Enchanted. Judith Leger

Enchanted - Judith Leger

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burgundy aroma rose from the fluted glass.

      “It’s as if he has a scent about him which attracts women,” the man continued.

      An image appeared in Caitlyn’s mind of a stag in rut. Yes, perfect comparison for the illusionist. She raised the glass to her lips and wine shifted toward her lips. She took a small sip, the rich aroma streaming up her nose.

      The blond man snapped his fingers and smiled at her. “I know. A stag in rut.”

      Caitlyn choked.

       Chapter 7

      Heat seared her throat, and she tried to draw in a tiny bit of air to cough.

      “Oh my. Here, take another drink.” The stranger took her hand and brought the glass to her lips. Her breath rasped as she tried to shake her head.

      Strong hands came from behind, caught her under her arms and lifted them above her head, glass and all. The gentle touch slid down to grasp her ribs below her breasts. “Keep your hands up and try to cough. A good deep breath and you’ll be fine.”

      Through the burning pain, realization hit her. That voice. Evers. He was helping her. Oh God, she liked his touch. So nice–no, more than nice. She coughed. The next second, she stiffened, the burning in her windpipe forgotten. Warmth coated her body from behind. From the top of her head, down her back, blanketing her legs, her entire backside rested against him.

      His body against her should have bothered her, but the feel of his strong hands under her breasts, cupping them up, his thumbs at each side, distracted her as sharp pangs traveled to the tips of her breasts. Her nipples hardened, and she forgot to cough. With a choked groan, she turned her face toward him. Oh, why did concern shine in his amethyst gaze?

      “Would you please remove your hands from my breasts?” Throat raw, her words came out husky and low.

      His eyes widened, and he jerked his hands away with a grin, shifting away from her. “Sorry. I didn’t realize.”

      “It’s okay,” she muttered as heated blood rushed to her face.

      His eyes narrowed. “I know you. You’re the news reporter, Caitlyn Reiley.”

      Caitlyn tried to smile, but felt cornered. She looked past his handsome face and saw Marcy. Her friend stood a couple of feet behind him, her face expressionless.

      Marcy’s gaze met hers and a chill raced up Caitlyn’s spine. Gleaming with a strange internal fire, Marcy’s eyes glowed bright. Malice aimed at her through the look sent an unexpected stab of fear lancing through her. From the edge of her line of vision, Evers turned toward her. The pale blond stranger, who’d been standing by, observing in silence, shifted closer to her. Did she imagine the instant protective wall emanating from the two men?

      Caitlyn blinked, and when she raised her eyelids and focused, Marcy stood at ease, smiling at her. Had she imagined what had happened?

      “Forgive Catey. It’s not every day she meets a famous person.” Marcy stared pointedly at him. “Hey, listen, can you kind of keep an eye on her? I want to talk to a guy over there. He’s your music tech, isn’t he? If I can’t have you, then he’s next on my list. Catey, let me know when you want to leave, okay?”

      Still unsure of what she’d just witnessed, Caitlyn nodded while Marcy pivoted and melted into the crowd. She’d known Marcy since junior high. There wasn’t a mean bone in her body, yet what Caitlyn sensed and saw coming from her friend frightened her. Was Marcy jealous of her? No, she would never leave Caitlyn with him if that were true.

      “Are you all right?” The question came from the stranger. He had remained silent, concern lining his features.

      Caitlyn smiled and nodded. “Yes and thanks.”

      Shay frowned. “Did Lance send you a pass for tonight?”

      “No.” Her hair fluttered across her cheek as she shook her head. “I came with Marcy Richards.”

      The frown deepened. He looked even more handsome wearing such a dark expression.

      “Marcy?” He repeated curiosity evident in his gaze.

      Caitlyn kept her tone even, but on the inside, she cringed with embarrassment. “The blonde. The one who asked you to keep an eye on me.”

      His right brow rose, and he glanced in the direction where Marcy had disappeared. “You’re not like her, are you?”

      Caitlyn’s back stiffened. “And what exactly does that mean? Marcy may be a little forward, but she’s a great friend, and no, she and I are complete opposites. She’s one of a kind.”

      “I meant no offense.” He faced her, a wide grin spreading across his lips. He leaned close, his voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. “Are you spying on me? A little undercover work before the interview?”

      Guilt rushed through her and heated her cheeks. She hoped he wouldn’t notice the added tint to her face. “No, I’m not. I wanted to observe you unobserved. That’s all.” Her tone came out rigid and formal.

      “Ah.” He straightened and clasped his hands behind his back, staring at her. “I see you’ve met Rhys. He’s my gardener.”

      Surprised, she looked at the tall blond man. “You’re a gardener?”

      “I have a magical thumb.” Rhys held up his right thumb. His eyes lit with flashing blue glints. She relaxed and smiled at him.

      “Do you always bring your gardener with you on tour?” she asked Shay.

      Before he answered, Rhys spoke up, “No. I came to search for a rare and exquisite flower. Shay was kind enough to offer me a way home.”

      “Did you find it?” Caitlyn wondered, her curiosity piqued.

      “Yes. As a matter of fact, I did, with a little help from Shay.”

      Glancing at Evers, she remarked, “My, what a paragon of kindness.”

      “Paragon.” Shay slowly repeated the word, as though savoring the feel of it on his tongue. “I like it. Did you hear her, Rhys? I’m a paragon of kindness.” He tilted his head and lowered his voice. “I’ve been telling him ever since our childhood what a good fellow I am. He doesn’t believe me.”

      His words brought an unbidden smile to Caitlyn’s lips. “Childhood friends?”

      “Like brothers.” He nodded and winked at Rhys. The gardener’s mouth lifted with a one-sided smile that seemed to contain no humor. Interesting. “Rhys always pulled me into one scrape or another. Of course, he helped me a great amount too. I was happy to assist him with this matter.”

      Filing this bit of information away, she asked “So, you like plants?”

      “You’re not interviewing me, are you?”

      “No. Do you see a tablet? A mic? I’m not here officially.”

      His gaze lingered on her a moment longer. The next second, the devastating white smile that had wowed most breathing females flashed. The area around them lightened. When he spoke, her heartbeat sped up and her breath stopped midway to her lungs. “I love plants. All kinds. I suppose you could say it’s my hobby.”

      “What’s your favorite?” The words came out breathless.

      She hadn’t wanted them to sound that husky, almost sexy. A strange tension came over her muscles. The sudden flare of desire caught her off guard. In danger of becoming one of those mindless women who swooned at the mention of his name, she tried to convince herself his smile didn’t affect her. No, it wouldn’t. Not her.

      “Any kind. Want to know what Rhys’s favorite is?”

      “I don’t believe Ms. Reiley cares to know,” Rhys interrupted. The tightness in his voice took her aback. Shay called them friends but the other man’s behavior pointed

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