Wait For You, Trust in Me: 2-Book Collection. J. Lynn

Wait For You, Trust in Me: 2-Book Collection - J.  Lynn

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flew open. He was smiling down at me. Not a big smile that showed of his dimple, though. “You’re going to miss me, but you’re not going to admit it.”

      I didn’t say anything, because I was trying not to think about the next four days. And then his fingers moved, trailing the curve of my cheekbone, and I wasn’t really thinking about anything. They drifted to my jaw and one finger carved a path to my chin. Air leaked slowly out of my lungs as he finger hovered near my bottom lip.

      He tilted his head to the side. “I’ll miss you.”

      My lips parted. “Really?”


      I closed my eyes against the sudden burn of tears. I had no idea why those three words affected me so, but they did and for a teeny, tiny moment, I admitted to myself that I didn’t want him to leave. That made the burn worse.

      Several minutes passed and the only sound was the low hum of the TV. He traced the outline of my lower lip, never quite touching it but coming close with each pass. I wondered if he would ever touch my lip and if I wanted him to.

      I think I sort of did.

      “You talk in your sleep,” he said.

      My eyes popped open. Screw the touching of the lip. “I do?”

      He nodded.

      Oh God. My stomach dropped. “Are you messing with me? Because I swear to God, if you’re messing with me, I’m going to hurt you.”

      “I’m not messing with you, sweetheart.”

      I sat up, and both of his hands dropped away. I twisted on the couch, facing him. My pulse was pounding for a whole different reason. “What did I say?”

      “Nothing really.”

      “For real?”

      Leaning forward, he scrubbed his hands down his face. “You were just murmuring stuff. I couldn’t really make out what you were saying.” He lifted his head. “It was kind of cute.”

      My heart started to slow down as the fear loosened its grip on my chest. God only knows what I could’ve been saying when I slept. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was past three in the morning. “Holy crap, you suck at your special ability at knowing the time.”

      Cam shrugged as he slid forward. “I guess I should be going home.”

      I opened my mouth and then closed it. What was I about to do? Ask him to stay? Like have a slumber party on my couch? Real smooth. I doubted he was interested in PG-13 couch parties. “Be careful when you drive,” I finally said.

      He stood, and I stared at the spot he’d occupied. “I will.” And then he swooped down, moving faster than I could figure out what he was up to. He placed his lips to my forehead. “Goodnight, Avery.”

      I closed my eyes and my hands balled into fists. “Goodnight, Cam.” He made it to the door before I sprung up, clutching the back of the couch. “Cam?”

      He stopped. “Yeah?”

      Taking a deep breath, I forced the words out. “I had a really good time tonight.”

      Cam stared at me a moment and then he smiled. The dimple appeared in his left cheek, and my own lips responded in kind. “I know.”

      Tossing my history text onto the edge of my bed, I flopped onto my back and smacked my hands over my eyes. It was only Thursday afternoon and I already felt like I was about to crawl out of my skin.

      I guess I could clean something.


      My cell chirped from the nightstand, and I rolled over, grabbing it. Half afraid to look at the screen, I did so with one eye closed. Like that somehow made things less shittier if it was the friendly, neighborhood asshole.

      It wasn’t.

      Sitting up, I opened the text from Cam. Two words and I was grinning like a fool. Miss me?

      I responded back with a: No.

      The response was almost immediate. If u were Pinocchio, ur nose wld span the state.

      Crossing my legs, I leaned against my headboard. Pinocchio? Sounds like your reading level.

       Ha. U wound me. Deeply.

       Thought you didn’t have feelings?

      I lied. I have so many feels for u. Before I could respond, another text came through. When I lie something else grows on me.

      I laughed out loud. Thanks for sharing.

       Ur welcome. Just keeping u updated.

      You can keep that to yourself. Biting down on my lip, I texted back: Did you make it home?

      A few minutes passed while I stared at my phone. Yeah. Fam showering me with affection. U cld learn frm them.

       I think you get enough attention.

       I’m needy.

       Boy, don’t I know that.

      There was another span of minutes. What r u doing?

      Lying on my back, I crossed my ankles. Reading.



       Bet u miss me.

      My grin had reached embarrassingly epic proportions. Bet you have better things to do right now.

      Nope. A few seconds later, who is this??? I frowned as I sat up. And then, Sorry, my sister just stole my phone.

      I relaxed. Sounds like a pretty cool sister.

       She is. Sometimes. She’s needier than I am. Gotta run.

      I texted back: TTYL

      The rest of the afternoon dragged and by nine o’clock, I briefly considering taking some NyQuil just to go to sleep. From the living room I heard my cell chirp again. Throwing my toothbrush into the sink, I made a mad four feet dash to my living room and then slowed as I approached my phone.

       Go out with me.

      Laughing, I forgot I had toothpaste in my mouth and ended up spewing white, foamy gunk all over my chin and shirt. “Jesus, I’m a dork.”

      I cleaned myself up and then responded to Cam. Asking me over text is no different from in person.

       Thought I’d give it a try. What r u doing now? I’m beating my dad at poker.

      Picturing him with his family, I smiled. Getting ready for bed.

       Wish I was there.

      My eyes widened. What the what?

       Wait r u naked?

      No!!! I sent back. Perv.

       Damn. At least I have my imagination

       That’s all you will ever have.

       We’ll c.

       No you won’t.

       I choose to ignore that. Ok. Gotta go. Dad is kicking my ass.

       Night Cam.

       Goodnight, Avery.

      I held onto the phone for an indecent

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