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knobs for operating a machine

      consonant consonants

      NOUN all the letters of the alphabet that are not vowels


      ADJECTIVE If something is conspicuous, you can see or notice it very easily.

      conspiracy conspiracies

      NOUN an illegal plan made in secret by a group of people

      constable constables

      NOUN a police officer of the lowest rank


      ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is constant happens all the time or is always there. • We could hear the constant sound of the waves pounding the shore.

      2 If an amount or level is constant, it stays the same.

      constellation constellations

      NOUN a group of stars


      ADJECTIVE Someone who is constipated finds it difficult to empty their bowels.

      [from Latin constipare meaning to press together]

      constipation NOUN

      constitution constitutions

      NOUN 1 The constitution of a country is the system of laws and principles by which it is governed.

      2 Your constitution is your health.

      construct constructs, constructing, constructed

      VERB If you construct something, you build or make it.

      construction constructions

      NOUN 1 the process of building or making something

      2 something built or made


      ADJECTIVE helpful • The tennis coach made some constructive comments about my backhand.

      consult consults, consulting, consulted

      VERB 1 If you consult someone, you ask for their opinion or advice.

      2 If you consult a book or map, you look at it for information.

      consultation NOUN

      consultant consultants

      NOUN an experienced doctor who specializes in one type of medicine • a consultant heart surgeon

      consume consumes, consuming, consumed

      VERB 1 If you consume something, you eat or drink it.

      2 To consume fuel or energy is to use it up.

      consumer consumers

      NOUN someone who buys things or uses services • magazines aimed at teenage consumers


      NOUN The consumption of fuel or food is the using of it, or the amount used. • The consumption of ice cream rises in hot weather.

      contact contacts, contacting, contacted

      NOUN 1 If you are in contact with someone, you talk or write to them regularly. • I am in contact with a pen pal in France.

      2 When things are in contact, they are touching each other.

      VERB 3 If you contact someone, you telephone them or write to them.

      contact lens contact lenses

      NOUN small plastic lenses that you put in your eyes instead of wearing glasses, to help you see better


      ADJECTIVE A contagious disease can be caught by touching people or things infected with it. • Measles is contagious.

      contain contains, containing, contained

      VERB 1 If a substance contains something, that thing is a part of it.

      2 The things a box or room contains are the things inside it.

      container containers

      NOUN something that you keep things in, such as a box or a jar

      contaminate contaminates, contaminating, contaminated

      VERB If dirt, chemicals or radiation contaminate something, they make it impure and harmful.

      contamination NOUN

      contemplate contemplates, contemplating, contemplated

      VERB 1 If you contemplate, you think very carefully about something. • She contemplated what she would do at the weekend.

      2 If you contemplate something, you look at it for a long time.


      ADJECTIVE 1 produced or happening now

      2 A contemporary work is one that was written at the time of the events it describes.


      NOUN If you treat someone with contempt, you show no respect for them at all.


      Said “kon-tent” ADJECTIVE 1 If you are content, you are happy and satisfied with your life.

      2 If you are content to do something, you are willing to do it.


      Said “kon-tents” PLURAL NOUN 1 The contents of something like a box or a cake are the things in it.

      2 The contents page of a book tells you what is in it.

      contest contests

      NOUN a competition or game

      contestant contestants

      NOUN someone who takes part in a competition

      SYNONYMS: competitor, player

      context contexts

      NOUN The context of a word or sentence is the words or sentences that come before and after it, which help to make the meaning clear.

      continent continents

      NOUN 1 a very large area of land, such as Africa or Asia

      2 In Britain, the mainland of Europe is sometimes called the Continent. [from Latin terra continens meaning continuous land]


      ADJECTIVE In Britain, continental means on, belonging to or typical of the mainland of Europe. • continental breakfast


      ADJECTIVE happening again and again • Mum had a continual stream of phone calls.

      continue continues, continuing, continued

      VERB 1 If you continue to do something, you keep doing it.

      2 If something continues, it does not stop.

      3 You say something continues when it starts again after stopping. • She paused for a moment, then continued.


      ADJECTIVE happening all the time without stopping • The television made a continuous buzzing noise.

      contour contours

      NOUN 1 The contour of something is its general shape or outline.

      2 On a map, a contour is a line joining points of equal height.


      contract contracts, contracting, contracted

      Said “con-trakt” NOUN 1 a legal agreement about the sale of something or work done for money • He was given a two-year contract.

      Said “con-trakt” VERB 2 When something contracts, it gets smaller or shorter. • Metals contract with cold and expand with heat.


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