Behind Iraqi Lines. Shaun Clarke
800kph, also heading north for Baghdad. These were followed almost instantly by another wave of ‘jammer’ aircraft intent on suppressing enemy defences, top-cover fighters, more Tornado bombers, reconnaissance planes, AWACS early-warning, intelligence-gathering and target-identification aircraft, and the deadly, delta-winged F-117A Stealth fighter-bombers. The latter, invisible to enemy radar and often mistaken for UFOs, were likened by many to ‘ghost’ planes.
In no time at all, nocturnal Baghdad was illuminated by the greatest fireworks display in history and covered by an enormous umbrella of turbulent black smoke.
In the first 24 hours of this incredibly complex, computer-controlled war, over a thousand sorties were flown and over a hundred missiles launched against 158 targets, including communications centres and Scud launching sites, with as many as twelve combat aircraft being refuelled in-flight simultaneously by tankers stacked six deep in the air.
During the day, the first Allied casualty was the loss of a single Tornado. During the night of the seventeenth, however, from Iraqi airfields and secret bases in the west of the country, Saddam’s military commanders unleashed a volley of eight Scud missiles at Israel. Two landed in Haifa and four in Tel Aviv. They were followed immediately by more Scud attacks on Riyadh, where the War Room and main communications of the Coalition effort were located.
Even as the citizens of Haifa, Tel Aviv and Riyadh were donning NBC suits, designed for use during nuclear, biological or chemical attack, or placing gas masks over their heads, Patriot anti-missile missiles were taking off with a deafening cacophony. These were followed rapidly by an equally loud din overhead as the incoming Scuds were hit and exploded, filling the sky with great flashes of silvery light, mushrooms of black smoke and spectacular webs of crimson tracers and downward-curving streams of dazzling white, yellow and blood-red flame.
By the second day of the war, RAF aircrews were attempting to trap Iraqi aircraft hidden in hardened aircraft shelters, or HASs, by bombing the access tracks and taxiways leading from the shelters to the runways. At the same time, US giant B52s were carrying out round-the-clock, high-altitude attritional bombing raids designed to demoralize, exhaust and daze the Iraqi troops by denying them sleep, when not actually killing them.
By Day Three, however, it had become clear that the major threat to the Coalition was the Scuds, particularly those on mobile launchers.
‘Which is where we come in,’ Major Hailsham told his assembled troopers outside his tent in the FOB in Al Jubail. ‘The difficulty in tracking mobile Scud launchers is complicated by Saddam’s use of dummy rockets that look realistic from the air and contain fuel that explodes when hit by a bomb, thereby encouraging our pilots to report more strikes than they’ve actually made. They also use dummy mobile launchers with real crews and they, too, look genuine from the air.’
‘You mean the crews of the dummy mobile launchers have to drive around the desert, deliberately trying to be spotted, in order to misdirect the fire from our aircraft?’
‘Correct,’ Hailsham said.
‘Some job!’ Geordie exclaimed. ‘Rather them than me! Driving around just to be picked off by any passing aircraft and become another statistic on their kill counts. No, thanks. Not my cup of tea!’
‘As if those Air Force bastards don’t already come out with enough bullshit when they’re doing their sums,’ Andrew said, flashing his perfect teeth. ‘The day I find an honest Air Force kill count I’ll eat my own cock.’
‘If you can find it,’ Geordie said, which brought the house down.
‘OK, men, that’s enough,’ Hailsham admonished them, continuing when he had regained their attention: ‘It’s becoming clear that because of these dummy sites and launchers, the number of Scuds taken out by the aircrews is considerably less than at first anticipated. And as the real ones can’t be seen from the air, eyeball recces and personal contact are needed. So, my good fellows, we’re going to take them out ourselves, with particular emphasis on those within range of Israel, located in the desert round two Iraqi airfields known only as H2 and H3. So far, the Israelis are refusing to be drawn into the war. We therefore have to stop the Scud attacks on Israel before their patience wears out.’
‘What’s the terrain like around H2 and H3?’ Ricketts asked.
‘Fortunately a lot of it’s less flat and open than most parts of the desert,’ replied Hailsham, using his pointer to indicate the area on the map behind him. ‘The demarcation line is between the British and US territories on the most distant of the three MSRs [military supply routes] running north-east from Baghdad to Amman. If the Americans operate mostly to the north of it, in the area they call Scud Boulevard, or the northern “Scud box”, as they call it, and we keep to Scud Alley, south of the main road, there’ll be no danger of us fighting each other accidentally. Our territory, Scud Alley, is the Jordanian lava plateau, a relatively high, hilly area with deep wadis that are often flash-flooded after storms. Loose rock instead of sand, though dense sandstorms are blown in from other areas. Lots of rain instead of burning sun. Freezing cold at night. In fact, it’s more like the Falklands than it is like Oman, so you shouldn’t find it too strange.’
‘I remember the Falklands well,’ Paddy said. ‘Rain, hail and snow.’
‘Right,’ Jock concurred. ‘OPs always flooded with water. Fucking wind every day. I thought this place would be a pleasant change – balmy nights, lots of sunshine.’
‘You just want to look like me,’ Andrew teased him. ‘Suntanned and beautiful.’
‘Spare me!’ Jock retorted.
‘That’s enough,’ said Hailsham, with a wave of his hand. ‘Let’s get back to the business in hand.’
‘Yes, boss,’ Geordie said, grinning mischievously at each of his mates in turn and cracking his knuckles.
‘Good.’ Glancing outside the lean-to tent, Hailsham saw the sun sinking towards the flat horizon, casting its crimson light on the white plain as darkness crept in. Helicopters and fighter planes were silhouetted in its huge, fiery eye like ink-black cut-outs suspended on invisible threads. From where he stood they looked beautiful. ‘The Regiment will undertake three lines of attack,’ he continued. ‘Some teams will stake out static, covert road-watch patrols to report the movement of Scud traffic. Others will then vector F-15 strike aircraft onto the Scuds to destroy them.’
‘What kind of teams?’ asked Danny.
‘Lurp teams – eight men. To be inserted by chopper at an LZ about 140 to 180 miles behind the enemy border, without any transport other than desert boots and a strong will.’
The ‘Lurp’ teams Hailsham referred to were LRRP, or long-range reconnaissance patrols.
‘A strong will,’ Andrew echoed with a devilish grin. ‘That whittles it down to one man – me – and that isn’t enough.’
‘In parallel,’ Hailsham said when the anticipated scorn had been poured on Andrew, ‘there’ll be fighting columns of up to a dozen well-armed Land Rovers carrying one and a half tons of war matériel each, manned by a half squadron of thirty men or more. We’ll have four such columns. Their job will be to penetrate one of two major areas in the west, near the border with Jordan, from where the Scuds are launched. This “Scud box” is a well-defended area of desert of approximately 240 square miles, including the motorway linking Baghdad with Amman. Around twelve to fourteen mobile launchers are thought to be in or near the area.’
‘Do we move by day or night?’ Ricketts asked.
‘It’s not the Empty Quarter, so we’ll mostly move by night. According to Intelligence, Bedouin come and go constantly. There’s also a surprising amount of civilian traffic, much of it generated by fear of Western vengeance on Baghdad. Last but not least, because it’s a critically important military zone, it’s filled with Iraqi military personnel of all kinds, including Scud crews and the militia.’
‘How do we insert?’ said Andrew.