Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Жюль Верн

Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Жюль Верн

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      Jules Verne



       Title Page

       CHAPTER 13: Hospitality Under the Arctic Circle

       CHAPTER 14: But Arctics can be Inhospitable, too

       CHAPTER 15: SnÆfell at Last

       CHAPTER 16: Boldly Down the Crater

       CHAPTER 17: Vertical Descent

       CHAPTER 18: The Wonders of Terrestrial Depths

       CHAPTER 19: Geological Studies in Situ

       CHAPTER 20: The First Signs of Distress

       CHAPTER 21: Compassion Fuses the Professor’s Heart

       CHAPTER 22: Total Failure of Water

       CHAPTER 23: Water Discovered

       CHAPTER 24: Well Said, Old Mole! Canst Thou Work I’ the Ground so Fast?

       CHAPTER 25: De Profundis

       CHAPTER 26: The Worst Peril of All

       CHAPTER 27: Lost in the Bowels of the Earth

       CHAPTER 28: The Rescue in the Whispering Gallery

       CHAPTER 29: Thalatta! Thalatta!

       CHAPTER 30: A New Mare Internum

       CHAPTER 31: Preparations for a Voyage of Discovery

       CHAPTER 32: Wonders of the Deep

       CHAPTER 33: A Battle of Monsters

       CHAPTER 34: The Great Geyser

       CHAPTER 35: An Electric Storm

       CHAPTER 36: Calm Philosophic Discussions

       CHAPTER 37: The Liedenbrock Museum of Geology

       CHAPTER 38: The Professor in His Chair Again

       CHAPTER 39: Forest Scenery Illuminated by Electricity

       CHAPTER 40: Preparations for Blasting a Passage to the Centre of the Earth

       CHAPTER 41: The Great Explosion and the Rush Down Below

       CHAPTER 42: Headlong Speed Upward Through the Horrors of Darkness

       CHAPTER 43: Shot Out of a Volcano at Last!

       CHAPTER 44: Sunny Lands in the Blue Mediterranean

       CHAPTER 45: All’s Well that Ends Well

       CLASSIC LITERATURE: WORDS AND PHRASES adapted from the Collins English Dictionary

       About the Author

       History of Collins


       About the Publisher

      On the 24th of May, 1863, my uncle, Professor Liedenbrock,

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