Book Three: Part 1 The Dusk of Hope. Sean Wolfe Fay

Book Three: Part 1 The Dusk of Hope - Sean Wolfe Fay

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Black Hood.

      The Black Hood took a deep breath, then slowly let it out. He held out his blocky hand and opened it, allowing the rain to cascade over his outstretched palm. He relished the feeling as all his senses slowly came to life and he, once again, felt the sheer wonder of existing in the realm of Minecraft.

      Oh, yes, the Black Hood thought, euphoria spreading throughout his entire body. It has been far too long since I have been in this game. I had forgotten just how it feels. It is so good to be back.

      The Black Hood looked around. Spawnpoint Hill was completely deserted. The Black Hood was relieved as he hastily jogged down the hill and into the forest, taking refuge from the light rain. After all, he was not supposed to be here. If anybody found out about him, the Black Hood’s life could be compromised.

      The Black Hood sighed again, this time with determination. There was a reason that he had come to this server called Elementia. Though he had vowed to never again return to Minecraft after his last experience, the Black Hood knew that this particular server was in a state of horrible unbalance. A great evil had risen here, manifested in a power of untold strength. If this power should win the war now being fought, far more than the server would be destroyed. It might very well pose a danger to the game of Minecraft itself.

      The Black Hood knew what he must do. Although this unspeakable evil had spread throughout Elementia, a glimmer of hope still shone. Element City, the stronghold of justice and the spirit of rebellion in the world, was still alive, however weakened it may be. And as long as Element City remains standing, the Black Hood mused to himself, so too was there a chance that the people within may be reunited with the one single player who had the ability to lead them to victory over the great evil once and for all.

      I must move quickly, the Black Hood thought urgently. Although Element City will never stop fighting the invading forces of the Noctem Alliance, there will inevitably come a time when fighting is futile. And if that time comes before I can reach him… The Black Hood glanced down at his pale, blocky hand. It was imperative that he achieve his goals unseen, which may necessitate that he kill any witnesses he encountered. He would need a weapon to swiftly and inconspicuously dispose of anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path. With all his willpower, the Black Hood concentrated on his hand. He imagined the feeling of a diamond sword clutched tightly in his grasp, equipped with the highest of Sharpness enchantments. In a few seconds, the Black Hood could feel the hilt of a sword clutched in his hands, although it was not yet visible. He continued to concentrate.

      Just a bit more… he thought. Almost done…

      Then, just as the turquoise sword was materializing, there was a crash of thunder and a bolt of lightning lit up the sky, striking near the Black Hood. The explosion on the ground launched the Black Hood backwards, through the air, and he came crashing to the dirt-block ground.

      Wincing, the Black Hood opened his eyes. He had lost all concentration, and the diamond sword was nowhere to be seen.

      Suddenly, another boom of thunder, louder than the last, screamed above him as the sky broke and rain came pouring down. The Black Hood whipped his head upwards.

      This can’t just be a coincidence, the Black Hood realized frantically. He must know that I am here.

      This thought was followed by an ear-splitting boom of thunder that reverberated through the forest. And in the midst of the sound, the Black Hood heard a very distinct voice ring out, not from anywhere in this world, but from within his own mind.


      The Black Hood lay sprawled on his back on the ground, petrified. He remained that way for a full minute, heart racing and breathing rapidly. However, when no more thunderclaps sounded throughout the sky, the Black Hood finally allowed himself to take a deep breath. Baffled, he looked up at the sky yet again.

      What are you trying to tell me? he thought as hard as he could, deeply troubled and puzzled.

      There was no reply, from either within or beyond the Black Hood’s mind. The only sound that resonated throughout the area was the constant patter of the downpour.

      Hmmm… This is most interesting… the Black Hood thought, intrigued. Could it possibly be… that I cannot use my true power? Is that what you want?

      The Black Hood waited anxiously for a full minute, hoping for a reply that never came. The Black Hood sighed.

      Well, he knows that I am here now. This thought unnerved him quite a bit, as he realized the implications that came with this fact. He was now under the constant surveillance and scrutiny of something that had the ability to destroy him at a moment’s notice. The Black Hood was surprised that his presence had even been detected, yet he was even more surprised that he had not been destroyed because of it.

      I suppose, the Black Hood thought, that I am safe… for now at least. If he knows that I am here, but hasn’t yet destroyed me… I wonder what else I can get away with. I shall have to experiment with this more as I continue on my mission. As of now, however… it’s probably for the best to play it safe.

      The Black Hood glanced longingly at his hand. It would have been so simple if he could create his own diamond sword. However, it appeared that was one of the things he was not allowed to do; he supposed he would have to return to the basics.

      The Black Hood pulled himself up off the ground, and walked over to the nearest tree. He drew back his fist and sunk it as hard as he could into the wood-block trunk of the tree. Through the dim light of the rainstorm, the Black Hood noticed a small crack appear in the center of the block, and he continued to throw punch after punch into the block of wood.

      Look at me, the Black Hood thought to himself with an amused chuckle. Gathering wood by hand, just like a new player!

      It wasn’t long before the Black Hood had punched enough wood blocks to gather what he needed. It didn’t take him long to convert the wooden blocks into planks, and the planks into a crafting table. Minutes later, he pulled a wooden pickaxe off the table.

      The Black Hood smiled. This tool would suffice until he found time to invest in the creation of better materials. Now, however, time was short. The longer he waited, the further the Noctem Alliance crept towards victory. And if he failed to act, all would be lost.

      And so, pickaxe grasped in hand and a resolve of steel in his mind, the Black Hood turned to the west and began to walk, disappearing into the fog.

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       CHAPTER 1


      It was high noon in the Far Western Desert. The sun shone bright overhead in the crisp blue sky, beating down on the heat-baked sand blocks. Two- or three-block-high cacti sprouted up from the tan earth and speckled the dusty landscape with green, while a few odd Creepers and Spiders wandered aimlessly across the barren wasteland. The endless dune sea was nearly as vast as the Ender Desert, and was far less travelled in this day and age. At any given time, the Far Western Desert contained just a few players, and they rarely stayed there for long.

      The average player on the Minecraft server Elementia would find it foolish to venture into the Far Western Desert at all. There was hardly anything to be gained from it and everything to lose in the hot desert sun. However, if a player were to make the long trek across thousands of blocks of sand, into the very epicentre of the desert, he or she would find a small cluster of buildings. The houses were centred around a gravel network of roads and constructed of wood planks, clearly indicating that, at one point in the distant past, this

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