Quest for Justice. Sean Wolfe Fay

Quest for Justice - Sean Wolfe Fay

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ground. There were dirt and weeds beneath him, and brick walls rose on both sides of him. He had just noticed this when he saw Kat squatting down next to him, stuffing a golden apple into the unconscious Charlie’s mouth. Stan noticed that the cut on her back had vanished. She must have eaten a golden apple as well.

      “Oh, Kat … what happened?” Stan asked, his hand to his head, as Charlie began to stir, his cuts already completely vanished.

      “You passed out,” Kat said. “Right outside the gate. You and Charlie were both down, and I knew that I needed golden apples. None of the guards would even talk to me, and I had to look through about three shops before I found one that was willing to trade for three golden apples. I gave him the crafting table, the furnace and coal, the bow, the eleven arrows, the iron and golden swords, and most of the watermelon, and he still seemed to think that I was almost stealing by taking the apples from him.”

      “Wait,” said Stan, trying to process what she had said. “Questions. What do you mean, shops?”

      “Oh, well, we made it to Element City. Apparently, that’s what that wall was.” Stan noticed a row of buildings with players swarming in the streets. “And right at the entrance is the merchant’s area. They barter from inside their shops.”

      “OK,” Stan said. “Where are we now?”

      “Oh, I just dragged you two into the nearest convenient alleyway and then got the golden apples.”

      “OK so … wait a minute … crafting table … furnace, coal … bow, arrows … two swords … watermel— You gave him all our stuff!?” Charlie said, for he’d recovered and was listening now, too.

      “And he still thought I was ripping him off, even though I was still bleeding really bad myself,” said Kat, shaking her head. “I tell you, the people here are total jerks compared to the Adorian Village.”

      Stan remembered how Adoria had hesitated before telling them that going to Element City was a good idea. This must be what she meant, he thought.

      “I’ll say, though,” said Kat. “The guy seemed really surprised when I said that the wounds were from a Zombie Pigman. Apparently they—”

      “Wait, what’s a Zombie Pigman?” asked Charlie.

      The other two stared at him for a minute. Then Kat said, “Charlie, are you dense?”

      Charlie looked confused.

      “Dude, what did we just fight? What gave you cuts on the head and leg?”

      Charlie concentrated for a second, and then his face lit up. “Oh, I get it! ’Cause it’s a Zombie but it looks like a pig and has the body shape of a man!”

      Kat and Stan glanced at each other.

      “Let’s hope that’s just a side effect of the apple,” said Kat dismissively. “Anyway, we’re here now, and Goldman told me that the thing that you want to do once you get here is get a job. They offer you lodging and food, and you work for them. Sometimes they’ll offer you a more tedious task, and they’ll pay you in materials. Those materials can be traded for other things that you need, and eventually you’ll be able to open your own house that you buy on the real estate market and open your own business beneath it.”

      As she finished her monologue, Stan and Charlie looked at her with raised eyebrows.

      “When did you spend so much time talking to G?”

      “And why did you call him ‘Goldman’?”

      Kat rolled her eyes. “I talked to him at night after training. It’s nice to talk to someone who knows what he’s talking about. And for the record, he prefers to be called Goldman, but he lets people call him G because Goldman is kind of a mouthful. I don’t mind, though,” she added, as Charlie and Stan sniggered. “Let’s go find jobs.”

      And with that, the trio stood up, ate the last three watermelon slices, and, with nothing left to their names, walked out of the alley and into the street.

      The city was breathtaking. The cobblestone streets were overflowing with people walking down the blocks. Above their heads, a monorail-like system of railroad tracks ran above the houses. And the houses were everywhere. The ground floors of the houses were various stores and shops, with the living quarters situated above.

      Overlooking this metropolis were skyscrapers. The area they were in was clearly the merchants’ district, but there were other zones of the city as well, and one of them was filled with skyscrapers. The tallest buildings were three towers, connected by bridges at various points. The middle was crowned by a slender spire. However, the main building of this city was clearly the castle.

      Raised up significantly higher than the skyscrapers, this building stretched into the clouds at its peak. The tallest towers of the castle, the ones that could be seen from outside the city over the high wall, must have literally been able to touch the clouds. And the castle was wide, too – it stretched halfway across the city. Even from this distance, they could clearly make out the flag flying from the castle’s bridge. It was emblazoned with a design of three beings: a Creeper, a cow and a player with pale skin, blond hair and a gold crown, who Stan guessed must be the King.

      Kat let the boys marvel at the city for a few minutes, but then she forced them to start walking around and asking for work. They went door to door, asking if there were three jobs available. Stan noticed a pattern throughout the process. Whenever they asked for jobs, the first question that was asked was what level they were. Every time they said that Kat was level eight, Stan was level six, and Charlie was level five, they were turned down without further questioning.

      After their twelfth rejection, Kat was looking exasperated and Charlie was looking downright irritated. Stan was about to say that they call it quits and tough it out in the alley for the night when he heard a noise behind him.


      His immediate thought was, Creeper! Being the target of three Creeper attacks will do that to a player. He whipped around and made to draw his axe (which he had forgotten he no longer had), but he realized that it was not a Creeper. A player gestured to them from a store across the street. This player had on the most bizarre getup they had ever seen. He appeared to be dressed as a black crow, complete with a yellow beak on his face.

      “Psst! Come here, you three!” he whispered, which Stan didn’t get, seeing as all the other stores were closing for the night. And besides, why would he want to keep their visit secret from the neighbours? It all seemed a little sketchy to Stan.

      The lights turned on as Stan followed the player across the street and into a store. He saw shelves and shelves stocked with rotten flesh, bones, string, Spider eyes and other things that were taken from the monsters of Minecraft. He also noticed the weapons. Swords of various materials were laid out on tables. Axes hung from hooks on the ceiling. An entire wall was completely covered with hanging bows. There were also mannequins dressed in full sets of leather, iron and diamond armour. Stan was impressed. He had a feeling that if this player wanted to hire them, he would like the job quite a lot.

      They climbed up a ladder in the back of the shop and into the player’s house. It was very simple. The only items inside were torches on the walls, a bed, two chairs, a sapling tree on a block of dirt, some chests, a crafting table, a furnace and a counter with a machine with a button on it.

      “Sit,” the player said. While Charlie and Kat sat on the chairs and Stan on the floor, they saw the player walk over to the machine and press the button four times. Four loaves of bread popped out of a hole in the front of the machine. He handed three of these to his guests and kept the fourth for himself. He sat down on the bed.

      “Am I correct in thinking that you three are looking for jobs?” the player asked.

      “Yes,” Kat said. “We’re new here—”

      “Sh, sh, shhh!” said the player, looking nervous. For whatever reason, he clearly didn’t wish to be heard. “Not so loud! My name is Blackraven100, and I’m

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