Sacrifice. Alex Archer

Sacrifice - Alex  Archer

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pointed at the four other men sitting on their haunches nearby. “They are anxious to go out.”

      “As we all are.”

      “But only four? Surely, that will not be enough to capture the gunman,” Miki said.

      “I think it will, actually.”

      “The others in camp are restless. They want to be involved in the capture just as much as everyone else. I think some of them feel left out by your decision to only use a small unit.”

      Eduardo nodded. “I do not doubt their commitment or their willingness to participate in the mission.”

      “So why not take them along?”

      “Because the man we are tracking is not an ordinary person, Miki. A sniper is a specialized breed of soldier. If we were going out looking for a band of civilians, then yes, the more men we employed in that regard, the better.”

      “But the sniper is different?” Miki asked.

      “Yes. Extremely so. A man like this is used to operating alone. He knows how to move, how to use the jungle to evade and confuse us—even though we might know it better—so that he is able to take advantage of the situation.”

      “But he is only one man.”

      “One well-trained man. And he is motivated to escape us, surely knowing what we will do to him when we find him. No, by going out with a large force, we will simply make larger targets of ourselves. A small force of highly trained men is exactly what we need.”

      “Well, the four you had me assemble are the best we have here.”

      “And along with the old man tracking for us, I fully expect that we will have the sniper in our possession before nightfall,” Eduardo said.

      Miki glanced out at the jungle. “There are many ways to get out of the jungle without seeing another person.”

      “The old man will plot our path and then we will take steps to set an ambush.”

      Eduardo reached down and hefted the AK-47 he carried. The gun was heavy but its reliability in the jungle was superb. And the rounds it fired could take an arm off at distance.

      “While I’m gone, you will be in charge of the camp,” Eduardo said.


      Eduardo looked at him. “It only makes sense, don’t you think? We are the same rank, but Agamemnon has given me this assignment to carry out prior to our real mission. In the event I don’t come back, the people here need someone to lead them, someone who can be trusted. That person is you.”

      “I don’t know if it will even be necessary—”

      Eduardo shook his head. “I’ve already spoken to Agamemnon about it. He agrees you are the most logical choice to assume command if I am killed.”

      Miki frowned. “I don’t like the way you are talking.”

      Eduardo smiled. “Don’t get sentimental on me, my friend. You know as well as I do that the path to heaven lies before us. One way or another we must persevere on our mission to rid the planet of the infidels. Only then will we find ourselves in the graces of God.”

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