Marriage At A Distance. Sara Craven

Marriage At A Distance - Sara  Craven

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she said. ‘I think.’

      He seated himself opposite her on one of the big chintz-covered sofas which flanked the fireplace. The dogs, who’d followed him into the room, lay down on the rug between them.

      For the first time Joanna was able to take a real look at him, studying him covertly from under her lashes.

      He’d changed, she thought. The lines beside his mouth had deepened, and his features had lost any last trace of boyishness. He looked not just older, but harder.

      He glanced up, meeting her gaze meditatively, and she hurried into speech.

      ‘You were a long time coming down from the hill.’

      His brows lifted. ‘Did you miss me?’ he drawled. ‘I’m flattered.’

      She bit her lip. ‘That isn’t what I meant.’

      His mouth twisted. ‘I didn’t really think it would be.’ He drank some coffee. ‘I went down the other way—to pick up my car. I’d left it in the lay-by at Combe Gate.’

      ‘Oh,’ Joanna said rather blankly. ‘I see.’

      ‘No,’ he said gently. ‘I don’t think you do. I wasn’t sure in my own mind whether I was ready to come back to this house yet, or if I preferred to spend the night in Midhampton. I went up onto the hill to spy out the lie of the land, and then you came along and the dogs recognised me. That seemed to make the decision for me.’

      She said slowly, ‘If I’d been alone would you have said anything? Let me know you were there?’

      ‘Ah,’ he said lightly. ‘That we shall never know.’

      ‘Well—I think your decision was the right one.’ She paused. ‘Your room will be ready by now. I—I expect after all that travelling you’d appreciate an early night.’

      ‘Not particularly,’ he said. ‘I think, don’t you, that we should talk? Settle a few things?’

      ‘Yes,’ she said, her heart sinking. ‘Perhaps you’re right.’ She drew a deep breath. ‘Gabriel, you may not want to hear this from me, but I really loved your father, and I—I’m devastated by what’s happened.’

      He stared down at the cup and saucer he was holding. ‘Well, at least we agree on something.’

      ‘I had no idea he had any kind of heart trouble.’

      Gabriel shrugged a shoulder. ‘I presume he didn’t want to worry you.’

      She stared at him. ‘Then—you knew?’ she asked incredulously.

      ‘Yes.’ His voice was even. His tawny gaze met hers in direct challenge. ‘I’ve been seeing him quite regularly in London. The last time was a couple of weeks ago, when he came up to consult a specialist who recommended a by-pass operation.’ He paused. ‘But unfortunately fate intervened.’

      He gave her a speculative look. ‘Our meetings have clearly come as an unpleasant shock to you. If you’d hoped the breach between us was total, and I’d be cut off with the proverbial shilling, you’re going to be disappointed.’

      She stood up, spilling coffee down her skirt. ‘How dare you say that?’ Her voice shook. ‘I never thought—never wanted you to be apart from him. I’ve been blaming myself terribly…’

      ‘And scalding yourself as penance, it seems,’ Gabriel said grimly. ‘Are you hurt?’

      ‘No, of course not.’ She dabbed crossly at her damp skirt with a hankie. ‘God, how stupid.’

      ‘Sit down,’ he said more gently. ‘And calm down.’

      ‘I was perfectly calm,’ she said, off the edge of her voice, ‘until you started your—rotten insinuations.’

      ‘Mea culpa.’ His tone was almost casual. ‘Consider yourself absolved—of that particular crime anyway. And don’t throw any more coffee about,’ he added, as her head lifted in shock and she glared at him.

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