Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary. Collins Dictionaries
pale green stalks.
See Vegetables on page 260
cell cells
NOUN 1 Animals and plants are made from tiny parts called cells.
NOUN 2 A cell is also a small room where a prisoner lives.
cellar cellars NOUN
A cellar is a room under a house where you can store things.
cement NOUN
Cement is a grey powder which is mixed with sand and water and used to make bricks stick together.
cemetery cemeteries NOUN
A cemetery is a place where dead people are buried.
centimetre centimetres NOUN
A centimetre (cm) is a measure of length. It is the same as 10 millimetres.
centipede centipedes NOUN
A centipede is a tiny animal like a worm, but with lots of legs.
Something that is central is in the middle of an object or an area.
centre centres
NOUN 1 The centre of anything is the middle of it.
NOUN 2 A centre is a place where people can go for a particular purpose, for example sports.
century centuries NOUN
A century is a period of 100 years. The 21st century is the time between 2000 and 2099.
cereal cereals
NOUN 1 Cereal is a plant which has seeds called grain that can be used for food.
NOUN 2 Cereal is also a food made from grain that is often eaten for breakfast.
See Other foods on page 261
ceremony ceremonies NOUN
A ceremony is a set of formal actions performed at a special occasion such as a wedding.
If you are certain of something, you are sure it is true.
certificate certificates NOUN
A certificate is a piece of paper which says that something important like a birth or marriage took place.
chain chains NOUN
A chain is made from rings of metal joined together in a line.
chair chairs NOUN
A chair is a seat with a back, for one person.
chalk NOUN
Chalk is a soft white rock. It can be made into sticks for writing on blackboards.
challenge challenges, challenging, challenged
NOUN 1 A challenge is something new and exciting that needs a lot of effort. Learning how to cook is a new challenge for me.
VERB 2 If someone challenges you, they ask you to have a competition with them.
champion champions NOUN
A champion is a person who has beaten everyone else in a contest.
chance chances
NOUN 1 If there is a chance that something will happen, it might happen.
NOUN 2 If you are given a chance to do something, you are allowed to do it if you want to.
by chance PHRASE If something happens by chance, it has not been planned.
change changes, changing, changed
VERB 1 When something changes, it becomes different.
VERB 2 When you change your clothes, you put on different ones.
NOUN 3 If there is a change in something, it is different in some way.
NOUN 4 Change is the money you are given when you pay more than the right amount for something.
channel channels
NOUN 1 A channel is a passage for water or other liquid.
NOUN 2 Television companies use channels to broadcast programmes.
chaos NOUN
Chaos is a state of complete confusion, where nothing is organized.
chapter chapters NOUN
A chapter is a part of a book.
character characters
NOUN 1 The characters of a book, film or play are the people it is about.
NOUN 2 Someone’s character is the sort of person they are. She has a kind character.
charge charges, charging, charged
VERB 1 If someone charges you money, they ask you to pay for something.
VERB 2 If something or someone charges towards you, they rush forward.
in charge PHRASE If you are in charge of something, you are the person looking after it.
charity charities NOUN
A charity is an organization which raises money for a particular cause, such as people in need.
charm charms
NOUN 1 A charm is a small ornament that is fixed to a bracelet or necklace.
NOUN 2 A charm is also a magical spell or an object that is supposed to bring good luck.
chart charts
NOUN 1 A chart is a sheet of paper that shows things like dates or numbers.
NOUN 2 A chart can also be a map of the sea or of the stars.
chase chases, chasing, chased VERB
If you chase someone, you run after them to try and catch them.
chat chats NOUN
A chat is a friendly talk about things that are not very important.
chatroom chatrooms NOUN
A chatroom is a site on a computer network where people discuss a particular subject.
chatter chatters, chattering, chattered VERB
When people chatter, they talk about unimportant things.
cheap cheaper, cheapest ADJECTIVE
Something cheap costs very little, or less than you might expect.
cheat cheats, cheating, cheated VERB
When someone cheats, they lie or do unfair things to get what they want.
check checks, checking, checked
VERB 1 If you check something, you make sure it is correct or safe.
NOUN 2 A check is a pattern of squares.
checkout checkouts NOUN
A checkout is the place in a supermarket where you pay.
cheek cheeks NOUN
Your cheeks are the sides of your face below your eyes.
cheeky cheekier, cheekiest ADJECTIVE
Cheeky speech or behaviour is rude and disrespectful.
cheer cheers, cheering, cheered VERB
When you cheer, you shout to show you are pleased about something