Hunted by the Jaguar. Bonnie Vanak

Hunted by the Jaguar - Bonnie  Vanak

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lowered his mouth to hers.

      Thoughts became scrambled, the notes in her throat turning into a low moan as he kissed her. His mouth claimed and possessed. He coaxed her lips to part and gently thrust inside her, exploring leisurely. The kiss turned her limbs even weaker as she clutched his broad shoulders for support.

      The kiss stroked every sense into mindless pleasure, just as his kiss had the first time they’d made love. She had avoided sex, fearing such erotic abandonment might free the demon in her. Give way to the darkness. And then she’d met Daimon, and his wicked sensuality had made her forget common sense.

      A low growl tore from her throat as she gripped him harder, her nails scoring his skin. He broke the kiss and rubbed his stubbled cheek over hers, as if marking her. Sense returned, and horror. She yanked away. Anger bubbled in her veins. The hot temper she’d inherited from her father rose to the surface.

      “I remember.”

      Ariana gave that muscled chest a hard push, shoving him against one of the clay-colored stalls. The impact resounded with a sickening crack of bone. Horrified, she stared, but he seemed unhurt.

      As opposed to the dented stall.

      He grinned. “About damn time you got mad.”

      Cold fear doused the fiery anger. She’d nearly lost it, thanks to his kiss. The demon banged against her thudding heart. Free me.


      Gooseflesh dimpled her arms, and she hugged herself, feeling lost and more unsure than ever. He came close, his eyes gleaming with triumph.

      “Ariana,” he murmured. “Dammit, you’re hard to track and I’ve hunted the best.”

      “Why are you after me?”

      That sensual mouth tipped upward. “I’m an Ancient. Since we already know each other, I’ve been tasked with finding you.”

      Panic skidded down her spine. Ancients were powerful soldiers fighting evil forces. They possessed enormous magick and were ruthless in tracking down prey. What did he want with her?

      She blurted out the first thing that came to mind as she studied Daimon. “You can’t be an Ancient. You’re too young.”

      “I’m 789 years old, sunshine.”

      Ariana tried to squelch her raging emotions, knowing the demon danced close to the surface. “Why are you after me?”

      “I’ll explain the details later. For now we have to get you safely out of here. I chased away the Lawson pack, but they’ll return.”

      “Who wants you to find me?”

      “The Society.” As her pulse pounded, he gentled his voice. “To protect you, Ariana. You’re very special and they don’t want any harm to come to you.”

      “If you are a shifter who works for them, you’re a lousy one,” she snapped as he went to the door and opened it a crack. “You can’t even dress yourself after you shift. I thought the Ancients were powerful.”

      The acid remark slid off those golden shoulders in a slight shrug. “I like to be naked. Don’t you like the view?”

      Ariana slid a covert glance at his very masculine backside, the smooth indentation of muscles and taut butt cheeks.

      “If you’re done studying my ass, I’d be glad to show you the front.”

      The amused chuckle brought a flush to her cheeks. “I’d rather get the hell out of here. Even if it’s with you. Though how you tolerate the cold in your birthday suit is beyond me.”

      “Magick. But this cold weather does affect my best asset. Wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea. Shrinkage and all.”

      Any sarcastic remark died on her lips as he opened the door and several low growls sounded. Ariana steeled her spine and peered into the darkness. A dull glow from the restroom’s light did little to spear the dense, foggy blackness in the trees ringing the facility. She doubted she had the strength to run, or even sing another note. But her not-so-immortal-and-dark soul be damned if she became canine fodder in this dank, filthy restroom.

      He glanced over his shoulder. “Let’s get out of here.”

      Trusting this arrogant cuss was tough, but she had little choice. Until she regained her energy, she doubted she could handle another run-in with the wolf pack. And she would never surrender to the dark side.

      Sparks shimmered in the air as magick wove around Daimon. “Follow me and don’t stop, don’t look right or left. There’s a red Jag parked in the lot. Get in and lock the doors.”

      The last word was uttered in an odd, guttural sound. Startled, she recoiled as the sparks swirled and then cleared, showing a large black jungle cat with glittering emerald eyes.

      “Jaguar,” she whispered, awed.

      Shadows moved among the trees. The pungent odor of animal musk filled the air. The scuffle of paws on wet leaves and dead grass, the huffing breaths, sent alarm clawing up her spine. Ariana followed the muscled cat outside, training her gaze on the sleek backside.

      Ten feet away from the building, they attacked with a savage snarl. The jaguar grunted and whirled, lashing out as she ran to the car.

      As her fingers fumbled with the latch, she glanced over her shoulder and her breath caught in her throat.

      Light from the restroom’s lamp showcased the fight. Wolves flew through the air like toys flung by a petulant toddler. One escaped the fracas and loped toward her with a snarl. The jaguar raced after it with a low grunt. The wolf sailed into a tree and hit hard. It slid downward, its angry snarl turning into a pitiful whimper.

      The jaguar paced toward her, giving another low, coughing growl. It bumped against her backside, the pink tongue lolling out.

      She got the message and climbed into the car.

      When the driver’s-side door opened, she gave her rescuer an arch look. “A Jag for a jaguar. Very apt. I was wondering if you’d shift back. Must be hard to reach the pedals with your paws. Or do you use telekinesis to drive as well as fight?”

      Clad now in a black turtleneck and black jeans, Daimon started the car. “I told you to get inside and lock the doors. I see I must teach you to obey me.”

      Her temper rose. She slammed it down. “Listen, I’m grateful you have a car and you got me out of that mess, but it ends there. I just need a little money to get my wheels fixed….”

      “They sabotaged it. By now your car is scrap.”

      Ariana’s hands tightened in her lap. She hadn’t bathed, eaten a full meal or slept, and this news sent her raw nerves screeching. The dark intensity on his face and the savageness of his voice warned he told the truth.

      “Why are they against me? I’ve never hurt anyone!”

      “Not yet, because the demon inside hasn’t been released yet, Ariana. You will not allow it power.”

      Panic thudded in her heart. “How do you know about me?”

      He ignored her question. “Those after you are werewolves, part of Jarrett Lawson’s pack. The pack sensed you coming and threw nails into the road. You didn’t have a chance. They were running you down on purpose until you dropped and were forced to use your dark powers. Jarrett wants you the same way I want you.”

      She was terrified to ask but did so anyway. “What for?”

      He shot her a glance filled with hot male hunger and purpose. “Naked in bed underneath him, to make you his mate.”

      Chapter Two

      The last of the three Darkling triplets wanted by the Society had been captured. She now lay slumped over in sleep, riding shotgun in his sleek red Jaguar.

      First she’d issued

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