Nations's Bounty. Nontsizi Mgqwetho
The night is deep before the dawn
61Wazinyatela na? Intombi Zezwe Lako Zibe Ngamakoboka?
Are you trampling your nation’s girls to enslave them?
62Lipina Iqula Lamanzi e Afrika?
63Tabata! Naso Isitshixo!! Esikinxe Izwe Lako!!!
There’s the key to the lock on your land: take it!
64Vumani! Siyavuma!!
65Zapela Inkomo! Luqaulo Lwemitshato!!
66Mazibhange! Izikumbuzo Ezingenalo u Manyano
Stop the divisive commemorations
67Wapulwana Afrika Njengesitya Esingananziweyo?
Africa, are you trashed like a worthless plate?
69Ngubani Oti Ukuvumisa Akufuneki?
Who said there’s no need of divination?
71Ukuxoka! Pulapula!!
72Nantso-Igushakazi! Pantsi Kwabaguguli!! (Good Friday)
Behold the lamb set for shearing (Good Friday)
73Qengqa!-Elolitye!! (Easter)
74Tixo Wam! Tixo Wam! Undishiyelanina?
My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?
75Hambani! Niyekuzenza Abafundi Zonke Intlanga!!
Go forth and teach all nations
76Siyakuzizekela Ninina Uzuko?
When will we gain ourselves glory?
77Hosanna! Cibi Elino Mnqwazi Ngapezulu!! (Xmas)
Hosanna, Lake with a bonnet on top! (Xmas)
78Zemk’ Inkomo Zetafa!! 1925
On the plains they’re stealing our cattle! 1925
79Yaqengqelekana Yonke Iminyaka Umi ndaweninye? (1926)
Will the years all roll by while you mark time? (1926)
The country will be patched like clothing!!
81Umanyano! Mihlamb’ Eyalanayo!!
82Nalo Igazi! Lidyob’ Umzimba Wake!! (Good Friday)
Look at his blood-flecked body (Good Friday)
83Vuyani! Uxolile u Tixo Wezulu! (Easter)
Agree! God in heaven’s reconciled!! (Easter)
84Umona! Pulapula!!
85Simi pina?
86Isizwe Esingena Tixo Siyatshabalala
87U-Yehova Uyasivana?
88Namhla Izwi Lake Lise Zaqwitini!! (Usuku loku Nyukela)
Today he roars in a whirlwind! (Ascension Day)
89Isimbonono se Afrika!!
91Umanyano Nomfela Ndawonye!
92Yeyapina Lemfundiso?
Where does this teaching come from?
93Siyayikumbula Njena Indlala?
94Uvelwano! Pulapula!!
95Yacombuluka Inamba Ebisoloke Ifukamele Ukunduluka (Abefundisi)
A long lying-in, then the python uncoils and leaves (Ministers)
97Yayisenzelwa Ntonina i Bhaibhile?