Easy Learning Italian Conversation. Collins Dictionaries

Easy Learning Italian Conversation - Collins  Dictionaries

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intenzione di andarli a trovare quest’estate.I intend to go and see them this summer.Abbiamo intenzione di invitarlo durante la vacanze.We intend to invite him over during the holidays.Intendo sistemare la questione prima possibile.I intend to sort out this problem as soon as possible.

      Do you intend to…?

Hai intenzione di andare al matrimonio di Carlo e Mariella?Do you intend to go to Carlo and Mariella’s wedding?
Ha intenzione di contattarli?Do You intend to get in touch with them?
Cosa hai intenzione di dire?What do you intend to say?
Intende restare in questa zona?Do You intend to stay in this area?
Come intendi dargli la notizia?How do you intend to tell him the news?

      When making arrangements with someone, use Le va bene…? or, more informally, Ti va bene…? (Is it okay by you if…?) to ask someone if something suits them. va comes from the verb andare. For more information on andare, see here.

      Is it okay by you if…?

Le va bene cenare alle nove?Is it okay by You if we have dinner at nine?
Le va bene alle due?Is two o’clock okay by You?
Ti va bene se ti telefono la settimana prossima?Will it be okay if I phone you next week?
Vi va bene se restiamo d’accordo così?Would this arrangement be okay by you?

      To ask somebody if they would prefer something, use Preferisce…? or, more informally, Preferisci…? (Would you prefer it…?) which are from the present tense of the verb preferire. You can also use the conditional Preferirebbe… or Preferiresti…. For more information on –ire verbs like preferire and on the conditional, see here and here.

      Would you prefer it if…?

Preferisci che ci incontriamo in centro?Would you prefer it if we met in town?
Preferisce che ci troviamo al ristorante?Would You prefer it if we met at the restaurant?
Preferite che vi passi a prendere?Would you prefer me to come and collect you?
Preferirebbe andare allo spettacolo dopo?Would You prefer it if we went to the later show?

      Is it better to…?

È meglio invitare anche sua moglie?Is it better to invite his wife as well?
È meglio se ti chiamo di sera?Is it better to ring you in the evening?
È meglio se l’avvisiamo prima di venire?Is it better to let You know before we drop in?

      If you want to confirm an arrangement with somebody, you can use Siamo d’accordo…? or Allora d’accordo…? (Are we agreed…?).

      Are we agreed on…?

Siamo d’accordo per la data?Are we agreed on the date?
Siamo d’accordo su dove trovarci?Are we agreed on where to meet?
D’accordo, signora?Are we agreed, madam?
Allora d’accordo?Are we agreed, then?


      D’accordo is used to accept offers or to agree: Ci andiamo insieme? – D’accordo! (Shall we go together? – OK!).

      When you want to say that you have to do something in Italian, you use devo (I have to) followed by the infinitive. devo comes from the verb dovere (to have to). For more information on dovere, see here.

      I have to…

Devo fare una telefonata.I have to make a phone call.
Devo stare a casa stasera.I have to stay in tonight.
Devo andare a cena con i colleghi.I have to go out to dinner with my colleagues.
Dobbiamo essere là alle otto in punto.We have to be there at eight o’clock sharp.

      I must…

Devo finire prima delle due.I must finish before two o’clock.
Adesso devo proprio andare.I really must go now.
Devo telefonare a mia moglie.I must call my wife.

      Do you have to…?

Devi dargli una risposta oggi?Do you have to give him an answer today?
Deve andare subito?Do You have to go right now?
Dobbiamo portare qualcosa?Do we have to bring something?

      When you want to say that you should or ought to do something, use dovrei (I should) and then the verb in the infinitive. To find out more about the infinitive, see here.

      I should…

Dovrei chiamare Anne.I should call Anne.
Dovrei darle il mio numero di cellulare.I should give You my mobile number.
Dovreste venire a trovarci.You should come and see us.

      To ask what someone has to do or when or why they have to do it, put cosa (what), quando (when) or perché (why) at the beginning of the sentence, before deve or, more informally, devi (do you have to?). deve and devi come from the verb dovere (to have to). For more information on dovere, see here.

      What do you have to…?

Cosa deve fare?What
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