Ant Invasion. Joe Miller

Ant Invasion - Joe  Miller

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thought you’d never ask!” said Buzz, pushing his way to the front.


      The ant led the Bug Buddies into the party. The place was packed with so many insects, Zap had to try hard not to get trodden on!

      “Here you are,” said the yellow ant. He gave each of them a flower-petal bowl brimming with acacia honey. Zap lowered his head and took a sip, but the honey was so sweet it made his stomach ache.


      Zap watched as Buzz, Lurch and Crunch slurped up the honey greedily.


      “Can we have some more?” Lurch asked, holding out his empty flower petal.

      Crunch and Buzz were both licking the last of the honey from their lips.

      Zap looked around. “It’s weird seeing yellow ants in the wood,” he muttered. “They normally live in the meadow and stay underground.”

      Buzz shoved his face into another bowl of honey. “I’m glad they’re here,” he mumbled between mouthfuls. “This is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted!”


      Zap found a twig to sit on, away from the crowd. I’m the only bug not eating honey, he realised as he looked around.

      As the party continued, the Bug Buddies started acting a bit crazy. Lurch had found a new dung ball, which he’d covered in honey – and now he was stuck to the top of it, being pushed around by a group of giggling earwigs.

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