Polar Quest. Alex Archer
sighed. “Fine.”
Zach’s voice came back through the speaker. “Dave?”
Dave took the handset. “Go ahead.”
“You tell anyone else that we were coming out here today?”
“Me? Nope. No need.”
“Annja? How about you?”
Annja frowned. “Just that guy Trevor at my dorm. He seemed to know already, though. He mentioned something about being careful out here and that he’s heard it was a big old environmental disaster area. He told me I should be really careful. He seemed genuine enough.”
Dave keyed the microphone. “Why do you ask? Something wrong back there?”
Zach paused. Then Annja heard his voice again. “I don’t know.”
“It’s probably nothing,” he said. “I just thought I saw something behind us, that’s all.”
“Behind us? As in what? Another vehicle?” Dave asked.
Dave shook his head. “Not very likely. It’s tough going out here, and unless whoever’s driving is experienced, they can easily get lost, even with the GPS system.”
“How so?”
“They have to be able to navigate with it. And the GPS isn’t quite as easy as what you’d find on a car. It’s a bit trickier.”
Annja frowned. “But what if there is someone back there? What would they be doing?”
“I don’t know. Tracking us?” Zach said.
“But why?” Annja turned in her seat and felt a slight twinge in her side. “Ouch.”
“Take it easy,” Dave said. “Don’t damage yourself any more than you already have.”
“Okay.” But Annja turned anyway and peered through the back windshield. She could see the lights from Zach’s Sno-Cat. But nothing behind that.
If there was someone else out there, the snow and ice seemed to have swallowed him completely.
By midday, they’d traveled a little more than half the distance to the dig site. True to his word, Dave had stayed at the wheel, only taking small breaks to use the jerrican situated in the back of the Sno-Cat. During those times, Annja had kept the tracked snow vehicle trudging over the ice sheets and on course with the GPS system, which was actually very easy to follow.
“I don’t know why you said this was tricky,” she said as Dave zipped back up. “Any idiot could use this thing.”
“Yeah, I know. I tend to exaggerate a little bit.”
“I can take the wheel a while longer if you want to sleep.”
Dave slid into the passenger seat. “Let’s see how Zach’s doing. He might be looking for a break.”
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