Sleepover Girls Go Wild!. Ginny Deals

Sleepover Girls Go Wild! - Ginny Deals

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my feet. “Come on,” I said coaxingly. “I’m not going to play a trick, honest. I just think we should see them, that’s all.”

      Somehow, we got Fliss to the Snake House. And double somehow, we got her through the doors. There was loads of heavy tropical foliage in there, airy glass cages with plaques that read things like “Boa Constrictor, Brazil” and “Boomslang, East Africa” – and snakes coiled up in the branches. I didn’t need to play a trick on Fliss. Just seeing her face was revenge enough!

      Kenny fanned herself. “Blimey, it’s hot in here, isn’t it?”

      “That’s because the snakes need to keep warm,” said a voice behind us. We swung round, to see a man with lots of curly brown hair grinning at us. His Animal World badge said “Jack”, so I guess that was his name. “They are cold-blooded, you see.”

      “Cold-blooded and murderous,” Rosie whispered naughtily in Fliss’s ear.

      Fliss looked like she was about to run for it. I soooo love Rosie!

      “You mean like, evil?” asked Kenny, looking all keen at the idea.

      “No!” Jack grinned, taking off his gloves. “Cold-blooded means they don’t have an inside radiator like you guys. When they get cold, these snakes can freeze solid!”

      “Best thing for them,” muttered Fliss.

      “What do you do here?” asked Lyndz shyly.

      “I’m a snake handler,” said Jack.

      He sounded dead casual, but – man! What a scary job! I think we all gulped more than a teensy bit!

      “You handle them?” gasped Fliss, taking a step back from him as if he was covered in gruesome snake slime.

      Jack shrugged. “It’s no big deal, honest,” he said. “They aren’t interested in eating me!”

      Kenny looked enthusiastic. “What are they interested in eating, then? I heard they ate live animals.”

      Lyndz gasped and looked distressed, but Jack didn’t notice.

      “Yeah,” he said cheerfully. “In their natural habitat, the big ones eat wild pigs and goats and things, when they can catch them. You’d be surprised! But we feed them more regularly on smaller mammals here, like rats and rabbits.”

      “Not rabbits!” said Lyndz furiously, stepping out from beside me. “That’s horrible!”

      Jack looked at Lyndz sympathetically. “Not to the snakes, it isn’t,” he said. “They need to eat, just like you and I do.”

      “But—” Lyndz started to say.

      “Cool!” Kenny butted in, oblivious to how upset Lyndz was. “So do they eat them reeeeally slowly, or swallow them in one—”

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