The Soul Stealer. Alex Archer

The Soul Stealer - Alex  Archer

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concerned that she will hunt.”

      “But we didn’t pass any cemeteries around here on the way in,” Annja said. “Doesn’t that kind of rule out the whole supernatural angle?”

      “Just because you did not see the cemetery does not mean there is not one,” Gregor said. “The last time I was here, the villagers buried their dead behind the church.”

      Annja nodded. “Down at the end of the street. Father Jakob, you mentioned.”

      “Yes. He is Eastern Orthodox.”

      “You think he’s still here?”

      Gregor spoke to the old woman, who had come out with the bill. She handed it immediately to Bob, who started fumbling around with his wallet.

      When Gregor had finished speaking, the old woman nodded. Gregor looked back at Annja.

      “She says he is still here and that he will be here until the wind sweeps his dust away.”

      “Colorful,” Annja said, laughing.

      Bob fished out a wad of money and handed it to the old woman. She grabbed the bundle of cash and leafed through it. Her eyes softened and she kissed Bob on the forehead before trundling off.

      Annja shook her head. “Looks like you won her over.”

      “Money is the greatest facilitator of all,” Bob said. “A little extra green makes everyone all lovey-dovey.”

      “I guess we should go and see Father Jakob,” Annja said. “Maybe he’ll be able to shed a little light on this whole situation.”

      Walking out of the café, Annja felt a funny sensation and turned back to see the old woman peering through the torn lace curtain framing the windows. Gregor didn’t look back but steered Annja away.

      “As I said, they are distrustful of strangers. Give them time and they will warm up to you.”

      “This business of the Khosadam has them spooked,” Bob said. “Everyone is suspect.”

      Annja nodded. “Quite a place we’ve come to, Bob.”

      “It’s about to get even weirder if that sky carries through on the promise of a blizzard,” he said.

      Annja looked up, and the thick, bloated clouds seemed as if they might fall out of the sky. “How long?”

      “Soon,” Bob said. “Another hour perhaps.”

      Annja looked at Gregor. “Is there a place we can stay here in town?”

      Gregor pointed at a decrepit building that towered over the other buildings. “Yakutsk hotel. The only place in town.”

      It looked quite run-down, but any place would serve as long as it kept them warm and safe from the blizzard outside. Annja turned to Gregor again. “Has anyone in town died recently?”


      “So, if no one has died lately, how is this Khosadam supposed to eat?”

      Gregor frowned. “That is what has the villagers scared the most. It is said that when Khosadam cannot find a fresh grave, she will hunt the living.”

      “She’ll kill?” Annja asked in disbelief.

      “Yes. And when she kills, she will then wait for the dead person’s soul to lift from the body.”

      “And then she eats it?”

      Gregor nodded. “Yes.”

      The first flakes fell from the sky as they hurried toward the church. Already, the Siberian sky had darkened.

      Annja wondered what the night might hold in store for them all.


      By the time they reached the church, the air had grown thick with snow. A driving wind lashed snow at them almost sideways. The steps of the church were slippery, but Annja, Bob and Gregor crested them and stood in front of the thick wooden door.

      Gregor pounded on it. The thunderous knocking seemed to vanish amid the howling wind and darkening skies.

      Annja could see the faint glow of yellow through one of the glass windows facing the front of the church. It grew in size until at last they heard the latch sliding back.

      The door opened and a withered, ancient face peered out at them. Gregor spoke loudly, trying to make himself heard over the coming storm.

      The old priest squinted and then his eyes seemed to light up as he recognized Gregor. He waved them in and Annja gratefully followed Bob inside.

      The air inside the church was still, but warmer than it was outside. Annja caught a vague scent of incense in the air. She closed her eyes and welcomed the air of holiness that surrounded the church. She always made a point to be thankful for her blessings whenever she ventured into any church or holy place, regardless of faith.

      Father Jakob led them to a small room beyond the altar. The tiny kitchen had a coal-burning oven that radiated immense heat. Annja slid her coat off and rested it on the back of her chair.

      Father Jakob busied himself preparing a pot of coffee while he and Gregor engaged in conversation.

      Gregor looked at them. “Father Jakob has asked me if I have been good about going to confession since he last heard my sordid tales of debauchery.”

      “What did you tell him?” Annja asked.

      Gregor smiled. “I told him I have been a saint and don’t need to confess anything.”

      “Wow,” Bob said. “He didn’t believe you, did he?”

      Father Jakob whacked Gregor on the back of his head. Then he looked at Bob and Annja. “No. I most certainly do not believe him.”

      “You speak English?” Annja said.

      Father Jakob eyed her. “Of course. I speak it quite well. I haven’t always lived in Yakutsk, after all. And there is a much bigger world out there.” He set down four mugs and then removed the bubbling pot of coffee from the stove top. He poured them each a cup, replaced the pot on the stove and then sat down with them.

      “So, what is it that brings you to this village?” the priest asked.

      Bob took a sip of his coffee. “I’m researching dig sites in the area. I’m an archaeologist.”

      “And you think there are places around here that would be of interest to you?” Father Jakob shook his head. “I do not know what you hoped to find, but I don’t think there would be much here worth exploring.”

      “This whole area is steeped in history. Siberia itself is awash in legends and folklore. But recent history might even be more fascinating. What with Magadan being so close by, relatively speaking,” Bob said.

      Father Jakob frowned. “We should not speak of that place. What Magadan was the gateway for, and how many people died as a result of those mines, it is a wound that should not be opened up again.”

      “But surely you’d agree that by understanding the past we can avoid the same mistakes in the future?” Annja asked.

      Father Jakob looked at her. “You do not strike me as a naive woman. Surely you do not think that just because we look at the past that we learn all the lessons it contains?”

      “It’s a hope,” Annja said.

      Father Jakob frowned. “And we have so many examples of fools who have shown a complete disregard for history. They are more than happy to repeat the mistakes of the past time and time again. Why should this be any different?”

      “There’s no guarantee,” Bob said. “But the history of Magadan and the mines is a story that more people need to know about. Three million deaths should never be covered up or left to fade away in the footnotes of history.”


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