Hot-Shot Doc, Secret Dad: A Single Dad Romance. Lynne Marshall

Hot-Shot Doc, Secret Dad: A Single Dad Romance - Lynne Marshall

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       The Montgomery brothers—from bachelors to dads!

      Trevor and Cole Montgomery are the best-looking bachelors in Cattleman Bluff—not to mention the doctors everyone wants to see!

      More than one woman has tried to persuade these men to say ‘I do’, but no one’s succeeded … Until two women move to Cattleman Bluff and turn the lives of these hot docs upside down!

      Because it’s not just the women Trevor and Cole are going to fall in love with—it’s their adorable children too …

      Don’t miss this delightful new duet from Lynne Marshall:

       Hot-Shot Doc, Secret Dad


       Father for Her Newborn Baby

      Available now!

      ‘Heartfelt emotion that will bring you to the point of tears, for those who love a second-chance romance written with exquisite detail.’

      —Contemporary Romance Reviews on NYC Angels: Making the Surgeon Smile

      ‘Lynne Marshall contributes a rewarding story to the NYC Angels series, and her gifted talent repeatedly shines. Making the Surgeon Smile is an outstanding romance with genuine emotions and passionate desires.’


       Dear Reader,

      Welcome to Cattleman Bluff, Wyoming!

      When I first mentioned to my editor that I’d like to write about cowboy doctors, to be honest I expected a giggle. Instead I found support and enthusiasm for Trevor and Cole, the Montgomery brothers of Wyoming.

      In Book One, Hot-Shot Doc, Secret Dad, Trevor literally gets the surprise of his life. Little does he know that the emphasis will be on ‘family’ when he hires Julie Sterling, a nurse practitioner returning to her hometown after being away for thirteen years. Funny how life has a way of sometimes putting us exactly where we belong …

      A freak accident introduced Cole to medicine. He’s the hero in Book Two, Father for Her Newborn Baby. When Cole has to step down from his highly respected position as a cardiology specialist and return to do country medicine for a while he’s paired with Lizzie Silva, a ‘rough around the edges’ doctor from the streets of Boston. She comes with extra baggage … in the way of a tiny baby! Can things get any more complicated?

      I’m proud to mention that this story is my twentieth book for Harlequin Mills & Boon®. I was thrilled to write two stories set in the gorgeous state of Wyoming, a place I love and can’t wait to visit again. Plus, I got to write about not one but two weddings! I hope you enjoy the Cowboys, Doctors … Daddies duet as much as I enjoyed writing Trevor, Julie, Cole and Lizzie’s stories.

      Happy trails!


      ‘Friend’ Lynne Marshall on Facebook to keep up with her daily shenanigans.

      LYNNE MARSHALL used to worry that she had a serious problem with daydreaming—then she discovered she was supposed to write those stories! A late bloomer, Lynne came to fiction writing after her children were nearly grown. Now she battles the empty nest by writing stories which always include a romance, sometimes medicine, a dose of mirth, or both, but always stories from her heart. She is a Southern California native, a woman of faith, a dog-lover and a curious traveller.

       Hot-Shot Doc, Secret Dad

      Lynne Marshall

      This book is dedicated to the beautiful state of Wyoming.

      With special thanks to Flo Nicoll for letting me write the Montgomery brothers’ stories.

      Table of Contents


       About the Author

       Title Page











      JULIE WAITED TO FACE the guy who’d knocked her up thirteen years ago.

      “Ms. Sterling?” The young and attractive medical clinic receptionist called her name as if it were a crowded waiting room.

      Julie was the only one sitting there, being that it was almost lunchtime. “Yes?”

      “Dr. Montgomery will be with you as soon as he finishes with his last patient. He apologizes for running late. The appointment turned out to be a little more involved than expected.”

      “Thanks for letting me know.” Julie’s nerves were twisted to the point of breaking anyway over the thought of facing the man who’d once changed the entire course of her life. Now she’d get to balance on this tightrope over the roiling anxiety a while longer. Oh, joy.

      Her goal was to not let on how desperate she was for the job. But how would she control these butterflies over facing him

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