Reaper Force - Inside Britain's Drone Wars. Peter Lee M.

Reaper Force - Inside Britain's Drone Wars - Peter Lee M.

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JET A generic British military term that refers to highspeed, jet-propelled, air-to-air fighter aircraft or fighter-bomber aircraft.

      FMV Full motion video

      FOB Forward Operating Base

      GBU Guided Bomb Unit. The Reaper carries two 500lb GBU-12 laser-guided bombs

      GCAS Ground close air support

      GCS Ground Control Station

      HME Home-made explosive

      HVT High-value target. For example, an important Taliban figure

      IED Improvised explosive device

      IN THE BOX In the Ground Control Station, a shipping container-sized metal box

      IS Islamic State

      ISAF International Security Assistance Force, the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan

      ISR Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance

      ISTAR Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance

      JTAC Joint Terminal Attack Controller. The person who directs offensive air operations, including close air support, typically from a forward position on the ground or from a Combined Air Operations Centre

      KINETIC STRIKE A missile or bomb strike

      LASING Using a laser beam to mark or ‘light up’ a target for a laser-guided missile or bomb strike

      LCPL Lance Corporal

      LRE Launch and Recovery Element – the crew based near the operating area who launch the Reaper and land it at the end of the mission, by remote control. In between take-off and landing, control is transferred electronically so that it is then piloted via satellite link by someone in the UK or USA

      MATCH EYES To train the Reaper camera on a target or area that is already being watched by another surveillance aircraft

      MCE Mission Control Element

      MEDEVAC Medical evacuation

      MIC Mission Intelligence Coordinator

      NOTAM Notice to Airmen – a standard, internationally recognised method of warning aircrew of mandatory areas to avoid and potential risks in the area where they are planning to fly

      OFF DRY To pull out of a bomb or missile run without releasing a weapon

      OVERWATCH To fly above friendly forces on the ground, looking out for threats and using weapons to protect those forces if necessary. Ground forces can also conduct overwatch, with one group of soldiers or marines observing as their colleagues manoeuvre into position

      PAX Passengers

      PID Positive identification, usually of a combatant target

      PLATFORM An aircraft, which can be manned or remotely piloted, plus all of its capabilities

      POL Pattern of life, built up through intelligence gathering and surveillance

      PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder

      QWI Qualified Weapons Instructor

      RAR Remedial Action Report

      RCDFCIED Remote Control Directional Fragmentation Charge Improvised Explosive Device

      RCH Red Card Holder – the UK’s RCH holds and provides operational and legal authority for a weapon strike that has been delegated from the Secretary of State for Defence, via the Air Component Commander in the CAOC

      ROE Rules of Engagement – the legal framework that dictates when, where and how lethal force can and cannot be used

      RPAS(P) Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (Pilot) – the official designation of someone recruited and trained to pilot an RAF Reaper, who was not previously a pilot on another type of aircraft

      SAFETY OBSERVER An experienced Reaper crew member, or instructor, who is brought into the GCS in the build-up to a missile or bomb strike

      SANGAR A fortified position

      SAR Synthetic aperture radar

      SMIC Senior Mission Intelligence Coordinator. Supervises Reaper missions alongside the Authorising Officer in the Squadron Operations Room

      SO Sensor Operator, who controls the various cameras and other sensing equipment, and who laser-guides missiles and bombs onto targets

      TECHNICAL Flat-bed truck with a large weapon bolted or welded onto the back; used as highly mobile light artillery

      TIC Troops In Contact

      TRIM Trauma risk management – peer-to-peer psychological support system intended to reduce the impacts of traumatic events

      USAF United States Air Force

      VBIED Vehicle-borne improvised explosive device

      VOIED Victim-operated improvised explosive device

      WEAPON OFF THE RAIL When a missile has been fired or a bomb dropped from an aircraft


      It was a close friend who prompted my drones research in 2011 by introducing me to someone in the RAF Reaper community. I thank him and curse him every day in equal measure for what he started.

      I have a love-hate relationship with all things war and military-related. My own experience of war took place well away from where the bullets are fired and the bombs go off. I was an RAF chaplain for seven years, from 2001 to 2008. I have never been on a front line, never been shot at and never fired a weapon in anger against an enemy. The closest I ever came was during a year in the Falkland Islands, where I got to walk old battlefields with veterans who fought in 1982 and who, in 2004 and 2005, were still wrestling with the mental legacy. My involvement in the 2003 Iraq War was as a chaplain at a British military hospital in Akrotiri, Cyprus, over a five-month period. There, on a daily basis, I witnessed the brutality of war in the broken, wounded and maimed bodies of (mainly) young soldiers and the occasional Iraqi civilian. Over time, those encounters took their own psychological and spiritual toll on me.

      Until I started my research for this book I had never watched someone being killed. I mean actually killed, in real time, as opposed to seeing a YouTube video or some fictionalised Hollywood scene where the actors take off their make-up at the end of the day and go home. No, my experience of war has been routine, mundane and focused on the human cost – sometimes painfully so – not on the military or political aspects.

      I was initially reluctant to pursue the project. I had spent several happy years away from the physical and mental traumas of war, teaching the ethical and political aspects of armed conflict and air power from the safety of a classroom. To delve into the professional and personal lives, and the experiences of the people who kill using remotely piloted Reaper aircraft – commonly referred to as ‘drones’ outside the RAF – in a new form of war from a distance, would be interesting. But it would also require me to return to an inner place I did not want to revisit. Then there was the practical difficulty of gaining the necessary level of access to one of the world’s most guarded and classified military communities.

      My questions were endless. Would it even be possible? If I did manage to gain access would the Reaper operators be willing to talk to me? Why should they? Would their spouses and partners want to share their experiences of living with those who brought the mental images of distant killing home with them? It would be much easier by far to stay in the classroom, to stick with the theory rather than immerse myself in the world of the Reaper operations and those who carry them out.

      Just as I was deciding to ignore the idea, fate intervened. I spent several hours with a Reaper pilot, John, and his wife, Kim, who spoke candidly about their experience of fighting wars on two fronts. He was fighting Islamic State (IS) jihadists at work and she was

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