry the sodas, so I placed them on a tray, along with some plastic foam cups. As I was on my way back to the boardroom, I was bumped by a man who swiftly turned the corner. The tray dropped to the floor and the sodas rolled in different directions.

      “I am so, so sorry,” he said, bending down to help me pick up the sodas. “Please forgive me.”

      I had already forgiven him, and as sexy as he was, why shouldn’t I have? I already knew who he was, just from seeing the pictures in Claudette’s cubicle. Still, I wanted to be sure. He looked a whole lot better in person, and he kind of reminded me of Pooch Hall from the BET show, The Game.

      “No problem,” I said, batting my eyes with long lashes. “Mistakes happen.”

      He put the last soda on the tray and displayed his pearly whites. “Wherever you’re planning to take those, you can’t open them anytime soon. Can I help you get some more?”

      “If you don’t mind,” I said. “I got them from our break room, and if I don’t get these back to our board meeting soon, I might be in trouble.”

      Korey chuckled and followed me to the break room. I put it on in front of him, making sure my sexy swagger was on point. I even unbuttoned the single button to my jacket so he could get a closer look at my perfect perky breasts, which were squeezed by my silk blouse. When we got to the break room, I opened the refrigerator and he helped me put more sodas on the tray.

      “There you go,” he said, swiping his hands together. “Done deal.”

      The deal was in no way done yet, and I was hooked on his muscles that were bulging from his royal blue T-shirt. His baggy jeans had a sag in the right place and his coal black waves made me seasick. The most addictive thing about him was his smile, and no wonder Claudette couldn’t stop bragging about her fiancé. He was gorgeous and she should have known that she’d have to share a man this darn handsome.

      I held out my hand. “Thanks, uh… What did you say your name was?”

      He shook my hand. “I didn’t, but my name is Korey.”

      “Well, thanks, Korey. You really were a big help.”

      “I was going to help you take those to your destination, if you don’t mind.”

      I blushed and waved him off. “I’ll be okay. Go ahead and thanks again.”

      He shrugged, then put his hands into his pockets. As he walked toward the door, I couldn’t help but undress him with my eyes. There was no way in hell that Claudette knew what to do with a brotha that fine, and he had to be annoyed by that squeaky voice of hers. I couldn’t let him get away from me, and I was willing to accept the rejection—if it came.

      “Say, Korey,” I said, halting his steps. He turned around. “My name is Chase Jenkins. May I ask you for a tiny favor?”

      “Sure,” he replied without hesitation.

      I picked up a napkin and laid it on one of the tables. I removed my pen from my suit jacket and held it out to him.

      “May I have your phone number? I really like what I see and I hope the feeling is mutual.”

      He blushed, and the dimples went into effect. His shyness was too cute, but his hands hadn’t moved from his pockets. “I’m involved with someone who works here. Her name is Claudette. Do you know her?”

      I shrugged. “Somewhat, but not as much as I’d love to get to know you.”

      He hesitated for another second, then removed his hands from his pockets. Yes! I was in business. He was a lefty, and he took the pen and scribbled his phone number on the napkin. I smiled with glee in my eyes. Any man could be persuaded and I was glad to know that Korey was willing to be on my team. He dropped the pen on the table, and winked at me on his way out. Right back at you, honey, as I’d definitely be calling him tonight. You see, Drake was already history, and it stunned me how I could get over such a tragic loss so quickly. Knowing that he wasn’t worth even one tear made it so, so easy to move on. I already had something in the works to look forward to.

      Chapter 2

      For two weeks straight, Korey and I stayed on the phone for hours. That was possible for us to do because he and Claudette hadn’t moved in with each other. Surprisingly, he was a welcoming person to talk to, and had opened up a lot about his relationship with Claudette. According to him, he loved her, but there was something missing. He couldn’t really explain what, other than saying that she was the kind of woman his mother always wanted him to have. He was thirty years old, worked with his father selling cars, and had a college degree from the University of Missouri, St. Louis. He kept inviting me to go on a date with him, but I wanted to take my time with this. I started to feel a bit guilty about talking to Claudette’s man, but I hadn’t expected to indulge myself with the many conversations that we’d had. My intention was to only have sex with him, but I had never been the kind of person to up the goods so soon. There was only one occasion where I had a one-night stand, and the only reason that had happened was because I got blissfully drunk that night. I hadn’t been that way since, and even though I remembered the brotha was packing some thick meat, I couldn’t remember his name or number. So much for that, but I at least had myself an okay time.

      I sat on the bed with the phone pressed up to my ear, holding it with my shoulder. Soft music was playing in the background, and I kept looking at the TV in front of me that showed women from my favorite reality show clowning. The fragrance from a lit vanilla candle stirred around my room that was neat as a pin. Everything from the silk pillows and cream sheets on my queen bed to the soft lavender color on my walls decked it out as if Martha Stewart had come over and done it herself. While carefully polishing my toenails, I talked to Korey over the phone.

      “Why are you playing games with me, Chase? I know you want to see me.”

      “I do, but give me a little more time. I told you I just got out of a bad relationship, and with you and Claudette being engaged, I don’t know if this is the right move for me.” I knew, I was just playing around with him. Us getting together would happen, but it would happen on my time.

      “See, there you go bringing up Claudette again. It is what it is, but if the ring ain’t on my finger yet, I really don’t see what’s the big deal.”

      Ring on his finger or not, the result would be the same. I didn’t say so, but I sure as hell felt it. Before I could respond, I heard hard banging on my door. I pretty much had an idea who it was, as Drake had been trying to get at me for days. He told me he was coming by, and even though I’d gotten my restraining order, he didn’t wish

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