Collins Primary Illustrated Dictionary. Collins Dictionaries
ADVERB in, at or to any place • Can you see him anywhere? • We haven’t got anywhere to play.
ADVERB OR ADJECTIVE 1 When something is apart from something else, there is a space or a distance between them. • The gliders landed about seventy metres apart.
ADVERB 2 If you take something apart, you separate it into pieces.
apartment apartments
NOUN a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building
ape apes, aping, aped
NOUN 1 a large animal similar to a monkey, but without a tail. Apes include chimpanzees and gorillas.
VERB 2 If you ape someone’s speech or behaviour, you imitate it.
apex apexes or apices
NOUN The apex of something is its pointed top. • the apex of a cone
SYNONYM: vertex
apologize apologizes, apologizing, apologized; also spelt apologise
VERB When you apologize to someone, you say you are sorry for something you have said or done.
apology NOUN
apostrophe apostrophes
NOUN 1 a punctuation mark (‘) used to show that one or more letters have been missed out of a word, for example he’s for he is
2 Apostrophes are also used with -s at the end of a noun to show that what follows belongs to or relates to the noun. If the noun already has an -s at the end, for example because it is plural, the apostrophe comes after the s. For example, my brother’s books (one brother), my brothers’ books (more than one brother).
NOUN the equipment used for a particular task • The firefighters wore breathing apparatus.
ADJECTIVE 1 An apparent situation seems to exist, although you cannot be certain of it.
2 clear and obvious • It was apparent they would get on well together.
apparently ADVERB
appeal appeals, appealing, appealed
VERB 1 If you appeal for something, you make an urgent request for it. • The police appealed for witnesses to come forward.
2 If something or someone appeals to you, you find them attractive or interesting.
NOUN 3 a formal or serious request • an appeal for funds to help people in need
appear appears, appearing, appeared
VERB 1 When something appears, it moves from somewhere you could not see to somewhere you can see it. • The sun appeared from behind the clouds.
2 If something appears to be a certain way, it seems or looks that way.
appearance appearances
NOUN 1 Someone’s or something’s appearance is the way they look to other people.
2 If a person makes an appearance in a film or a show, they take part in it.
3 The appearance of something is the time it begins to exist.
NOUN a painful illness in which a person’s appendix becomes infected
appendix appendices or appendixes
NOUN 1 Your appendix is a small, closed tube forming part of your digestive system.
2 extra information that comes at the end of a book
appetite appetites
NOUN a desire to eat
[from Latin appetere meaning to desire]
ADJECTIVE When food is appetizing, it looks or smells good and you want to eat it.
NOUN the sound of people clapping to show their enjoyment or approval of something
apple apples
NOUN a round fruit with smooth skin and firm white flesh
appliance appliances
NOUN any machine in your home that you use to do a job like cleaning or cooking. For example, a toaster is a kitchen appliance.
application applications
NOUN If you make an application for something, you make a formal request, usually in writing.
apply applies, applying, applied
VERB 1 If you apply for something, you ask for it formally, usually by writing a letter. • My brother is applying for jobs.
2 If you apply something to a surface, you put it on or rub it into the surface. • She applied sun cream to her face.
3 If you apply yourself to a task, you give it all of your attention.
appoint appoints, appointing, appointed
VERB If a person appoints someone to a job or position, they formally choose them for it. • The teacher appointed Sunita as team captain.
appointment appointments
NOUN an arrangement you have with someone to meet them
appreciate appreciates, appreciating, appreciated
VERB If you appreciate something that someone has done for you, you are grateful to them for it.
ADJECTIVE If you are apprehensive about something, you feel worried and unsure about it.
apprentice apprentices
NOUN someone who works with another person for a length of time to learn that person’s job or skill
approach approaches, approaching, approached
VERB If you approach something, you come near or nearer to it.
ADJECTIVE suitable or acceptable for a particular situation
NOUN If you ask for approval for something that you want to do, you ask for agreement with your plans.
approve approves, approving, approved
VERB 1 If you approve of something or someone, you think they are acceptable or good.
SYNONYMS: favour, like
2 If someone approves a plan or idea, they agree to it. • The council approved plans for the new swimming pool.
SYNONYMS: agree to, permit
ADJECTIVE near but not exactly right • What was the approximate time you arrived?
apricot apricots
NOUN a small, soft, yellowish-orange fruit
NOUN the fourth month of the year. April has 30 days.
apron aprons
NOUN a piece of clothing worn over the front of normal clothing to protect it
aquarium aquaria or aquariums
NOUN a glass tank filled with water in which fish and other aquatic