The Shadow City. Ryan Wieser

The Shadow City - Ryan Wieser

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      The Shadow City

      The Hunters of Infinity Series by Ryan Wieser

      The Glass Blade

      The Shadow City

      Table of Contents

      The Hunters of Infinity Series by Ryan Wieser



      CHAPTER 1

      CHAPTER 2

      CHAPTER 3

      CHAPTER 4

      CHAPTER 5

      CHAPTER 6

      CHAPTER 7

      CHAPTER 8

      CHAPTER 9

      CHAPTER 10

      CHAPTER 11

      CHAPTER 12

      CHAPTER 13

      CHAPTER 14

      CHAPTER 15

      CHAPTER 16

      CHAPTER 17

      CHAPTER 18

      CHAPTER 19

      CHAPTER 20

      Teaser Chapter

      About the Author

      The Shadow City

      The Hunters of Infinity

      Ryan Wieser


      Kensington Publishing Corp.

      Rebel Base Books are published by

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      Copyright © 2018 by Ryan Wieser

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      First Electronic Edition: October 2018

      eISBN-13: 978-1-63573-027-2

      eISBN-10: 1-63573-027-9

      First Print Edition: October 2018

      ISBN-13: 978-1-63573-030-2

      ISBN-10: 1-63573-030-9

      Printed in the United States of America


      My sunshine, my comet—always, forever.


      I would like to thank my family for their continued support of me. For every reread, listening session, and note-taking, researching, late-night brainstorming gathering—I thank you. For my husband, I thank you for being my constant source of inspiration and support. For our precious child, I thank you for the abundance of love you have filled my heart with: you are my everything. I would like to thank my mother for her presence during this time, without your support I wouldn’t have been able to commit to this series. I would like to also express my gratitude for the love, support, and encouragement I received always from my grandmother Toni, and my grandfathers, Christopher and Ralph, and my godfather, John. I would also like to thank Richard Curtis, my constant source of guidance, your patience and support mean so much to me. Finally, I would like to thank Martin Biro and James Abbate for their continued faith in the series.

      CHAPTER 1


      Present Day

      In her dream, Jessop wore a linen cloak, identical to one she had first donned in the Blade’s mystical pool. He wore dark funerary robes, and he moved quickly, disappearing around corners, catching her eyes in the shadows. She followed him through the maze, wondering where he went, what he thought. She quickened her step, trotting after him, chasing through the dark corridors. She spun around the wall’s end, and felt a sudden ache in her abdomen. His arm was around her instantly, holding her close to his body. She looked down, over the sheer linen, and saw between her breasts the hilt of his dagger, his gloved hand still tight around the weapon. Blood soaked the robe, slick and crimson, sticking to her form. She wasn’t angry with him; it hadn’t hurt that badly. She rested her hand against his chest, and blood leached through her fingers. She looked up into his dark eyes. A tear ran over the star-shaped scar.

      “You’re bleeding,” she whispered, pressing firmly against his chest, ignoring her own wound.

      He smiled at her, shrugging casually. “It’s only my heart.”

      Jessop woke to the sound of crying, lurching up in her bed. It had been the same dream, for the hundredth time. Her hair snaked around her neck with sweat, her brow damp and hands clammy. Again, the small cry called to her. She glanced over the large, dark bed where Falco slept, motionless and silent. She rolled off, her feet finding the cool ground, and crossed the room, her eyes navigating the dark with their usual ease. Jeco was sitting up in his bed, his damp dark hair standing on end, his large gray eyes brimming with tears.

      She looped her hands under his shoulders and pulled him to her body. “I couldn’t sleep either, love.” He clung to her tightly, burying his small face under her chin. He didn’t care that she was slick with sweat or weary with exhaustion; she was his mother, his protector.

      In the darkness, large arms wrapped around her, and she leaned back into Falco, finding the safety in his arms that their son found in hers. Falco was silent in the night, a predatory creature whose abilities amazed her as much in that moment as they had a decade before.

      His lips kissed the space where her neck met her shoulder. “Nightmares again?”

      “Both of us, it seems,” she whispered, her breath travelling over Jeco’s short hair.

      “What should I do when my family cannot find peace?”

      Jessop breathed heavily at her husband’s question. It had been a month since Kohl had escaped the Blade, nearly killing her in the process. The Blade had been his home for most of his life. It had been more than a home. It had been his training facility, where he had lived with his Hunter brethren, patrolling the Daharian galaxy on behalf of Hydo Jesuin. The same Blade she had infiltrated and handed over to her husband, Falco. Jessop pushed the thought back, blinking away the image of Kohl O’Hanlon’s face. “Find the one who torments me,” she ordered.

      * * * *

      The following morning, Trax arrived

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