The Urantia Book. Urantia Foundation
The Evolving Soul 1218 4. The Inner Life 1219 5. The Consecration of Choice 1221 6. The Human Paradox 1221 7. The Adjuster’s Problem 1223 112. Personality Survival 1225 1. Personality and Reality 1226 2. The Self 1227 3. The Phenomenon of Death 1229 4. Adjusters After Death 1231 5. Survival of the Human Self 1232 6. The Morontia Self 1235 7. Adjuster Fusion 1237 113. Seraphic Guardians of Destiny 1241 1. The Guardian Angels 1241 2. The Destiny Guardians 1242 3. Relation to Other Spirit Influences 1244 4. Seraphic Domains of Action 1245 5. Seraphic Ministry to Mortals 1245 6. Guardian Angels After Death 1246 7. Seraphim and the Ascendant Career 1248 114. Seraphic Planetary Government 1250 1. The Sovereignty of Urantia 1250 2. The Board of Planetary Supervisors 1251 3. The Resident Governor General 1252 4. The Most High Observer 1253 5. The Planetary Government 1254 6. The Master Seraphim of Planetary Supervision 1254 7. The Reserve Corps of Destiny 1257 115. The Supreme Being 1260 1. Relativity of Concept Frames 1260 2. The Absolute Basis for Supremacy 1261 3. Original, Actual, and Potential 1261 4. Sources of Supreme Reality 1263 5. Relation of the Supreme to the Paradise Trinity 1264 6. Relation of the Supreme to the Triodities 1265 7. The Nature of the Supreme 1266 116. The Almighty Supreme 1268 1. The Supreme Mind