Collins First Dictionary. Collins Dictionaries
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How to find a word in this dictionary
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How to find a word in this dictionary
Think of the first letter in the word you want to look up. Once you know this, there is more than one way to find your word in the dictionary:
• You can use the Index at the back of the ebook which lists all of the dictionary words in alphabetical order. Scroll through the Index until you find the letter your word begins with, then look down the words until you find the one you are looking for. You can then follow the link to the entry in the dictionary.
• You can use the Contents page at the front of the book, which has a link to every letter in the dictionary. Follow the link to the letter your word begins with, then look through the entries in this letter until you find the word you are looking for. The entries are in alphabetical order.
1. You can check how to spell words.
2. You can see how the word changes when it is used in different ways.
3. You can see what the word means.
4. You can see how the word is used in a sentence.
5. You can see if a word has more than one meaning.
6. You can see if a word is a noun, verb or adjective. Some words can be used in more than one way.
A noun is a word that is used for talking about a person or thing.
arm noun
bird noun
car noun
If you have more than one of the thing, you use the word that ends in –S.
Some words have special endings, or different spellings, when there is more than one.
child ➔ children
An adjective is a word like “big” or “beautiful” that tells you more about a person or thing.
happy adjective
wild adjective
wet adjective
Adjectives can be used in different ways.
happier, happiest
wilder, wildest
wetter, wettest
A verb is a word like “sing”, “feel” or “eat” that you use for saying what someone or something does.
eat verb
cry verb
talk verb
Verbs can be used in different ways.
eats, eating, ate, eaten
cries, crying, cried
talks, talking, talked
Verbs can be used to talk about things that you are doing now.
He teaches people how to play the piano.
He is in the school football team.
They can be used to talk about things